Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 12 slides that could be given in a professional context. The presentation will analyze a simulated case study and demonstrate the use of professional guidelines and tools to work out a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma related to a cultural conflict as well as analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
Ethics and multiculturalism are intimately related. Whatever your specialization or career goals, in order to behavior ethically, one must be multiculturally sensitive and maintain multicultural competence as part of lifelong learning.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Apply ethical principles and standards to ethical dilemmas.
- Ethical Concerns: Apply ethical standards to ethical concerns pertaining to the case scenario.
- Competency 2: Employ models of ethical reasoning and ethical decision making.
- Ethical Theories: Analyze ethical theories and justify application of one theory in an attempt to resolve the ethical dilemma in the case scenario.
- Ethical Decision Making: Apply steps in an ethical decision-making model to an ethical dilemma in the case scenario.
- Solution: Design a viable solution for an ethical problem.
- Competency 3: Evaluate multicultural influences on ethics for psychologists.
- Case Overview: Create a scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma.
- Best Practices: Analyze how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help a cultural conflict.
- Competency 4: Analyze multicultural issues in psychology and the importance of multicultural competency in the profession.
- Cultural Difference: Analyze how cultural differences could contribute to a conflict.
- Biases: Describe one’s past or present biases toward others of different cultures.
- Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
- Communication: Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization, following APA style standards.
- Create a case involving an ethical dilemma and cultural conflict(s) that could occur in your psychology specialization. It is recommended that you base the case study for this assessment on the one you developed in Assessment 2, with revisions in response to the feedback you received from faculty. However, you may create an entirely new case study that meets the criteria for this assessment. Again, while your case will be fictional, it must be entirely believable and realistic based on your psychology specialization.
- Download and use the Combined Case Study Template, linked in Required Resources. Do not submit a paper for this assessment. Papers will not be graded. You will complete this assessment by replacing all language that is enclosed with brackets […] in the PowerPoint with your own words. As in the previous assessments, you may enhance the design of the presentation to make it more effective. Again, links to tips for using PowerPoint and designing effective presentations are provided in Suggested Resources. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
The Presentation
- Title slide: On the first slide of the PowerPoint:
- Enter a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words that concisely communicates the heart of the case study. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.
- Enter your name, and a job title and organization that would fit with your case study.
- Case Study Overview slides: Provide the briefest possible narrative description of the professional conflict in the case. Additional supporting details and references can be added on the notes section of the slide. The overview should include:
- The professional setting of the case, based on your psychology specialization.
- The relationship that exists between you and the other individual(s), agency/business, or institution involved. Some possible examples may be:
- Professor—Student.
- Therapist—Patient.
- Colleague—Colleague.
- Consultant—Business.
- Clinical Supervisor—Student intern.
- Administrative Supervisor—Employee.
- A very brief summation of an ethical dilemma involving cultural conflicts.
- Cultural Differences slides: On the table provided, list side by side the main cultural identities from the Hays model, relevant to the conflict in the case, of yourself and another individual, agency/business, or institution in the case.
- If more than one individual, agency/business, or institution is involved in the case, make a copy of this slide for each one, to compare yourself to all others involved.
- In the notes section:
- Identify common concerns with each cultural identity. Be careful to avoid using stereotypes.
- Analyze how cultural differences contributed to the conflict in this case.
- Relevant Biases: Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.
- Note: This slide may be reused from Assessment 2, but if you received suggestions for improving it, be sure to revise it.
- Ethical Concerns slides: Bullet point the three or more ethical concerns in the case and apply one or more ethical standard to each concern. Additional supporting details and references can be added in the notes section.
- Comparison of Ethical Theories slides: In the first row of the table provided, enter the names of two ethical theories that you think would be the most appropriate for the situations in the case. In the following rows, enter comparisons of relevant features of the two theories. In the notes section, evaluate which theory provides a more functional framework for your case and explain why. (Note that ethical theories and ethical decision-making models are two different things. Please make sure that you are applying, comparing, and contrasting two ethical theories).
- Ethical Decision-Making Model slides:
- Identify each step in the model. Under each step of the model, apply it to your case.
- Incorporate multicultural issues presented in the case study within the selected ethical decision-making model.
- Add copies of this slide as needed, and combine steps on the slides as necessary or appropriate. In the notes section, write out supporting narrative details for your bullet points. (Note that ethical theories and ethical decision-making models are two different things. Please make sure that are applying the steps of the ethical decision-making model to your case).
- Best Practices When Working With [Cultural Identity] slide:
- Identify a best practice for working with a cultural identity in this case and cite the source below. Citation requirements: You must cite best practices from at least three scholarly research articles. You may cite reputable source from Web sites, books, textbooks, and suggested resources as well, but these will not count toward the three required scholarly research references.
- Analyze, briefly, how the best practice could help you navigate this particular relationship and conflict.
- Describe, in the notes section, the best practice in more detail, and elaborate as needed on your analysis of how the best practice could help you navigate the relationship and conflict.
- Note: This slide may be reused from Assessment 2, but if you received suggestions for improving it, be sure to revise it.
- Proposed Resolution slide: Use bullet points to summarize your proposed resolution to the ethical dilemmas in the case. In the notes section, write out supporting narrative details for your bullet points.
- References slides: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Other Requirements
- Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Format: Use the Combined Case Study Template provided in the Required Resources. Use current APA style and formatting guidelines as applicable to this assessment.
- Resources: 10 scholarly research articles that can include those used in previous assessments.
- Length of PowerPoint: A minimum of 12 slides. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
[Title for Final Case Study]
[Your Name]
[Your job title in the case study]
[Your organization in the case study]
[Notes are optional on this page.]
[Case Study Overview]
[Provide the briefest possible narrative description of the case scenario here. This scenario should contain an ethical dilemma and cultural conflict that is believable based on your psychology specialization. Additional supporting details and references to evidence can be added in the notes section below. Review the instructions in the courseroom for more information.]
[Details and references to evidence.]
Cultural Differences
[Your Name] [Name of Other] Cultural identity 1 Contrasting cultural identity 1 Cultural identity 2 Contrasting cultural identity 2 Cultural identity 3 Contrasting cultural identity 3 [Insert more rows or copies of this slide if needed.
Identify cultural identifications of yourself vs. the person, agency/business, and/or institution with which there is a cultural conflict. Be careful to avoid stereotypes.
In this section, analyze how cultural differences contribute to the conflict in this case.
Relevant Biases
[Identify two relevant biases you have and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.]
Identify two relevant biases you have and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Ethical Concerns
[Bullet point the three or more ethical concerns in the case.
Apply an ethical standard(s) to each concern.]
[Provide any supporting details and references to evidence here.]
[Ethical Theory 1] [Ethical Theory 2] Feature 1 Comparative feature 1 Feature 2 Comparative feature 2 Feature 3 Comparative feature 3 Comparison of [Ethical Theory 1] & [Ethical Theory 2]
[Insert more rows or copies of this slide if needed.
Compare and contrast features of two ethical theories. Justify why a particular ethical theory is most appropriate in resolving the ethical dilemma in the case study.]
Ethical Decision Making with the [Name of Model] Model
[Briefly describe each step of the decision making model.
Incorporate multicultural issues.
Apply each step to your specific case.
You can combine steps on the slides as necessary or appropriate.
Add copies of this slide as needed.
[In this notes section, write out supporting narrative details for your bullet points.]
Best Practice for Working With [Cultural Identity]
[Identify a best practice for working with a cultural identity in this case.*
Cite the source.
Briefly analyze how the best practice could help you navigate this particular relationship and conflict. (Copy this slide as needed to address each cultural identity in this case as least once. You must cite best practices from at least three scholarly research articles in this assessment, but can cite other reputable sources as well.)], Ethics and Multicultural Issues
[* Describe the best practice in more detail here. Elaborate as needed your analysis of how the best practice could help you navigate the relationship and conflict.
Web sites, books, textbooks, and other suggested resources may be used, but do not count toward the three required scholarly research references.]
Proposed Resolution
[Summarize your proposed resolution to the ethical dilemmas in the case.
Justify your resolution.]
[Elaborate details as needed.]
[Include at least 10 scholarly research references for this assessment.
Web sites, books, textbooks, and other suggested resources may be used, but do not count toward the 10 required references. You must find research articles.
Add slides if needed.]
[Include at least 10 scholarly research references for this assignment. These 10 references can include the references you used in previous course project assignments.
In addition, Web sites, books, textbooks, and other suggested resources may be cited, but they do not count toward the 10 required references. You must find research articles. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Remember to use APA formatting throughout your notes sections.,, and similar websites are not academic sources and should not be used.]
Combined Case Study Scoring Guide
Combined Case Study Scoring Guide
Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Case Overview: Create a scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. Does not create a scenario (based on the one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. Creates a poorly developed scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. Creates an adequately developed scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. Creates a concise and succinct scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. Cultural Difference: Analyze how cultural differences could contribute to a conflict. Does not analyze points of cultural difference and/or vaguely analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. No scholarly support is offered. Analyzes some points of cultural difference (less than three) and/or minimally analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. No scholarly support is offered. Analyzes at least three points of cultural difference and adequately analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. However, scholarly support could have been stronger. Analyzes at least three points of cultural difference and comprehensively analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. Strong scholarly support is offered. Biases: Describe one’s past or present biases toward others of different cultures. Does not describe past or present biases toward others of different cultures or strategies for improving one’s cultural competency related to bias. Self-awareness through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance is not present. Minimally describes at least one past or present bias toward others of different cultures and/or strategies for improving one’s cultural competency related to bias is not discussed. Self-awareness through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance is lacking. Adequately describes at least two past or present biases toward others of different cultures and strategies (one per bias) for improving one’s cultural competency related to these biases. Self-awareness is evident through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance. Comprehensively describes at least two past or present biases toward others of different cultures and strategies (one per bias) for improving one’s cultural competency related to these biases. Self-awareness is evident through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance. Ethical Concerns: Apply ethical standards to ethical concerns pertaining to the case scenario. Does not apply ethical concerns with the case study and apply ethical standards to the concerns. Applies at least two ethical concerns with the case scenario and minimally applies ethical standards to the concerns. Applies at least three ethical concerns with the case scenario and adequately applies ethical standards to the concerns. Applies at least three ethical concerns with the case scenario and comprehensively applies ethical standards to the concerns. Ethical Theories: Analyze ethical theories and justify application of one theory in an attempt to resolve the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Does not analyze ethical theories. Minimally analyzes two ethical theories. Adequately analyzes two ethical theories and justifies why a particular ethical theory is most appropriate in resolving the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Comprehensively analyzes contrasts two ethical theories and justifies why a particular ethical theory is most appropriate in resolving the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Ethical Decision Making: Apply steps in an ethical decision-making model to an ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Does not apply steps in an ethical decision-making model to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Lists ethical decision-making steps but only minimally applies the steps to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Adequately applies ethical decision-making steps to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Comprehensively applies ethical decision-making steps to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Best Practices: Analyze how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help a cultural conflict. Does not analyze how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s). Marginally analyzes how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s). Adequately analyzes how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s). Comprehensively analyzes how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s) and evaluates how effective they may be. Solution: Design a viable solution for an ethical problem. Does not design a viable solution for the ethical dilemma in the case study. Designs a viable solution for the ethical dilemma that demonstrates a minimal understanding of the ethical concerns that are presented in the case study. Designs a viable solution for the ethical dilemma that demonstrates an adequate understanding of the ethical concerns that are presented in the case study. Designs a viable solution for the ethical dilemma that demonstrates a thorough understanding of the ethical concerns that are presented in the case study and justifies that solution. Communication: Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization, following APA style standards. Does not write clearly, and there are gross errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, and organization, and there is no effort to comply with APA style standards. Writes with inconsistency (there were moments of clarity and organization, and moments of confusion or disorganization in writing) and with gross errors in spelling, grammar, or syntax and APA style. Writes clearly with adequate clarity and organization, although ideas could have been clearer or more organized, and some errors (3–6) in spelling, grammar, or syntax and some APA style errors. Writes concisely with excellent clarity and organization and minimal errors (less than 2) in spelling, grammar, or syntax and minimal APA style errors. -
Scoring Guide Tool
PSY-FP7543 – Section 02
[u04a1] – Combined Case Study
Moore , Ashley
Use the following scoring guide, along with the project information, for evaluating each learner’s work.
Assessment InstructionsNote: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.
- Create a case involving an ethical dilemma and cultural conflict(s) that could occur in your psychology specialization. It is recommended that you base the case study for this assessment on the one you developed in Assessment 2, with revisions in response to the feedback you received from faculty. However, you may create an entirely new case study that meets the criteria for this assessment. Again, while your case will be fictional, it must be entirely believable and realistic based on your psychology specialization. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
- Download and use the Combined Case Study Template, linked in Required Resources. Do not submit a paper for this assessment. Papers will not be graded. You will complete this assessment by replacing all language that is enclosed with brackets [?] in the PowerPoint with your own words. As in the previous assessments, you may enhance the design of the presentation to make it more effective. Again, links to tips for using PowerPoint and designing effective presentations are provided in Suggested Resources.
The Presentation
- Title slide: On the first slide of the PowerPoint:
- Enter a descriptive title of approximately 5?15 words that concisely communicates the heart of the case study. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.
- Enter your name, and a job title and organization that would fit with your case study.
- Case Study Overview slides: Provide the briefest possible narrative description of the professional conflict in the case. Additional supporting details and references can be added on the notes section of the slide. The overview should include:
- The professional setting of the case, based on your psychology specialization.
- The relationship that exists between you and the other individual(s), agency/business, or institution involved. Some possible examples may be:
- Professor?Student.
- Therapist?Patient.
- Colleague?Colleague.
- Consultant?Business.
- Clinical Supervisor?Student intern.
- Administrative Supervisor?Employee.
- A very brief summation of an ethical dilemma involving cultural conflicts.
- Cultural Differences slides: On the table provided, list side by side the main cultural identities from the Hays model, relevant to the conflict in the case, of yourself and another individual, agency/business, or institution in the case.
- If more than one individual, agency/business, or institution is involved in the case, make a copy of this slide for each one, to compare yourself to all others involved.
- In the notes section:
- Identify common concerns with each cultural identity. Be careful to avoid using stereotypes.
- Analyze how cultural differences contributed to the conflict in this case.
- Relevant Biases: Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.
- Note: This slide may be reused from Assessment 2, but if you received suggestions for improving it, be sure to revise it.
- Ethical Concerns slides: Bullet point the three or more ethical concerns in the case and apply one or more ethical standard to each concern. Additional supporting details and references can be added in the notes section.
- Comparison of Ethical Theories slides: In the first row of the table provided, enter the names of two ethical theories that you think would be the most appropriate for the situations in the case. In the following rows, enter comparisons of relevant features of the two theories. In the notes section, evaluate which theory provides a more functional framework for your case and explain why. (Note that ethical theories and ethical decision-making models are two different things. Please make sure that you are applying, comparing, and contrasting two ethical theories).
- Ethical Decision-Making Model slides:
- Identify each step in the model. Under each step of the model, apply it to your case.
- Incorporate multicultural issues presented in the case study within the selected ethical decision-making model.
- Add copies of this slide as needed, and combine steps on the slides as necessary or appropriate. In the notes section, write out supporting narrative details for your bullet points. (Note that ethical theories and ethical decision-making models are two different things. Please make sure that are applying the steps of the ethical decision-making model to your case).
- Best Practices When Working With [Cultural Identity] slide:
- Identify a best practice for working with a cultural identity in this case and cite the source below. Citation requirements: You must cite best practices from at least three scholarly research articles. You may cite reputable source from Web sites, books, textbooks, and suggested resources as well, but these will not count toward the three required scholarly research references.
- Analyze, briefly, how the best practice could help you navigate this particular relationship and conflict.
- Describe, in the notes section, the best practice in more detail, and elaborate as needed on your analysis of how the best practice could help you navigate the relationship and conflict.
- Note: This slide may be reused from Assessment 2, but if you received suggestions for improving it, be sure to revise it.
- Proposed Resolution slide: Use bullet points to summarize your proposed resolution to the ethical dilemmas in the case. In the notes section, write out supporting narrative details for your bullet points.
- References slides: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Other Requirements
- Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Format: Use the Combined Case Study Template provided in the Required Resources. Use current APA style and formatting guidelines as applicable to this assessment.
- Resources: 10 scholarly research articles that can include those used in previous assessments.
- Length of PowerPoint: A minimum of 12 slides.
Overall Comments
Good job; however, your presentation is missing some important parts. Remember that these types of situations happen all of the time so you should be aware of how to navigate them.
Case Overview: Create a scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma.
(12%) CompetencyEvaluate multicultural influences on ethics for psychologists.
not selected Does not create a scenario (based on the one?s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. not selected Creates a poorly developed scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. not selected Creates an adequately developed scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. selected Distinguished Creates a concise and succinct scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Exceptional job outlining the case scenario that is based on your psychology specialization. These types of situations happen more often than you think so well done!
Cultural Difference: Analyze how cultural differences could contribute to a conflict.
(12%) CompetencyAnalyze multicultural issues in psychology and the importance of multicultural competency in the profession.
not selected Does not analyze points of cultural difference and/or vaguely analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. No scholarly support is offered. not selected Analyzes some points of cultural difference (less than three) and/or minimally analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. No scholarly support is offered. not selected Analyzes at least three points of cultural difference and adequately analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. However, scholarly support could have been stronger. selected Distinguished Analyzes at least three points of cultural difference and comprehensively analyzes how those differences could contribute to a conflict. Strong scholarly support is offered. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
You did an excellent job analyzing the cultural differences between you and your patient(s). It?s important that you understand how those differences impact your work in the field.
Biases: Describe one’s past or present biases toward others of different cultures.
(11%) CompetencyAnalyze multicultural issues in psychology and the importance of multicultural competency in the profession.
not selected Does not describe past or present biases toward others of different cultures or strategies for improving one’s cultural competency related to bias. Self-awareness through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance is not present. not selected Minimally describes at least one past or present bias toward others of different cultures and/or strategies for improving one’s cultural competency related to bias is not discussed. Self-awareness through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance is lacking. not selected Adequately describes at least two past or present biases toward others of different cultures and strategies (one per bias) for improving one’s cultural competency related to these biases. Self-awareness is evident through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance. selected Distinguished Comprehensively describes at least two past or present biases toward others of different cultures and strategies (one per bias) for improving one’s cultural competency related to these biases. Self-awareness is evident through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance.
Excellent work discussing your biases. Knowing your cultural loopholes will help you be a better psychologist/counselor because you will be more aware of when you are on a slippery slope.
Ethical Concerns: Apply ethical standards to ethical concerns pertaining to the case scenario.
(11%) CompetencyApply ethical principles and standards to ethical dilemmas.
not selected Does not apply ethical concerns with the case study and apply ethical standards to the concerns. not selected Applies at least two ethical concerns with the case scenario and minimally applies ethical standards to the concerns. not selected Applies at least three ethical concerns with the case scenario and adequately applies ethical standards to the concerns. selected Distinguished Applies at least three ethical concerns with the case scenario and comprehensively applies ethical standards to the concerns. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Great job discussing the ethical concerns that you have related to this case scenario. Ethics should always be in the forefront of your mind in our field because we have access to vulnerable populations.
Ethical Theories: Analyze ethical theories and justify application of one theory in an attempt to resolve the ethical dilemma in the case scenario.
(11%) CompetencyEmploy models of ethical reasoning and ethical decision making.
not selected Does not analyze ethical theories. selected Basic Minimally analyzes two ethical theories. not selected Adequately analyzes two ethical theories and justifies why a particular ethical theory is most appropriate in resolving the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. not selected Comprehensively analyzes contrasts two ethical theories and justifies why a particular ethical theory is most appropriate in resolving the ethical dilemma in the case scenario.
Good job comparing and contrasting ethical theories. You could have earned full credit by selecting one ethical theory that applies to the case scenario and expounding on that idea.
Ethical Decision Making: Apply steps in an ethical decision-making model to an ethical dilemma in the case scenario.
(11%) CompetencyEmploy models of ethical reasoning and ethical decision making.
not selected Does not apply steps in an ethical decision-making model to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. selected Basic Lists ethical decision-making steps but only minimally applies the steps to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. not selected Adequately applies ethical decision-making steps to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. not selected Comprehensively applies ethical decision-making steps to the ethical dilemma in the case scenario. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
It’s good that you listed the steps of an ethical decision-making model. Unfortunately, you didn’t apply these steps to your case. The steps are generic. Application helps you to understand how to use them.
Best Practices: Analyze how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help a cultural conflict.
(11%) CompetencyEvaluate multicultural influences on ethics for psychologists.
not selected Does not analyze how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s). not selected Marginally analyzes how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s). not selected Adequately analyzes how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s). selected Distinguished Comprehensively analyzes how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help the cultural conflict(s) and evaluates how effective they may be. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
You highlighted some excellent best practices. They apply to your case well. Keep these in mind as they will be important as you mature in the field.
Solution: Design a viable solution for an ethical problem.
(11%) CompetencyEmploy models of ethical reasoning and ethical decision making.
not selected Does not design a viable solution for the ethical dilemma in the case study. not selected Designs a viable solution for the ethical dilemma that demonstrates a minimal understanding of the ethical concerns that are presented in the case study. not selected Designs a viable solution for the ethical dilemma that demonstrates an adequate understanding of the ethical concerns that are presented in the case study. selected Distinguished Designs a viable solution for the ethical dilemma that demonstrates a thorough understanding of the ethical concerns that are presented in the case study and justifies that solution.
You did a great job proposing the resolution for this case scenario. The goal of using ethical decision-making models in cases is to arrive at a resolution. Wonderful!
Communication: Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization, following APA style standards.
(10%) CompetencyCommunicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
not selected Does not write clearly, and there are gross errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, and organization, and there is no effort to comply with APA style standards. not selected Writes with inconsistency (there were moments of clarity and organization, and moments of confusion or disorganization in writing) and with gross errors in spelling, grammar, or syntax and APA style. not selected Writes clearly with adequate clarity and organization, although ideas could have been clearer or more organized, and some errors (3?6) in spelling, grammar, or syntax and some APA style errors. selected Distinguished Writes concisely with excellent clarity and organization and minimal errors (less than 2) in spelling, grammar, or syntax and minimal APA style errors. Ethics and Multicultural Issues
Your presentation was well-written and your references slide was well formatted.