Wk4: Direct Care Project

Wk4: Direct Care Project

Wk4: Direct Care Project

Part 2: Planning the Presentation


The purpose of this direct care project is for learners to apply the nursing process to a community health problem determined by their observations and data collected of vulnerable populations in their community. This is Part 2 of 4 in the Direct Care Project.


Direct Care Project Overview

  1. There are four parts to the Direct Care Project.
  2. There will be graded Project Check-ins that correlate to each part.
  3. The topic selected in Part 1 will be the same one used in Parts 2 through 4.
  4. Review the table below for overview and due dates with each topic.
  5. Carefully review the instructions, templates, tutorials, and rubrics for each part.
  6. Contact your instructor with questions.

OverviewPointsDue DateProjectsAir QualitySubstance UsePart 1: Assessment: Completed in Week 2Part 2: Planning: Check-In10Wednesday of Week 4Required, graded check-in on progress of assessing your communityPart 2: Planning the Presentation150Sunday end of Week 4Create a PowerPoint presentation on the use of the Air Quality Flag Program.Create a presentation on the use of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)Part 3: Implementing the PresentationRequiredSchedule presentation Saturday of Week 5 through Saturday Week 6Present to a local organization that serves the identified vulnerable population and could implement the Air Quality Flag Program; Includes participant(s) completing a Pre- and Post-surveyPresent to a group of healthcare professionals that serves the identified vulnerable population and could implement SBIRT; Includes participants completing a Pre- and Post-surveyPart 3: Implementation: Check-In10Wednesday of Week 5Required, graded check-in on progress of implementing your presentationPart 4: Evaluation: Check-In10Wednesday of Week 6Required, graded check-in on progress of evaluation of your presentation and projectPart 4: Evaluating the Project140Sunday end of Week 6Evaluate learning and reflect on project. Evaluate learning and reflect on project. Wk4: Direct Care Project

Course Outcomes

This direct care project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO2 Assess the health of populations, aggregates, and communities (PO4)
  • CO3 Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)
  • CO5 Utilize a collaborative approach to address factors that influence population health (PO2)
  • CO6 Examine collaborative trends in community health nursing (PO2)

Part 2 enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

  • CO3 Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)

Due Date for Part 2

Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 4

Points Possible for Part 2

150 Points

Late Assignment Policy

If the assignment is not submitted by due date, a late deduction will be applied. See rubric below.

Directions for Part 2

  1. For this part of the direct care project, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the topic and problem identified in Part 1. If you chose air quality as your topic, you will present on the Air Quality Flag Program. If you chose substance use, you will present the SBIRT intervention model.

If you have chosen substance use, you will present to at least 3 practicing RN’s. You can present all at one time or individually. If you chose air quality, you will present to at least one organization leader. See the Direct Care Project module for FAQs. Wk4: Direct Care Project

  1. Each topic has separate directions.

Download the Planning Your Presentation Directions for your corresponding topic.

Air Quality:

Substance Use:

  1. View the Direct Care Project Part 2 Tutorial  (Links to an external site.)
  2. Download the template below and create a PowerPoint presentation for your selected group.
  3. Create speaker notes for the PowerPoint presentation. These will assist you as you present and will be part of your assignment submission.
  4. Utilize your own words and paraphrasing for all presentation content.
  5. The presentation should be no fewer than 8 and no more than 15 slides.This does not include the introduction and reference slides.
  6. Submit presentation in PDF for instructor approval. See Submitting PowerPoint Notes Pages in PDF format (Links to an external site.)
  • You will present the PowerPoint to your audience, not the PDF, as you do not want the speaker notes to show to your audience members.
  1. Note: You may not present until your presentation has been approved by your instructor.
    • Review comments about your presentation from your instructor in Grades. Your instructor will indicate what (if any) revisions are needed in your presentation and if it is approved to present as-is or once revisions are made.

**You may be instructed to resubmit depending on the revisions needed.

  1. After your presentation is approved, see Week 5: Direct Care Project Part 3: Implementing Your Presentation. This is where you will find:
  • Attendance form
  • Pre-survey
  • Post-survey

***The surveys you will give your audience pre and post presentation are already developed. You will submit the attendance form with the Part 4 submission and utilize the survey data in the Part 4 assignment. ***

Templates and Links

Click on the links below to download and view the resources for your project.

PowerPoint Presentation Template (Links to an external site.)

Air Quality Flag Program (Links to an external site.) (website)

SBIRT (Links to an external site.) (website)

Best Practices

  • Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
  • Use bullet points instead of long sentences or paragraphs
  • Include graphics, photographs, colors, and themes.
  • Use the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is clearly addressed.

Scholarly Sources and Citations

  • Minimum of 3 references. See Presentation Instructions for references needed.
  • Cite all resources in APA format on the slide where content occurs. Cite in lower corner/footer as prompted on template.
  • Reference slide is in template. Hanging indent is not required.

**Academic Integrity**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment. Wk4: Direct Care Project

  • attachment


    Direct Care Project Part 2

    Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Planning the Presentation Instructions


    Directions: Create a PowerPoint presentation teaching about the use of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). See the assignment directions and tutorial for suggestions and best practices. Review the week’s readings prior to starting on your presentation, understand SBIRT, and its use related to the problem you identified in Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis assignment.


    1. Identify at least 3 practicing registered nurses who will volunteer for a session to learn about the SBIRT process that is used to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs.

    · You can present to all at the same time or individually. Set a date and time(s) for your presentation during Saturday of Week 5 and Saturday of Week 6 to allow ample time to complete the Week 6 Part 4 Evaluation assignment.

    2. Review local data related to the specific problem or addiction identified in the Community Health Assessment and Diagnosis assignment. Maintain privacy and only include data that is available to the public. Include citation(s) on the slide when resources are used. Include all resources used on reference slide.

    3. Download the PowerPoint Presentation Template PowerPoint. (Once your presentation is complete, follow the job aid located in the Canvas Week 4 module Part 2 directions on how to convert the PowerPoint to PDF format with speaker notes displayed).

    4. Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes (8-15 slides not including introduction or references) for fellow healthcare professionals that includes:

    · Community description

    · Basic demographic data (i.e. population, size, education, poverty levels, etc.)

    · Relevant epidemiological data from Community Assessment and Diagnosis assignment.


    · Problem description

    · Comprehensive overview of the substance and problem

    · Include any contributing factors specific to your community (i.e. target marketing, lack of employment opportunities, few treatment providers, lack of transportation, availability, etc.)

    · SBIRT description

    · Elements

    · Description of SBIRT abbreviation and process

    · Use

    · How SBIRT is used specific to identified problem

    · Example

    · How to use SBIRT with vulnerable population

    · Outcomes

    · How SBIRT impacts the problem?

    · Community Resource

    · Describe one community resource that may assist with the substance use concern. (For example, a local substance abuse clinic).

    · Include how to reach this resource

    · Phone, referral form, etc.

    · Assess 4 A’s: affordability, accessibility, acceptability, availability for each resource

    · Implications for practice

    · Provide a comprehensive overview of the impact to the selected nurses.

    · How does the data impact them? How could the implementation of SBIRT tool into their practice impact patient outcomes?

    · Use at least one scholarly reference as support

    · Conclusion

    · Summary and importance to improving population health outcomes

    · Q&A slide

    · Reference slide

    · Minimum of 3 references. Should include references for SBIRT overview, community data, and at least one scholarly source. Utilize more references as needed.

    5. See rubric, submission details, and best practices in Canvas.

  • attachment





    In order for faculty to easily view the speaker notes of a PowerPoint, you may be asked to submit the PowerPoint in PDF format. Here are the steps:


    For a Windows PC


    Step 1: Open your Powerpoint. Verify that the speaker notes are present below the slide. Click on File.



    Step 2: Under File, scroll down and click on Print. Find Printer.


    Step 3: Click on the drop down options under Printer. Select Print to PDF.



    Step 4: Under Settings, select Print All Slides and Notes Pages.



    Step 5: Click on Print.


    Step 6Name your new PDF document and Save it to a location on your computer.

    *Note: Some courses request a specific name.Please see assignment directions for naming of your document.



    Step 7: Return to the assignment page in Canvas to submit your PDF file.





    For a MAC PC


    Step 1: Open your Powerpoint. Verify that the speaker notes are present below the slide. Pull down File and scroll down to Print.



    Step 2: Under Layout, find and select Notes. Choose Orientation, portrait or landscape.



    Step 3: Open PDF (bottom left), select Save as PDF.



    Step 4: Name your new PDF document and Save it to a location on your computer.

    *Note: Some courses request a specific name. Please see assignment directions for naming of your document.


    Step 5: Return to the assignment page in Canvas to submit your PDF fil

  • attachment


    SBIRT OR AIR Quality Flag Program

    Your Name


    Chamberlain University

    College of Nursing

    **Please note, delete the wording in red and replace it with your own content before submitting.**

    You are encouraged to use this template and add pictures/graphics.

    Paraphrase/do not copy & paste content this includes data tables

    Create speaker notes. These will assist you as you present and will be part of your assignment submission.

    Once your presentation is complete, follow the job aid located in the Canvas Week 4 module Part 2 directions on how to convert the PowerPoint to PDF format with speaker notes displayed. Wk4: Direct Care Project


    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

    Community Description

    Community Description should include

    Relevant demographic data

    Relevant epidemiological data

    1-2 slides

    Use “new slide” to add additional slides


    Cite reference(s) used in the slide in lower corner

    Example: (County Health Rankings, 2018)

    (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018)

    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

    Write speaker notes here


    Problem Description

    Problem Description should include

    Problem overview (including impact on vulnerable population)

    Contributing factors

    1-2 slides


    Cite reference(s) used in the slide in lower corner

    Example: (County Health Rankings, 2018)

    (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018)

    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

    Write speaker notes here


    SBIRT or Air Quality Flag Program Description

    Description should include

    Elements of the topic

    How to use

    Example of how it could be used


    2-3 slides


    Cite reference(s) used in the slide in lower corner

    Example: (SAMHSA, 2019)

    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

    Write speaker notes here



    Community Resource

    Community Resource should include

    Describes one community resource that can assist with the identified problem.

    Assesses the 4 A’s (Affordability, Acceptability, Accessibility, Availability)

    2-3 slides





    Cite reference(s) used in the slide in lower corner

    Example: (AA, 2020)

    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

    Write speaker notes here




    Implications should include

    Provides comprehensive overview

    Explains how the implementation could impact outcomes

    1-2 slides


    Cite reference(s) used in the slide in lower corner

    Example: (Scholarly reference, year)

    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

    Write speaker notes here




    Conclusion should include brief overview of:

    Community demographic and epidemiological data


    Program description



    Importance to improving population health outcomes

    2-3 slides


    Cite reference(s) used in the slide in lower corner

    Example: (County Health Rankings, 2018)

    (Nies & McEwen, 2019)

    (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018)

    (SAMHSA, 2019)

    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

    Write speaker notes here





    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.



    Provide all references for all sources utilized in APA format, though a hanging indent is not needed.



    Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7th ed.). Saunders.

    CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.