Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

Visit South’s online library and review these two articles.

  • Connelly, L. M. (2014). Use of theoretical frameworks in research. MEDSURG Nursing, 23(3), 187-188.
  • Green, H. E. (2014). Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher, 21(6), 34-38.


Next, review the evidence you are collecting for your proposed study. Which theories have others cited? Are you seeing a common theme? Next construct a conceptual map (see p. 138 in your textbook). Use Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint and include this as an attachment. Be sure you have defined the concepts and included relational statements.

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    July 2014 | Volume 21 | Number 6 © RCN PUBLISHING / NURSE RESEARCHER34

    Nurse Researcher

    Introduction THIS PAPER aims to help the researcher to understand the nature of theoretical and conceptual frameworks and how they can be used to help give direction to a study, or be identified as an outcome. The use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks is part of research, but is relatively obscure among the myriad of literature available. In published research reports, there is often no explanation as to what theoretical and conceptual frameworks are, and they are mentioned in many popular research textbooks at best minimally and often as terms in a glossary. There appears to be no manual about how theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks should be used. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    This paper examines what the literature says in relation to theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks and considers how researchers seem to be using them. It also shows how a conceptual framework was used in case study research to determine the professional jurisdictions of doctors and nurses in the supply and prescription of medicines, and ultimately to the development of a conceptual model.

    Definitions of frameworks Fain (2004) defined theory as ‘an organised and systematic set of interrelated statements (concepts) that specify the nature of relationships between

    Correspondence Helen Elise Green h.e.green@leeds.ac.uk

    Helen Elise Green PhD is director of student education at the University of Leeds, UK

    Peer review This article has been subject to double-blind review and has been checked using antiplagiarism software

    Author guidelines rcnpublishing.com/ r/nr-author-guidelines

    Abstract Aim To debate the definition and use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research.

    Background There is a paucity of literature to help the novice researcher to understand what theoretical and conceptual frameworks are and how they should be used. This paper acknowledges the interchangeable usage of these terms and researchers’ confusion about the differences between the two. It discusses how researchers have used theoretical and conceptual frameworks and the notion of conceptual models. Detail is given about how one researcher incorporated a conceptual framework throughout a research project, the purpose for doing so and how this led to a resultant conceptual model. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    Review methods Concepts from Abbott (1988) and Witz (1992) were used to provide a framework for research involving two case study sites. The framework was used to determine research questions and give direction to interviews and discussions to focus the research.

    Discussion Some research methods do not overtly use a theoretical framework or conceptual framework in their design, but this is implicit and underpins the method design, for example in grounded theory. Other qualitative methods use one or the other to frame the design of a research project or to explain the outcomes. An example is given of how a conceptual framework was used throughout a research project.

    Conclusion Theoretical and conceptual frameworks are terms that are regularly used in research but rarely explained. Textbooks should discuss what they are and how they can be used, so novice researchers understand how they can help with research design.

    Implications for practice/research Theoretical and conceptual frameworks need to be more clearly understood by researchers and correct terminology used to ensure clarity for novice researchers.

    Keywords Theoretical framework, conceptual framework, case study, conceptual model, qualitative research, research design, case study research.

    Date of submission: May 22 2013. Date of acceptance: August 28 2013.

    Cite this article as: Green H (2014) Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher. 21, 6, 34-38.

    Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research



    © RCN PUBLISHING / NURSE RESEARCHER July 2014 | Volume 21 | Number 6 35


    two or more variables, with the purpose of understanding a problem or the nature of things’ and concepts as ‘symbolic statements describing a phenomenon or a class of phenomena’.

    It is a matter of interpretation as to when concepts become organised and interrelated enough to be deemed theories, which might explain why the two terms are used interchangeably when referring to frameworks. However, Parahoo (2006) suggested that ‘theoretical framework’ should be used when research is underpinned by one theory and that a ‘conceptual framework’ draws on concepts from various theories and findings to guide research. This is a slightly different interpretation to that of Fain (2004) because, instead of suggesting that the concepts have been built into a theory, it suggests that parts of multiple theories have been taken.

    Whether these distinctions matter is questionable. Parahoo (2006) implied that it is fruitless to consider whether a researcher has used the correct terminology and it is far more important to consider how theory has been used to underpin the study.

    Authors use the terms ‘conceptual framework’ and ‘theoretical framework’ interchangeably (Fain 2004, Parahoo 2006). Some authors only refer to one. For example, Lacey (2010) referred to conceptual frameworks, suggesting that they identify researchers’ ‘world views’ of their research topics and so delineate their assumptions and pre- conceptions about the areas being studied. Fain (2004) suggested that where a framework is based on concepts, the framework should be called a conceptual framework, and where it is based on theories it should be called a theoretical framework.

    Given that there is confusion between theoretical and conceptual frameworks, it could be argued that they are of questionable value. However, frameworks have been described as the map for a study, giving a rationale for the development of research questions or hypotheses (Fulton and Krainovich-Miller 2010). LoBiondo-Wood (2010) similarly said that the framework is the design and added that the research question, purpose, literature review and theoretical framework should all complement each other and help with the operationalisation of the design.

    It can be seen that the authors are saying that the framework should be there to assist researchers in ensuring that their research projects are coherent and to focus their minds on what the research is trying to achieve. Rathert et al (2012) illustrate this confusion. In the title, the authors suggest they have tested a theoretical framework but then discuss a conceptual model. However, they use

    the term ‘conceptual framework’ as a title for its diagrammatic representation. There is no discussion of what these terms mean.

    Robson (2002) suggested that a conceptual framework is often developed as a diagram, whereas Parahoo (2006) refers to this as a conceptual model, although again believes that researchers should not get hung up on terminology.

    It could be concluded that a diagrammatic representation of a theoretical framework might therefore be termed a theoretical model. It is, however, less likely that one would diagrammatically represent a single theory rather than concepts, which either are being used to build up to a theory or are taken from different theories.

    While the confusion around the use of conceptual and theoretical frameworks and models may be understandable, a similar laissez-faire approach to accuracy would not be considered acceptable for other parts of research design. More discussion in textbooks and journal articles about how to use frameworks might allay some of the confusion.

    Using a framework Some research approaches appear not to use a conceptual or theoretical framework in their design. ‘Grounded theory’, for example, is an inductive method in which theory generation comes from the data. It was an approach that went against the accepted wisdom of the 1960s that a study should have a definite theory before it begins (Robson 2002). It is an example of a methodological approach that is based on a specific epistemology or philosophy of knowledge (Avis 2003). Corbin and Strauss (2008) discussed the epistemology of grounded theory in some detail. However, as this methodology has developed, the epistemology has also developed (Hall et al 2013). Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    The development of theoretical or conceptual frameworks can be undertaken as an outcome of the research but it is unlikely that one will be stated as part of the design. However, projects using these methods do have a theoretical framework: that of the philosophy or epistemology on which the research approach is based. For example, Curtis et al (2012) discussed how grounded theory methodology is based on the epistemology of symbolic interactionism and so they did not identify a theoretical or conceptual model in the design of their research. In their findings, they discussed the concept that emerged from their research of the dissonance for students of professional ideals and the reality of practice. They then showed this diagrammatically in a conceptual model.



    July 2014 | Volume 21 | Number 6 © RCN PUBLISHING / NURSE RESEARCHER36

    Nurse Researcher

    There appear to be two main ways in which researchers who use other qualitative methods use theoretical and conceptual frameworks.

    The first is in the design of the study where, if it is explicit, the framework can often be found as a section in the literature review (Fulton and Krainovich-Miller 2010). However, many authors (Polit and Tatano Beck 2004, Parahoo 2006, Fulton and Krainovich-Miller 2010) have found that researchers often do not make the theoretical or conceptual frameworks of studies explicit in relation to how these guided their studies. This does not mean that they did not have such frameworks, simply that they may be embedded in the literature review (Fulton and Krainovich-Miller 2010). Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    Somekh and Lewin (2005) suggested that most social science research starts with a theoretical framework, goes on to analyse the data, before developing new theories or variations of existing theories as outcomes.

    Robson (2002) suggested that most new researchers find it useful to develop a conceptual model – the diagrammatic form of a conceptual framework – and refine it as data collection and analysis takes place. LoBiondo-Wood (2010) felt that the fit between the theoretical framework and the other steps of the research after the design strengthens the study and gives the researcher confidence in the evidence provided by the findings.

    Even where theoretical or conceptual frameworks are mentioned in the title of an article, it is unusual for there to be a discussion of what these are in the article itself. However, Goddard et al (2013) used a theoretical framework in the design of their randomised controlled trial and Smith et al (2012) identified a theoretical framework before researching the knowledge base of screening tools.

    The second way in which researchers use theoretical and conceptual frameworks is in developing a framework. Parahoo (2006) argued that generating theory is the purpose of most qualitative research. Polit and Tatano Beck (2004) suggested that the role of conceptual and theoretical frameworks is to make the research findings meaningful and generalisable. They suggested that the linking together of findings into a coherent structure can make them more accessible and so more useful to others.

    Fletcher et al (2012) used grounded theory in relation to the organisational factors that cause sports performers stress. They then used their findings to develop a conceptual framework. Again, although ‘conceptual framework’ is in the title of their article, there is no explanation of what such a framework is.

    Fulton and Krainovich-Miller (2010) acknowledged that many researchers do not bother to use a theoretical framework and the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) does not make any mention of trying to identify a theoretical or conceptual framework in a research article (CASP 2010). This suggests that it does not see the presence of one as crucial to the generation of good qualitative research.

    Nevertheless, it is not unusual for those undertaking research as part of a programme of learning to be asked to include such a framework in their projects, usually at the proposal stage. Because so little is written about frameworks, this can confuse students trying to understand what is being asked of them. Books written to support students in achieving a PhD may not provide much help, as some do not mention the use of theory in study design (Phillips and Pugh 2005).

    At this point in time, finding a theoretical or conceptual framework can be seen as another hurdle to overcome, rather than something to assist researchers in keeping their projects focused and on track.

    Use of a framework in a PhD project A PhD study by Green (2008) used a case study approach to consider the professional jurisdictions of nursing and medicine in relation to the supply and prescription of medicines by nurses in the acute hospital setting. The study was undertaken over a period of time when the supply and prescription of medicines by nurses was relatively new but the regulations set by the Department of Health (DH) were being relaxed (DH 2005).

    The study aimed to examine the attitudes of doctors and nurses in relation to their professional boundaries in the light of the legalising of prescribing for nurses. At this time, there was some research evaluation of prescribing but this tended to focus on the prescribing rather than what professionals thought about the notion. Where professional attitudes of doctors or nurses were mentioned, it was as a secondary outcome, rather than the main focus (Latter et al 2004, Bradley and Nolan 2007, Courtenay 2007). Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    It terms of a framework to guide the study and aid the way it was organised, the body of work that has been undertaken in relation to the Sociology of Professions appeared relevant to the project. The theories of two sociologists were used (Abbott 1988, Witz 1992). The focus of the research was new work for the profession of nursing and in an area that had been a monopoly for doctors previously.



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    Abbott (1998) and Witz (1992) had both looked at the movement of work from one profession to another. However, concepts from their theories were used, rather than the full theories. The research was based on the following concepts (Abbott 1988):

    ■ Professional jurisdictions: the boundaries of work ‘owned’ by a profession.

    ■ Authority: the type of authority that a profession has to undertake its work.

    And from Witz (1992): ■ Exclusion: attempts to ensure that members of a profession are prevented from undertaking specific aspects of work.

    ■ Usurpation: attempts to include specific aspects of work normally carried out by another profession.

    These concepts were used to frame the research questions and were also used to develop a model to try to explain the past and present situation in relation to doctors, nurses and prescribing.

    The research data were then collected through observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis at two case study sites. Categories and sub-categories were identified from the data and described as part of the study. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    The discussion could have centred on the categories identified. However, it was at this point the data were brought back to what the categories had to say about the above concepts and how the research questions centred on these concepts were

    answered. There were new conceptual models developed from the data that represented variation between the two sites in terms of the concepts identified at the beginning of the research.

    An example of a conceptual model can be seen in Figure 1. As this shows, the weight of intervention by the management of the organisation to support nurse prescribing seemed to have an effect on its introduction to the organisation but the main concepts are visible in the model.

    A conceptual framework was present throughout the research project and report. It helped frame the research’s questions, design and outcomes. The same data may have been collected if a different theoretical or conceptual framework had been used or if no framework had been there, but it is likely that it would have been represented differently. The use of a framework helped the researcher to order her thoughts and organise the way the data would be represented.

    The use of a conceptual framework had started as an academic exercise to fulfil the demands of an academic supervisor and the expectations of a PhD project. It is probably only now, looking back at the project, that the extent to which the conceptual framework pervaded it is apparent. The existence of the conceptual framework was helpful in ensuring the research was given order and achieved completion in a way that could clearly be communicated to its readers. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    Figure 1 Workplace authority for the supply and prescription of medications by nurses

    Supportive doctors

    The state Supply and prescription: intellectual jurisdiction




    Non-supportive doctors

    Nurses Supportive


    The state Supply and prescription: intellectual jurisdiction




    Non-supportive doctors




    July 2014 | Volume 21 | Number 6 © RCN PUBLISHING / NURSE RESEARCHER38

    Nurse Researcher

    Conflict of interest None declared

    Online archive For related information, visit our online archive and search using the keywords

    Conclusion As with many topics, in research there is a language to be learned by those who are going to become expert researchers. Much of this is explicit and can be read about in research texts and published papers. Although researchers can read extensively about research methodologies and data collection methods, this is not the case for theoretical and conceptual frameworks. This may be because, to seasoned researchers, it is so ingrained that it is unworthy of comment, or perhaps it is because these concepts are not overtly discussed and many researchers are confused about the correct terminology. Certainly, it might be expected that where a term – such as conceptual or theoretical framework – was included in a title of a published research paper there would be an explanation of it somewhere in the paper. However, this rarely occurs. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    If the apparent mysticism of theoretical and conceptual frameworks is to be debunked,

    then they need to be included as significant sections in publications. The focus of the frameworks as an aid to researchers to help ensure that they have framed their research coherently throughout their design should be ensured. For those who find diagrammatic representation helpful, the use of models as a way of illustrating the framework for others should be encouraged.

    It would be good to see the nuances of differences between concepts and theories discussed more regularly so all researchers understand their meaning or why variation in meaning is acceptable when using different approaches. This occurs with other parts of research and if we are to assist future researchers, it needs to happen with theoretical and conceptual models and frameworks. Novice researchers need to know that frameworks and models are there to help them and are not just another hurdle to be overcome to in the battle to achieve accreditation as a researcher. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    References Abbott A (1988) The System Of Professions: An Essay On the Division Of Expert Labour. Chicago University Press, Chicago IL.

    Avis M (2003) Do we need methodological theory to do qualitative research? Qualitative Health Research. 13, 7, 995-1004.

    Bradley E, Nolan P (2007) Impact of nurse prescribing: a qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 59, 2, 120-128.

    Corbin J, Strauss A (2008) Basics Of Qualitative Research. Third edition. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks CA.

    Courtenay M (2007) Nurse prescribing: the benefits and the pitfalls. Journal of Community Nursing. 21, 11, 502-506.

    Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (2010) 10 Questions to Help You Make Sense of Qualitative Research. CASP, Oxford.

    Curtis K, Horton K, Smith P (2012) Student nurse socialisation in compassionate practice. Nurse Education Today. 32, 7, 790-795.

    Department of Health (DH) (2005) Nursing and Pharmacist Prescribing Powers Extended. DH, London

    Fain JA (2004) Reading Understanding and Applying Nursing Research. Second edition. FA Davis, Philadelphia PA.

    Fletcher D, Hanton S, Mellalieu SD et al (2012) A conceptual framework of organizational stressors in sports performers. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 22, 4, 545-557.

    Fulton S, Krainovich-Miller B (2010) Gathering and appraising the literature. In LoBiondo-Wood G, Haber J (Eds) Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Seventh edition. Mosby Elsevier, St Louis MO.

    Goddard E, Raenker S, Macdonald P et al (2013) Carers’ assessment, skills and information sharing: theoretical framework and trial protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a complex intervention for carers of inpatients with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review. 21, 1, 60-71.

    Green H (2008) The Professional Jurisdictions of Nursing and Medicine In Relation to the Supply and Prescription of Medicines by Nurses In the

    Acute Hospital Setting. Unpublished PhD thesis. Staffordshire University, Staffordshire.

    Hall H, Griffiths D, McKenna L (2013) From Darwin to constructivism: the evolution of grounded theory. Nurse Researcher. 20, 3, 17-21.

    Lacey A (2010) The research process. In Gerrish K, Lacey A (Eds) The Research Process In Nursing. Sixth edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.

    Latter S, Maben J, Myall M et al (2004) An Evaluation of Extended Formulary Independent Nurse Prescribing. University of Southampton, Southampton.

    LoBiondo-Wood G (2010) Understanding research findings. In LoBiondo-Wood G, Haber J (Eds) Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Seventh edition. Mosby Elsevier, St Louis MO.

    Parahoo K (2006) Nursing Research: Principles, Process and Issues. Second edition. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

    Phillips E, Pugh D (2005) How to Get a PhD. Fourth edition. Open University Press, Maidenhead.

    Polit DF, Tatano Beck C (2004) Nursing Research: Principles and Methods. Seventh edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia PA.

    Rathert C, Williams ES, Lawrence ER et al (2012) Emotional exhaustion and workarounds in acute care, cross sectional tests of a theoretical framework. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 49, 8, 969-977.

    Robson (2002) Real World Research. Second edition. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

    Smith SK, Barratt A, Trevena L et al (2012) A theoretical framework for measuring knowledge in screening decision aid trials. Patient Education and Counseling. 89, 2, 330-336.

    Somekh B, Lewin C (2005) Glossary. In Somekh B, Lewin C (Eds) Research Methods In the Social Sciences. Sage Publications, London.

    Witz A (1992) Professions and Patriarchy. Routledge, London.



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    Introduction of Terms

    The first step in understanding theories and frameworks is to become familiar with theoretical terms and their application. These terms are concept, relational statement, conceptual model, theory, middle-range theory, and study framework.


    concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a distinct identity or meaning. As a label for a phenomenon or a composite of behavior or thoughts, a concept is a concise way to represent an experience or state (Meleis, 2012). Concepts are the basic building blocks of theory (Figure 8-1). An example of a concept is the term “anxiety.” The concept brings to mind a feeling of uneasiness in the stomach, a rapid pulse rate, and troubling thoughts about future negative outcomes. Another example of a concept is patient, which denotes a person receiving healthcare services. Think about all the different ways that people receive health care. In many of these settings, the recipients are called patients. The concept of patient encompasses millions of people from widely divergent nationalities, health conditions, and living situations, all of whom share the common characteristic of receiving care. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper



    FIGURE 8-1 Concepts, relational statements, and theories.

    Concepts can vary in their levels of abstraction. At high levels of abstraction, concepts that naturally cluster together are called constructs. For example, a construct associated with the concept of anxiety might be “emotional responses.” Within the same construct, hope, anger, fear, and optimism could be identified. Another construct is health care, which includes the concepts of treatment, prevention, health promotion, palliative care, and rehabilitation, to name a few.

    Relational Statements

    relational statement is the explanation of the connection between or among concepts (Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013Walker & Avant, 2011). Relational statements provide the structure of a framework (see the middle section of Figure 8-1). Clear relational statements are essential for constructing an integrated framework that guides the development of a study’s objectives, questions, and hypotheses. The types of relationships described determine the study design and indicate the types of statistical analyses that may be used to answer the research question. Mature theories, such as physiological theories, have measurable concepts and clear relational statements that can be tested through research.

    Conceptual Models

    conceptual model, one type of which is known as a grand theory, is a set of highly abstract, related constructs. A conceptual model broadly explains phenomena of interest, expresses assumptions, and reflects a philosophical stance. Nurse scholars have expended time and effort to debate the distinctions among definitions of theory, conceptual model, conceptual framework, and theoretical framework (Chinn & Kramer, 2015Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013Higgins & Moore, 2000; Meleis, 2012). For example, Watson’s theory of caring (1979) has been identified as a meta-theory (Higgins & Moore, 2000), a theory (Meleis, 2012), a philosophy (Alligood, 2010), and a conceptual model (Fitzpatrick & Whall, 2005). Most of nursing’s grand theories, such as Watson’s, are global and offer theoretical, almost philosophical, explanations of what nursing should be, and what the vital parts of nursing should entail. They are explanations of nursing as a whole. In this textbook, we use the terms “conceptual model” l and “conceptual framework” interchangeably. We have deliberately chosen not to contribute to the scholarly debate, but to provide the information needed to use concepts, relational statements, and theories. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper


    theory consists of a set of defined concepts and relational statements that provide a structured way to think about a phenomenon (see the portion of Figure 8-1 below the lowest dashed line). Theories are developed to describe, explain, or predict a phenomenon or outcome (Goodson, 2015). As discussed earlier, relational statements clarify the relationship that exists between or among concepts. It is the individual statement within a theory that is tested through research, not the entire theory. Thus, identifying and categorizing the statements (relationships among the concepts) within the theory are critical to the research endeavor: one or more of these relationships forms the basis of the study’s framework.

    Scientific theories are those for which repeated studies have validated relationships among the concepts (Goodson, 2015). These theories are sometimes called laws for this reason. Although few nursing and psychosocial theories have been validated to this extent, physiological theories have this level of validation through research and can provide a strong basis for nursing studies.

    Middle-Range Theories

    Middle-range theories present a partial view of nursing reality. Proposed by Merton (1968), a sociologist, middle-range theories are less abstract and address more specific phenomena than do the grand theories (Peterson, 2009). They apply directly to practice, with a focus on explanation of the specifics of condition, symptom, diagnosis, or process, and on implementation. They differ from grand theories because they are concerned with aspects of nursing, not its totality. Because of the narrower focus, middle-range theories can provide a framework to guide a research study.

    Middle-range theories may be developed from grand theories in nursing through substruction. For example, Pickett, Peters, and Jarosz (2014) identified Orem’s Theory of Self Care (2001) as a grand theory that was applicable to weight management. Pickett et al. (2014, p. 243) “deduced from the assumptions and concepts of the theory” to construct their middle-range theory of weight management. Middle-range theory may also be developed inductively from research findings, such as grounded theory studies. Others emanate from practice, or from existent theory in related fields. Whatever their source, middle-range theories are sometimes called substantive theories because they are more concrete than grand theories.

    Research Frameworks

    A research framework is the theoretical structure guiding a specific study. One way to describe the research framework is to present a map or diagram of its concepts and relational statements. Diagrams of research frameworks are conceptual maps (Fawcett, 1999Newman, 19791986). A conceptual map summarizes and integrates visually the theoretical structure of a study. A narrative explanation allows us to grasp the essence of a phenomenon in context. A research framework should be supported by references from the literature. The framework may have been derived from research findings or be an adaptation of a theory, so the literature is available to support the explanation. If the framework has emerged from clinical experiences, a search of the literature may reveal supporting studies or theories. Frameworks vary in complexity and accuracy, depending on the available body of knowledge related to the phenomena being described.

    Building on your initial knowledge of these theoretical terms, the next sections will revisit each one and provide additional description of analyzing concepts, statements, and theories.

    Understanding Concepts

    Concepts are often described as the building blocks of theory: useful, in an amorphous sort of way, but difficult to tack down because of their abstractness. To make a concept concrete, the researcher must identify how it can be measured. The concept’s operational definition is a statement of how it will be measured (see Chapters 3 and 6). A concept made measurable is referred to as a variable. The word variable implies that the values associated with the term can vary from one instance to another. A variable related to anxiety might be “palmar sweating,” which the researcher can measure by assigning a numerical value to the amount of sweat on the subject’s palm. In Chapter 3, substruction was described in relation to linking concepts and variables when designing a study. To review this principle and provide examples, Figure 8-2 shows examples of the links among constructs, concepts, and variables. On the left of the figure is the template of the construct-to-variable continuum. The other two sets of shapes are examples of a construct, concept, and variable. Notice that a concept may have multiple ways of being measured. For example, to measure anxiety, a researcher may assess palmar sweating, ask subjects to complete the State-Trait Anxiety Scale, or observe subjects and complete a checklist of behaviors such as pacing, wringing of hands, and verbalizing concerns. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    FIGURE 8-2 Substruction of constructs, concepts, and variables.

    Defining concepts allows us to be consistent in the way we use a term in practice, apply it to theory, and measure it in a study. A conceptual definition differs from the denotative (or dictionary) definition of a word. A conceptual definition (connotative meaning) is more comprehensive than a denotative definition because it includes associated meanings the word may have. For example, a connotative definition may associate the term fireplace with images of comfort and warmth, whereas the denotative definition would be a rock or brick structure in a house designed for burning wood. Conceptual definitions may be found in theories, but can also be established through concept synthesis, concept derivation, or concept analysis (Walker & Avant, 2011).

    Concept Synthesis

    In nursing, many phenomena have not yet been identified as discrete entities. Recognizing, naming, and describing these phenomena are critical steps to understanding the process and outcomes of nursing practice. In your clinical practice, you may notice a pattern of behavior or find a pattern or theme in empirical data and select a name to represent the pattern. The process of describing and naming a previously unrecognized concept is concept synthesis. Nursing studies often involve previously unrecognized and unnamed phenomena that must be named and carefully defined, so that study readers can understand their meanings and functions. Smith, Swallow, and Coyne (2015) conducted a concept synthesis of family-centered care and partnership-in-care. They reviewed 30 studies that used one or both of the concepts to find common elements. They integrated the shared elements into a framework of pediatric nurses’ involvement with families of children with long-term health conditions.

    Concept Derivation

    Concept derivation may occur when the researcher or theorist finds no concept in nursing to explain a phenomenon (Walker & Avant, 2011). Concepts identified or defined in theories of other disciplines can provide insight. In concept derivation, a concept is transposed from one of field of knowledge to another. If a conceptual definition is found in another discipline, it must be examined to evaluate its fit with the new field in which it will be used. The conceptual definition may need to be modified so that it is meaningful within nursing and consistent with nursing thought (Walker & Avant, 2011). For example, Manojlovich and Sidani (2008) identified four attributes of dose through concept analysis: purity, amount, frequency, and duration. Using these attributes, they examined the literature of medicine and behavioral therapy to derive a dose concept relevant to nurse staffing. Purity as a component of nurse dose was defined as concentration of nursing knowledge on a hospital unit. Amount was defined as the “total number of nurses available to provide care” (p. 315). The authors also provided definitions of frequency and duration in terms of nurse staffing and linked each aspect of nurse dose to patient outcomes. These attributes of nurse staffing could be helpful in developing an outcomes study. Concept derivation is a creative process that can be fostered by thinking deeply and having a willingness to learn about processes and theories in other disciplines. Wk4 Discussion Project Paper

    Concept Analysis

    Concept analysis is a strategy that identifies a set of characteristics essential to defining the connotative meaning of a concept. Several approaches to concept analysis have been described in the nursing and health care literature. Because the approaches have varying philosophical foundations and products, nurse theorists and researchers must select the concept analysis approach that best suits their purposes in a specific situation (Table 8-1). A frequently used approach to concept analysis is the process proposed by Walker and Avant (2011). The procedure guides the scholar to explore the various ways the term is used and to identify a set of characteristics that clarify the range of objects or ideas to which that concept may be applied (Walker & Avant, 2011). These essential characteristics, called defining attributes or criteria, provide a means to distinguish the concept from similar concepts and provide a foundation for determining whether an instrument has construct validity (see Chapters 10 and 16). Clinicians analyze concepts as a means to improve practice, such as Robson and Troutman-Jordan (2014) who analyzed the concept of cognitive reframing as a nursing intervention. Nurses can use cognitive reframing to help patients and their families change their perception of a diagnosis or situation to a more positive view. A more positive view may promote behavior change and well-being (Robson & Troutman-Jordan, 2014).

    TABLE 8-1

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