SOC 112 Discussion Project
SOC 112 Discussion Project
Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior. Professionals in the field apply a sociological lens to examine various influences on society in order to better understand current and historical behaviors. This perspective assists professionals in examining various social structures and institutions, which are systems in society that influence human behavior, to inform their understanding of groups as well as daily interactions with diverse viewpoints. For this project, you will examine a contemporary social issue using your sociological lens. You will create a concept map, breaking the social issue that you have chosen into smaller pieces related to certain sociological concepts, describe the relationship of the concepts and smaller pieces to the social issue, and explain how the sociological concepts help you better understand the social issue. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Five. The final concept map and paper will be submitted in Module Seven. In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Explain cultural beliefs and biases utilizing a sociological lens . Explain the influences that shape the creation of roles within society utilizing real-world examples . Draw basic connections between social inequalities and human behavior . Identify the relationship between social change and contemporary social problems through the application of basic sociological concepts Prompt You will begin by selecting your own contemporary social issue to use as the base of your project. You may use an issue from the list provided below or choose an issue of interest to you that you find in the news or media, or perhaps one you encounter in your daily life. Bullying , Crime and violence ,Drug and alcohol abuse ,Income inequality and wealth distribution You will then create a concept map to break down your selected issue into supporting sociological concepts. These sociological concepts will include: Cultural beliefs and biases ,Social roles , Social inequalities , Existing social conditions You will also explain the relationship between the sociological concepts and the social issue, describing how the concept is present in the social issue. In paper format, you will explain how the connections you made in the map between the sociological concepts and the social issue helped you better understand the social issue. This is where you will demonstrate the importance of using a sociological view when examining social issues. SOC 112 Discussion Project
Drug and Alcohol abuse 1
Drug and alcohol abuse 2
Angela Brown
Southern New Hampshire University
Jacob Armstrong
Various cultural beliefs end up resulting in some of the aspects that are relational, ethnicity often results when people are into their own traditions. These beliefs make an individual to be tied to the fact that they believe certain people are entitled to do some obligations and others are not entitled. More so, marital status reflects to some cultural practice, which make some people to be discriminated because others feel that they do not have certain qualifications. For example, there is a cultural belief that some people are not entitled to drink while other are entitled and at the same time some people should be drunk all the time according to the cultural belief. The social issue can be well understood because marital status and ethnicity dives a clear description of the cultural practices and the gap that is often in between when it comes to some obligation.
The relationship that is initiated in the social role is that some obligations ought to be enhanced so that the society in general can be in a position to facilitate good outlook. In this case, discipline to children should be offered without any restriction so that social standards can be meet. This is linked to home management, which calls for disciplinary measures to be enrolled. Indeed, it is the role of parent to make sure that they understand and take control of their children and homes so that the cultural aspect can be kept at the social position. This help in understanding the social issue since some obligations must be meet. SOC 112 Discussion Project
The relationship that is provided in social inequalities is that lack of money to buy food and money to educate children happens to the poor people because they are less fortunate and do not have resources. This creates an understanding of how the society is sub divided into two major groups the upper class and the lower class. Unemployment is high because drug issues has resulted to many individual losing their jobs because they are not in a position to keep their social statues as required. It is out of this that crime rate rise since different individuals opt to cater for their needs yet they do not have a source of income. The social issues facilitate change in the society since they interrelate with one another, for instance when an individual is unemployed he is prone to indulge in crime which reflect to poor manage at home.
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Kumar, S. (2009). International issues in social work and social welfare: selections from CQ researcher. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc
Fill in the center circle with your chosen social issue. Then, in the appropriately labeled circle, list each of your examples. Indicate whether the relationship between each example and the central issue is positive, negative, or strained, using colors, words, or symbols.
All Examples in Red colour indicates a negative relationship.
Existing Social Condition 1: Unemployment is very high with substance abusers. Many companies today are turning to drug screens to weed out abusers (Hawkins et al., 1992). Also it has been realised that people under the influence of drug have a hard time keeping employment for not being able to function.
Existing Social Condition 2: Crime rates especially where I live have risen due to drug seekers, as they are looking for things to steal, in return pawn and make more money to buy there next hit of drug of their choice (Hubbard et al., 1989). It is believed that multiracial people are more likely to suffer from drug abuse due to not suitable into one race over the other and having depression which leads to drinking.
Social Inequalities 1: Lower class people are more likely to suffer not because they are actuary poor but because they have less resources to use than those in upper class (Hawkins et al., 1992). For Example: Not having enough money to buy food and you are malnourished. So one drinking effects his body differently than someone who can eat well.
Social Inequalities 2. Drug abusers also tend to spend all money in drugs and therefore at the end of day they are not able to educate their children (Hawkins et al., 1992). They cannot afford school fees, not that they are poor but because they have spent all the finances in drugs. SOC 112 Discussion Project
Cultural Beliefs and Biases 1: In their minds (Drug Abusers) they are normal to drink heavily or be high all the time. Sober people are not normal to some of them (Hubbard et al., 1989). So they view those from different ethnicity as different. Some even try to imagine that others from other ethnicity should not live or have no value in their lives.
Cultural Beliefs and Biases 2: In its most basic form, marital status shows whether a person is married or single. This sometimes is extended to include other descriptors, such as widowed, divorced, cohabiting and civil union, which are all sometimes seen as single from a lawful standpoint (Hawkins et al., 1992). Since the alcohol and any drug addiction affects both women and men, it is then experienced across a range of marital statuses. Many studies have been carried out to find trends in alcohol and drug dependence within married and single groups, and it has been found that an individual’s marital status can actuary affect the likelihood of them sinking victim to alcohol addiction.
Social Roles 1: Drinking alcohol is a part of culture for most people, as are conversations among parents and children concerning its risks and potential benefits (Alcohol, 1980). However, the information about alcohol can be seem contradictory. Alcohol may affect people differently at different stages in their life small amounts have health benefits for certain adults, but for adolescents and children, alcohol when in excess it can interfere with normal brain development of children’s. Alcohol’s conflicting effects and father and mothers’ changing role in their children’s lives as they grow and seek more independence can make talking about alcohol as challenge. Parents sometimes have trouble setting concrete family policies for alcohol use. And they also find it hard to communicate with their children and adolescents about alcohol-related issues.
Social Roles 2: Drug abusers are unable to manage their homes (Alcohol, 1980). For family and friends of drug- or alcohol-addicted individuals, addressing the addiction is the hardest aspects of helping to seek treatment.
Alcohol, D. A. (1980). Mental Health Administration. Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Youth Suicide: Vols. 1, 4.
Hawkins, J. D., Catalano, R. F., & Miller, J. Y. (1992). Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early adulthood: implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological bulletin, 112(1), 64.
Hubbard, R. L., Marsden, M. E., Rachal, J. V., Harwood, H. J., Cavanaugh, E. R., & Ginzburg, H. M. (1989). Drug abuse treatment: A national study of effectiveness. University of North Carolina Press.
Social Issue:
Drug Abuse
Existing Social Condition 1:
Cultural Beliefs and Biases 1:
Social Inequalities 1:
Lack money to buy food
Social Inequalities 2:
Lack of money to educate children
Existing Social Condition 2:
Crime rates
Social Roles 1:
Discipline Children
Social Roles 2:
Manage Home
Cultural Beliefs and Biases 2:
Marital status