Foundation For Graduate Study
Foundation For Graduate Study
Credible sources and cite source within content of posting and on a reference list in proper APA.
Post a brief post introducing yourself to your colleagues. Include an explanation for how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN program outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Then, post a draft of Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template indicating at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams that you would like to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse along with an explanation for your selections. Foundation For Graduate Study
My name is so so so so and so, I have been a registered nurse for about 9 years, I had experience in medical / surgical for 5 years, nursing home for while and psychiatry nurse for 2 years. I went to nursing school to become associate in nursing and then become bachelor’s in nursing after few years later. I am motivated by moving up in my career because being an MSN degree holder give me opportunity to request convenient shifts and may take more time off than other nurses which make me enjoy flexibility at work. MSN programs teach the advanced clinical skills and management strategies that can help you supervise employees. Master’s degree holders can go on to lead nursing teams and run departments. MSN programs boast specialized tracks that prepare students for a line of work. Foundation For Graduate Study
Then, post a draft of Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template indicating at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams that you would like to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse along with an explanation for your selections.
Two Academic success are; Writing center and attending webinars.
Two Professional Development plan are; join American Psychiatric nurses association and engage in Professional networking.
Name: NURS_6002_Week_1_Discussion_Rubric
Walden University and school of nursing vision, mission, goals and outcomes.
Review the Walden and the School of Nursing (SON) mission and vision statements, Walden’s goals and University Outcomes, and the MSN Program Learning Outcomes presented in this week’s Learning Resources.
Reflect on your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.
Consider how the information in these resources fit with your own goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner.
Also consider academic and professional individuals and teams that you may collaborate with in support of your efforts as a student at the University and as a professional within your organization and career.
Walden University vision statements are; Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good.
Walden Mission are ; Walden University provides a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they can effect positive social change.
Walden’s goals ; To provide multicontextual educational opportunities for career learners.
To provide innovative, learner-centered educational programs that recognize and incorporate the knowledge, skills, and abilities students bring into their academic programs.
To provide its programs through diverse process-learning approaches, all resulting in outcomes of quality and integrity.
To provide an inquiry/action model of education that fosters research, discovery, and critical thinking and that results in professional excellence.
To produce graduates who are scholarly, reflective practitioners and agents of positive social change.
Walden University Outcomes ; The most important outcome of all teaching and learning at Walden University is to produce graduates with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to
Understand and continuously develop and change themselves, the organizations in which they work, and society at large.
Create new knowledge dedicated to the improvement of social conditions, and to positively impact society by putting that knowledge into practice, by modeling their learning through action, and by being civically engaged. Foundation For Graduate Study
Continue learning across their lifetimes, as practitioners, researchers, and scholars, and to continue to impact social change.
Achieve professional excellence as active and influential professionals by applying their learning to specific problems and challenges in their work settings and professional practice.
Be information literate, including knowing the literature of their professional fields and reading it critically.
Understand the design and methods of inquiry in their professional fields.
Practice in their professional fields legally and ethically.
Communicate effectively, particularly to communicate their learning and research to others.
Appreciate, respect, and advocate for diversity and multiculturalism within their professional fields.
Function flexibly and effectively in a variety of educational environments, including online and distributed environments.
School of Nursing (SON) mission and vision statements;
The mission of the School of Nursing is to prepare highly qualified nursing professionals leaders in service, education and research to work in an interdisciplinary manner within a changing and culturally diverse society .
State-of-the-art institution with local, national and international prestige in the training of nursing professionals of excellence capable of transforming the nursing profession, the provision of services and public health policy. Foundation For Graduate Study
Respect for Human Dignity
The main goals of the School of Nursing are:
Prepare nurse generalists at the baccalaureate level with the knowledge, ethical decision making, critical thinking, technical and technological skills and attitudes necessary to practice as professional nurses, and to assume a leadership role when offering direct competent care that is evidence-based, collaborative, interdisciplinary and culturally congruent with individuals, groups and populations in a variety of settings, including primary, secondary, and tertiary health care levels.
Prepare master’s level nurses with knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice and research for the improvement of health care and the advancement of education, administration, and practice that may assume leadership roles as teachers in nursing education programs, administrators of nursing services, specialists, and nurse anesthetists.
Prepare nurse scientists at a doctorate level to conduct research in nursing and contribute to the advancement of nursing science and improvement of practice.
Provide continuing education activities to enhance knowledge and lifelong learning among professional nurses and other health professionals. Foundation For Graduate Study
Contribute to the development of nursing professionals for the improvement of health care at the national and international levels.
Expected Program Outcomes
The levels of achievement which encompass student achievement, faculty achievement and other program selected indicators of achievement. These are classified as :
Learning Outcomes
Faculty Outcomes
Other outcomes
Expected Learning Outcome.