Sensation and Perception Worksheet

Sensation and Perception Worksheet

Sensation and Perception Worksheet

Due: Week Four
Points: 50


For this assignment you will review the “Thinking Critically About Advertising and Subconscious Messages” box on page 84 of Chapter 3 – Sensation and Perception, complete the activity as indicated, then address the following questions:

a) Briefly describe the path of information from the targeted sensory organ (i.e. eye, ear, skin, etc.) to the brain.  Include a synthesis of terms/information from both Chapter 2 – Biological Basis of Behavior and Chapter 3 -Sensation and Perception in your description.

b) What cues were used to create subconscious or conscious associations?

c) What is the underlying message you perceived from the sensory information presented?

d) What personal factors (from pages 113-114) might be influencing your perceptions toward this category of advertisements?

Use the  Sensation & Perception Worksheet  as a template to submit your completed assignment.

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    PSY111 Sensation & Perception Worksheet Rubric – 50 Points

    Student Name_______________________

      Excellent/Exceeds Expectations Good/Meets Most Expectations Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations  
    Points Possible 15 14-12 11-1 POINTS EARNED =
    (15 points)

    a)  Briefly describe the path of information from the targeted sensory organ (i.e. eye, ear, skin, etc.) to the brain. Include terms/ information from Ch 2 and Ch 3.

    Complete discussion of how sensory information travels from selected, relevant sensory organ to the brain. Includes synthesis of terms from both Ch.2 and Ch. 3 in description. Fully supports description. Discusses how sensory information travels from selected, relevant sensory organ to the brain. Includes some synthesis of terms from both Ch.2 and Ch. 3 in description. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. Partial description of how sensory information travels from selected, relevant sensory organ to the brain. Insufficient synthesis of terms from both Ch.2 and Ch. 3 in description. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. Feedback Comments:


    Points Possible 10 9-7 6-1 POINTS EARNED =
    (10 points)


    b) What cues were used to create subconscious or conscious associations?


    Complete discussion of the cues used to create subconscious or subconscious associations. Proper application of terms. Fully supports description. Discusses the cues used to create subconscious or subconscious associations. Proper application of terms with minimal errors. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. Partial discussion of the cues used to create subconscious or subconscious associations. Proper application of terms Needs significant detail or support to be complete. Feedback Comments:
    Points Possible 10 9-7 6-1 POINTS EARNED =
    (10 points)


    c) What is the underlying message perceived from the sensory information presented?


    Describes the underlying message perceived from the sensory information presented, and fully explains/supports how they came to this conclusion. Describes the underlying message perceived from the sensory information presented, and has some explanation/support for how they came to this conclusion. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. Partial discussion of the underlying message perceived from the sensory information presented. Needs more explanation/support for how they came to this conclusion, or needed significant detail to be complete. Feedback Comments:
    Points Possible 10 9-7 6-1 POINTS EARNED =
    (10 points)


    d) What personal factors (from pages 113-114) might be influencing your perceptions toward this category of advertisements?

    Complete discussion of how personal factors might influence perceptions toward advertisements. Fully supports description and provides examples as needed. Discusses how personal factors might influence perceptions toward advertisements. Has some support and/or examples. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. Partial description personal factors might influence perceptions toward advertisements. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. Feedback Comments:
      Excellent/Exceeds Expectations Good/Meets Most Expectations Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations  
    Points Possible 5 4 1-3 POINTS EARNED =
    Writing Mechanics (5 points) sentence structure, run-ons, fragments, agreement, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc. Demonstrates knowledge and use of writing mechanics, enhances the readability Demonstrates knowledge and use of writing mechanics but with errors that may detract from the readability Difficulties with readability due to inappropriate use of writing mechanics Feedback Comments:
      For each requirement not completed, points(s) will be deducted as explained below. POINTS DEDUCTED:
    Requirements for basic APA document formatting and citations

    (Maximum Deduction 10 Points)

    Your assignment requires the following:

    – Name at top of document (-1 point)

    – Times/Times New Roman font, if submitted electronically (-1 point)

    – 12 point font, if submitted electronically (-1 point)

    – Double spaced, if submitted electronically (-1 point)

    – Informal citations for the textbook within the worksheet (-2 points)

    – Informal reference for textbook (-2 points)

    – Quotation marks when directly quoting a source (-2 points)

    Feedback Comments:
    Additional Feedback Comments:
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    Student Name:


    Review the “Thinking Critically About Advertising and Subconscious Messages” box on page 84 of Chapter 3 – Sensation and Perception. Complete the activity as indicated and address the following questions.

    a)  Briefly describe the path of information from the targeted sensory organ (i.e. eye, ear, skin, etc.) to the brain. Include a synthesis of terms/information from both Chapter 2 – Biological Basis of Behavior and Chapter 3 – Sensation and Perception in your description.  

    b) What cues were used to create subconscious or conscious associations? 

    c) What is the underlying message you perceived from the sensory information presented? 

    d) What personal factors (from pages 113-114) might be influencing your perceptions toward this category of advertisements?

    List Sources Used to Complete Assignment