Assignment Practicum: Wk1 Journal Entry
Assignment Practicum: Wk1 Journal Entry
Analyzing an Ethical Decision
Read the attached Article entitled “Ethical Issues and Moral Distress in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing”
Write a 2-page paper in which you do the following:
Summarize the moral/ethical issue in the article (no more than 1 paragraph).
Describe the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the issue.
Analyze the ethical issue and compare them to the state of Texas health laws and regulations.
Outline the process of ethical decision making you would use to address this ethical dilemma.
Review Article 227 J Health Res vol.29 no.3 June 2015
Ratchaneekorn Kertchok*
Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
This review focuses on ethical issues in psychiatric and mental health nursing and moral distress that
occurs with psychiatric nurses. Literature published between 2000 and 2014 was identified using the
PubMed, CINAHL, ScienceDirect, and by hand search in the library before being analyzed under themes
related to ethical issues and moral distress in psychiatric and mental health nursing. A summary of the
existing literature related to challenges in psychiatric mental health nursing practiced; ethical issues in
psychiatric and mental health nursing; moral distress, its definition, associated situations and
consequences, and moral distress literature; and the findings need to be shared to increase awareness
of the moral distress experienced in psychiatric and mental health nursing. However, the related
literature does not address support strategies to help reduce moral stress. There is a growing need to
better understand moral distress in psychiatric mental health nursing in order to identify ways to
support encountered situations.
Keywords: Moral distress, Mental health, Nursing, Ethical issue
DOI: 10.14456/jhr.2015.10 Received: August 2014; Accepted: December 2014
Mental illness is a significant problem across
countries and worldwide. People with mental illness
need to be treated and rehabbed by mental health
professionals. It can be a challenge for these
practitioners when providing care for people with
mental illness. Mental illness is defined as
“A diagnosable mental disorder that affects
thinking, mood, behaviors, relationships
with others, and ability to function”, (p 503)
[1] .
Psychiatric nurses are a group of mental health
professionals who take actively important roles in
providing care for people with mental illness [2].
Psychiatric nurses uphold nursing regulations/
codes, ethics, and institutional rules that guide them
in providing care for clients. They also need to work
with multidisciplinary teams when caring for clients
to achieve optimal health and well-being [3].
* Correspondence to: Ratchaneekorn Kertchok
In the real world of psychiatric nursing practice, however, psychiatric nurses have to confront
complex situations when caring for patients with
severe mental illness at all stages (acute, sub-acute,
and rehabilitation phase). They also have to deal
with families who are suffering as they care for
their ill family members [1, 3, 4]. In addition, they
must often work under internal and external
constraints. Consequently, psychiatric nurses may
experience moral distress caused by caring for
people with mental illness and helping their
families. This article aims to share the descriptions
of psychiatric and mental health nursing practice and
moral distress.
Qualitative and quantitative studies and
relevant literature were identified using the PubMed,
CINAHL, ScienceDirect, and by hand search in the
library. Key words that were used to search the
literature are moral distress, ethical issue, moral
dilemma, ethical problems, moral difficulties, moral
stress and psychiatric nursing. The studies that
related to ethical problems and moral distress in
Cite this article as: Kertchok R. Ethical issues and moral distress in psychiatric and mental health nursing: a
literature review. J Health Res. 2015; 29(3): 227-34.
J Health Res vol.29 no.3 June 2015
Table 1 Number of studies for review
Category Studies in total Studies that met
1. Challenges in psychiatric and mental health nursing (Key
words: Psychiatric nursing, mental health nursing practice,
and challenge in mental health)
7,207 350
ITS 632 – Introduction to Data Mining
1. Short-answer questions (70 points, 10 points each)
a. Briefly describe why clustering is one kind of unsupervised learning
b. Briefly describe how a K-means clustering works
c. Briefly describe the main difference between K-means and K-medoid methods.
d. In data mining, one of the fields is outlier analysis. Explain what is an outlier? Are outliers noise data?
e. A good clustering method will produce high quality clusters. What criteria can we use to judge where clusters are high quality clusters?
f. List out at least two drawbacks of K-means clustering approach.
g. In hierarchical clustering, there are different ways to measure the distances between clusters, e.g. single linkage, complete linkage, and average linkage. Briefly describe the difference among these three d tance measures.
2. Given the following distance matrix of four data points 1, 2, 3, and 4:
( Requirement: Report all the partial trees and matrices for the intermediate steps.)
1 2 3 4 1 0 2 20 0 3 5 25 0 4 15 40 20 0 Perform hierarchical clustering using single-linkage, complete linkage, and average linkage similarity measures (30 points);