Discussion: Contemporary Theory Presentation
Discussion: Contemporary Theory Presentation
You are picking a topic for the Discussion: Contemporary Theory Presentation. Below are some sample theories can select. Note that some of these theories are broad, general ones, while others are targeted to particular disorders. Trauma-Focused CBT for children and adolescents
EDCO 715
Discussion: Contemporary Theory Presentation Assignment Instructions
You will research, evaluate, and present a contemporary counseling theory to the class. It will address the major components of the theory as outlined below. It would simulate you making a presentation to your peers. You may develop your presentation using Adobe creative suite software, video, narrated PowerPoint, web page, etc.
1. Your presentation should address the following Content areas:
1. Central constructs for the theory,
2. What causes dysfunction in the theory’s view?
3. What is the nature of therapy for this model?
4. Role of assessment (Does the model encourage a careful diagnostic interview? Self-report testing? Other forms of assessment?)
. Role of the client and the counselor
. (Is the counselor directive/non-directive? Educational? Active or Passive?)
. What personal qualities in the client will help the client take a role that will help the therapy be successful?
· Goals of therapy
. What is the therapy trying to accomplish? For example, traditional psychoanalytic therapy is trying to help the client resolve unconscious conflicts and to resolve the transference reaction with the therapist. What is your therapy model trying to do?
· Example techniques (Here are some sample techniques. There are many more. Interpretation of unconscious processes? Identification of cognitive distortions? Utilization of coping skills (such as relaxation training, assertiveness training, etc.)?
· the therapy process (How does the therapy develop over time?)
5. One or more case examples to demonstrate the therapy
6. Critique of the theory
. How well-supported is this theory empirically?
. What aspects of this theory need further research?
. How well does the theory address faith and cultural dimensions?
. How compatible is this theory to a Christian worldview?
. Any recommended modifications, additions, or deletions to make the theory more compatible with the Christian worldview?
. Any areas for further theological reflection related to this theory?
7. Key resources to learn this approach
2. Use your creativity in the development of this presentation. You may develop a PowerPoint presentation; however, you may also utilize an Adobe creative suite software, make a video, narrated PowerPoint, web page, etc. There are possibilities to complete this assignment. Many of these theories also have videos demonstrating their usage in Liberty’s online library databases (specifically, see the Counseling and Therapy in Video online database and the PsycTherapy online database in Liberty’s library database collection). Thus, you may be able to create brief therapy clips from these that can be incorporated into your presentation. Also, therapy demonstrations can sometimes be found on YouTube or other websites. Include therapy sample links if available as a part of your presentation.
3. Provide a link or attachment for your presentation in the Discussion labeled “Discussion: Contemporary Theory Presentation” and reply to at least 2 other classmates’ presentations with at least 250 words in each response.
· Your responses should reflect thoughtful engagement with the presentation rather than a “surfacy” (“I like this presentation” and one brief comment related to one slide.) These feedback responses should demonstrate that you carefully reviewed the presentation, rather than skimmed it.
· You should also respond to those making comments on your own presentation.
EDCO 715
Discussion: Contemporary Theory Presentation Grading Rubric
280 points
Criteria Advanced (A- to A): Satisfies criteria w/ excellence
Proficient (B- to B+) : Satisfies Criteria
Developing (C- to C+): Satisfies most criteria
Below Expectations (F to D+): Does not satisfy criteria
Not Present Points Earned
Content: 196 pts Creativity and Originality 26–28 pts. The presentation development reflects creative elements that engage the reader.
24–25 pts. The presentation development reflects some creative elements.
22–23 pts. Presentation is original but needs more creativity.
1–21 pts. Presentation is not original and does not contain creative elements.
0 points Presentation: Content 138–150 pts. Presentation gives content accuracy describing the therapy model. All components as described in the assignment have been thoroughly addressed. Assertions are relevant and properly supported by evidence, including critiques of the theory. The presentation offers a solid summary of the central tenets of the theory and gives one or more case examples.
126–137 pts. Presentation gives content accuracy describing the therapy model. All components as described in the assignment have been thoroughly addressed. Assertions are somewhat relevant and somewhat supported by evidence, including critiques of the theory. The presentation offers a summary of the central tenets of the theory and gives one or more case examples.
114–125 pts. Presentation gives content some accuracy describing the therapy model. Some components as described in the assignment have been addressed. Assertions are somewhat relevant and somewhat supported by evidence, including critiques of the theory. The presentation gives a minimal summary of the central tenets of the theory and gives one or more case examples.
1–113 pts. Presentation gives little content accuracy describing the therapy model. Few components as described in the assignment have been addressed. Assertions are not relevant and not supported by evidence, including critiques of the theory. The presentation gives few central tenets of the theory and does not give one or more case examples.
0 points Replies: Content 17–18 pts. Responses are well organized and reflect thorough, thoughtful review of the presentation. Responses interact with those making comments on the student’s presentation.
16 pts. Responses are organized and reflect thoughtful review of the presentation. Responses interact with those making comments on the student’s presentation.
14–15 pts. Responses are somewhat organized and reflect some review of the presentation. Responses interact with those making comments on the student’s presentation.
1–13 pts. Responses are not organized and minimally reflect review of presentation. Minimal interaction with those making comments on the student’s presentation.
Structure: 84 pts Presentation: Structure 39–42 pts. All quality technical aspects (i.e. backgrounds, fonts, imagine and grammar)
36–38 pts. Mostly technical aspects are quality (i.e. backgrounds, fonts, imagine and grammar)
32–35 pts. Some technical aspects are quality (i.e. backgrounds, fonts, imagine and grammar)
1–31 pts. Few technical aspects are quality (i.e. backgrounds, fonts, imagine and grammar)
0 points Replies: Structure 39–42 pts. Both responses are at least 250 words each. There are very few spelling and grammar errors.
36–38 pts. Both responses organized; spelling and grammar are accurate with no typos. One response is under the required word count.
32–35 pts. Both responses somewhat organized; some spelling and grammar errors. Both responses are under the required word count.
1–31 pts. Both responses are not organized. Both responses contain many spelling and grammar errors. Both responses are significantly under the required word count.
0 points Total 0 points Instructor’s comments: