Master’s Level Integrative Project

Master’s Level Integrative Project

Master’s Level Integrative Project

Chapter 2 Literature Review For Educational Psychology

Synthesize conceptual information pertinent to the research question; this is information that you extract from the articles selected for this review. Submit a draft literature review.


Note: Developing a research proposal requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order. You may only turn in one assessment at a time. Subsequent submissions should include highlighted changes.


Literature Review

A literature review is a classification and evaluation of what scholars and researchers have written on a topic, organized according to a guiding concept, application, or practice, such as the topic that you have selected to develop your Integrative Project: Chapters 1–5. Your objective is to demonstrate your ability to recognize significant and integral information, to synthesize and evaluate that information, and to provide a description, summary, and critical evaluation of each work. The purpose is to offer an overview of significant literature published on your topic. The process of finding, reviewing, synthesizing, and writing the literature review provides greater definition to the theoretical framework and gives you a strong foundation from which to work when developing your actual application or intervention. Master’s Level Integrative Project

Your Literature Review (CHAPTER 2) should include a conceptually organized synthesis of the results of the review that clearly delineates what is known, what is not known, and what is controversial regarding your topic or area of practice. The process will also give you a strong foundation from which to work when developing your methodology in CHAPTER 3.

It may be helpful to use the following questions as you review the literature:

What findings are pertinent to your specific issue?

Are the concepts key to the research as you prepare the Literature Review?

Analyze the relationships among the related studies instead of presenting a series of seemingly unrelated abstracts or annotations. “The introduction should motivate the study. The reader should understand why the problem should be researched and why the study represents a contribution to existing knowledge” (Rudner & Schafer, 1999, pg 2). The study should be motivated by its scientific importance.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Determine the scientific merit of the professional literature. Evaluate sources applicable to the history of the chosen topic.

Summarize sources applicable to the theoretical background of chosen topic.

Summarize sources applicable to the history of the chosen topic.

Summarize sources applicable to the best practices for engaging in research.

Summarize sources that add significance and relevance to the knowledge base of psychology.

Competency 2: Apply theoretical and research findings from the discipline of psychology to professional and academic activities.

Describe an area of research.

Competency 4: Embrace, respect, and respond to individual differences and diversity in the practice of psychology.

Identify practices and research guidelines that address respect for individual differences and diversity.

Competency 5: Communicate psychological concepts effectively using the professional standards of the discipline.

Describe the significance of the chosen topic.

Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological profession.

Adhere to APA style and formatting guidelines; writing is concise and well-organized.


For this assessment, you will submit the current draft of your literature review for feedback and grading.

Do not organize the paper by referencing each article in order one by one. Your task is to synthesize conceptual information pertinent to the research question; this is the information that you extract from the articles selected for this review.

Plan to identify articles and research that:

Describe an area of research.

Describe the area of research chosen and justify the choice.

Summarize sources applicable to the theoretical background of the chosen topic.

Provide information about theoretical underpinnings such as empirical or behavioral or constructivist and humanistic orientations of the literature reviewed.

Summarize sources applicable to the history of chosen topic.

Shed light on the historical context and dominant themes in the evolution of the topic; connect common themes and discuss counter opinions.

Summarize sources applicable to best practices for engaging in research.

Describe data collection strategies, research procedures, and approaches for conducting and reporting research.

Summarize sources that add significance and relevance to the knowledge base of psychology.

Indicate how the chosen sources help investigators identify topics that are well understood and other topics that represent gaps in the knowledge base and the need for further study.

Create a scenario that illustrates the need for new research.

Identifie practices and research guidelines that address respect for individual differences and diversity.

Address individual variation and diversity within and across groups.

Organize and summarize sources thematically.

Your task is to present current considerations important to investigators and to indicate ramifications for stakeholders that rely on the current knowledge base. Use illustrative examples to explain and highlight key concepts. Good reviewers share with their audience evidence-based assessments of the current state of knowledge.

This assessment is one component of the integrated project. It is expected that you will continue to refine this literature review before submitting the final project.


Format your assessment as follows:

Table of Contents (TOC).

Title page.

Chapter headings (should start on new page).


Please note: It is important to keep in mind that paragraphs are not comprised of two sentences and paragraphs should be indented. Additionally, refrain from quoting unless paraphrasing disrupts the integrity of the original quote. If direct quotation is used, it should be in the proper APA format.

Additional Requirements

Font and spacing: Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced pages.

Style and format: Follow the current APA guidelines for style and format.

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    Full Title of Your Paper

    Learner’s Full Name (no credentials)

    Capella University


    It is necessary to complete the abstract after the entire project has been developed. The abstract contains an abbreviated overview of the entire project. This overview will reference the following elements of the project:

    The Research Question_________________________________

    The Research Problem: _____________________________________

    The Significance of the Study:_______________________________

    Theory or theories that apply to the concepts associated with the RQ:________________

    A Narrative describing the qualitative approach planned, implications for stakeholders, significance to the scientific community, and a description of expected results. The abstract is one concise paragraph.

    Keywords: [Add keywords here.]


    Table of Contents


    Background of the Study 1

    Statement of the Problem 1

    Purpose of the Study 1

    Significance of the Study 1

    Research Question 1

    Definition of Terms 1

    Research Design 1


    Theoretical Orientation for the Study 1

    Review of the Literature 1

    Synthesis of the Research Findings 1

    Critique of Previous Research Methods 1


    Purpose of the Study 1

    Research Question 1

    Target Population 1

    Recruitment Strategy 1

    Sampling Design (purposive for qualitative) 1

    Procedure 1

    Analysis 1

    Ethical Considerations 1



    Implications 1

    Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses 1

    Suggestions for Future Research 1



    Background of the Study

    [Note, the Final draft of Chapter 1 is typically written after the entire project has been completed and just prior to the Abstract. It is important to understand that the project is iterative. You will work on, change and refine all elements of the project. In your initial submission, begin to provide an evidence-based rationale for each of the sections listed below.]

    Statement of the Problem

    Purpose of the Study

    Significance of the Study

    Research Question

    Definition of Terms

    Research Design

    [Note, under the Research Design, make mention of the relevant APA Code of Ethics, but not how you intend to address them. How you will address the codes and ensure they are adhered to will be covered in Chapter 3.]




    Note, this is typically the entry point for beginning the project. It is important to understand that the project is iterative. You will work on, change and refine all elements of the project. You will begin by understanding and synthesizing what is known so far in the Literature Review, (Chapter 2).

    Theoretical Orientation for the Study

    The Literature Review provides detailed information about theory that applies to the research topic, theory that applies to the research method, population(s) studied and key concepts under review. Seminal and current sources are analyzed and evaluated thematically. The research problem is identified.

    Review of the Literature

    It is essential that the literature review be organized with reference to themes identified in articles that you have read. It is not acceptable to organize the literature review article by article or one article at a time.

    Synthesis of the Research Findings

    Critique of Previous Research Methods






    Purpose of the Study

    The introductory paragraph addresses the research problem or proposes to fill the gap in the literature. It includes the purpose of the proposed research and presents formally the Research Question. The purpose is to answer the research question. State your Research Question in the form of a question in the introductory paragraph for Chapter 3. As you prepare this section of this chapter review the characteristics of Qualitative Research Questions:

    1. Qualitative Research questions ask for description and interpretation of phenomena through the identification of socially constructed themes and categories.

    2. Qualitative questions address concepts associated with thoughts, feelings, and actions that are not necessarily accessible with empirical methods of measurement.

    3. Qualitative data take the form of stories, narratives and observations.

    4. Qualitative questions identify the target population and phenomena under consideration.

    5. Qualitative questions do not test empirically measured data.

    Research Question

    Conclude the introductory paragraph to Chapter 3, by writing out the Research Question.

    Target Population

    As you describe the target population you will include:

    Information about the number of participants.

    Information about inclusion and exclusion criteria; describe how you decide who can participate in the study and who cannot.

    Recruitment strategy

    Sampling design (purposive for qualitative)


    As you describe the procedures you will include:

    Information about materials used for data collection.

    Information about the location where data collection takes place

    Information about the time required for data collection

    Information about the instruments used to collect data. Instruments used vary widely and can include audio and video recording equipment, pen and paper, interventions, observation journals, member-checking documents and so on, depending on the requirements indicated in the research question. Master’s Level Integrative Project

    Information about the order of steps taken to obtain data.

    Information about how data will be recorded and transferred into a transcript or documents, audio or video, ready for analysis.

    When using an interview guide or observation check sheet that is also included.


    Analysis describes strategies for analyzing the narratives offered by participants. Once the data has been transcribed into a format for interpretation, typically “words on the page”, and then it can be interpreted. Analysis uses strategies that interpret meaning components from words, phrases and narratives into interpreted conceptual descriptions across transcripts.

    Ethical Considerations

    The APA Code of Ethics that apply to your study and research design should be addressed.




    For the expected findings/results, use the literature reviewed in Chapter 2 To anticipate findings that are likely to result from the collection and interpretation of data. Note: that some results that are not expected are possible and should be addressed in this chapter.






    Implications of the potential results are discussed, implications for wide range of potential stakeholders is addressed, significance to the scientific community and the potential to address the research problem is discussed, limitations of the study are addressed, and suggestions for future research are offered. Master’s Level Integrative Project

    Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses

    Suggestions for Future Research

    The suggestions for future research should close the gap on the methodological limitations.



    List references using APA format (APA, 2010, p.169).

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