PSY6 Assignment Discussion Paper

PSY6 Assignment Discussion Paper

PSY6 Assignment Discussion Paper

Chapters 12 & 13

As we have reviewed the readings this week, we have learned about the personality and a number of different theories which include Psychodynamic, Humanistic, as well as Trait and Social-Cognitive Theories. Answer  the following questions:


Why has psychology generated so much research on the self?

How important is self-esteem to psychology and to our well-being?

How do you view your self-esteem?

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    Exploring PSYCHOLOGY

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    Special Contributor

    C. Nathan DeWall, University of Kentucky


    Hope College Holland, Michigan

    David G. Myers

    Exploring PSYCHOLOGY


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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012948473

    Hardcover: ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-6679-6 ISBN-10: 1-4292-6679-1 Paperback: ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-1172-3 ISBN-10: 1-4641-1172-3 Loose-Leaf: ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-0840-2 ISBN-10: 1-4641-0840-4 PI edition: ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-4705-0 ISBN-10: 1-4641-4705-1

    © 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005 by Worth Publishers

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    All royalties from the sale of this book are assigned to the David and Carol Myers Foundation, which exists to receive and distribute funds to other charitable organizations.

    Worth Publishers Macmillan Higher Education 41 Madison Avenue Houndmills, Basingstoke New York, NY 10010 RG21 6XS, England


    Photo Credits: Cover: Profi le of smiling woman: JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images; Man taking a photo: Pedro Vidal/Shutterstock; Mother with baby daughter: Erik Isakson/age fotostock; Circus juggler: RubberBall/SuperStock; Chapter 1: pp. viii, xlii–1, 31, 33: Spiral: Charles Yuen; Water: Photodisc/Getty Images; Rabbit: Mike Kemp/ Getty Images; Magnifying glass: Charles Yuen; MRI: Living Art Enterprises, LLC/Photo Researchers, Inc.; Infant: Lane Oatey/Getty Images; Man holding boxes: Erik Isakson/ age fotostock; Girl studying: OJO Images Ltd/Alamy. Chapter 2: pp. viii, 34–35 and 72, 75: Circuit boards: Charles Yuen; Female kicking: Lev Olkha /Shutterstock; Fox: Eric Isselée/Shutterstock; Brain scan: Zephyr/Photo Researchers, Inc.; Butterfl y: Dim154/ Shutterstock. Chapter 3: pp. ix, 76–77 and 113, 115: Butterfl ies: Svetlana Larina/ istockphoto; Butterfl ies: polarica/istockphoto; Cup of coffee: Vasca/Shutterstock; Sleeping toddler: swissmacky/Shutterstock; Woman meditating: INSADCO Photography/Alamy. Chapter 4: pp. ix, 116–117 and 159, 161: Bucket in sand: René/istockphoto; Beach and palm tree: Charles Yuen; Beach ball: WendellandCarolyn/istockphoto; Mother helping daugh- ter with homework: Indeed/Getty Images; Teens texting: Allan Shoemake/Getty Images; Bride and groom: bluehand/Shutterstock; Mother holding baby: Erik Isakson/age fotostock; Baby being fed with spoon: Asia Images/Getty Images. Chapter 5: pp. ix, 162–163 and 187, 189: Petri dish: Samuel Ashfi eld/Photo Researchers, Inc.; Chromosomes: Pasieka/ Photo Researchers, Inc.; Swans: The Boston Globe/John Tlumacki; Dad and child: MGP/ Getty Images; Teenagers of different heights: Rob Lewine/Getty Images; She-male: vita khorzhevska/Shutterstock; Teenage couple: Petrenko Andriy/Shutterstock. Chapter 6: pp. x, 190–191 and 232, 235: Herbs: Ivonne Wierink/Shutterstock; Herbs: Margrit Hirsch/ Shutterstock; Citrus: Lauren Burke/Jupiterimages; Man with cello: sbarabu/Shutterstock; Child kissing mother’s face: Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc./Blend Images/Corbis; Woman holding fl ower: Asia Images Group/Superstock. Chapter 7: pp. x, 236–237 and 267, 269: Nest with eggs: Duncan Usher/Foto Natura/Getty Images; Trees: Yuriy Kulyk/Shutterstock, Tungphoto/Shutterstock, irin-k/Shutterstock, Perfect Picture Parts/Alamy; Cat: Eric Isselée/Shutterstock; Pigeon: Vitaly Titov & Maria SideInikova/Shutterstock; Kids playing videogames: Stanislav Sointsev/Getty Images; Dog doing stunts: Marina Jay/Shutterstock; Girl on laptop: Lauren Burke/Getty Images; People with books on heads: Image Source/ SuperStock. Chapter 8: pp. xi, 270–271 and 301, 303: Film strips: Charles Yuen; Mouse trap: Darren Matthews/Alamy; Cookie: Jean Sandler/FeaturePics; Girl studying: Sigrid Olsson/PhotoAlto/Corbis; Man taking photo: Pedro Vidal/Shutterstock; Hot air balloon: D. Hurst/Alamy. Chapter 9: pp. xi, 304–305 and 347, 349: Various balls: Charles Yuen; Woman running hurdles: Ocean/Corbis; Man doing crossword: Ann Baldwin/Shutterstock; Puzzle pieces: Alexey Lebedev/Shutterstock; Woman shooting basketball: Blend Images/ Jupiterimages; Man playing saxophone: Masterfi le (Royalty-Free Division); Elephant: Johan Swanepoel/Alamy. Chapter 10: pp. xii, 350–351 and 386: Vietnam landscape: Charles Yuen; Girl using cell phone: Thomas Northcut/Jupiterimages; Woman on treadmill:; Teenage boys: Photodisc/Jupiterimages; Woman with arms raised: Mark Andersen/agefotostock. Chapter 11: pp. xii, 389–390 and 419, 421: Fruit and vegetables: Charles Yuen; Two women laughing: Mark Andersen/Getty Images; Man look- ing angry: PhotoSpin, Inc./Alamy; Man kissing dog: Images; Man medi- tating: Dean Mitchell/Shutterstock; Woman touching ground: IMAGEMORE/agefotostock: Nun praying: LLC/Alamy; Tissues, aspirin: D. Hurst/Alamy. Chapter 12: pp. xiii, 422–423 and 453, 455: Masks: Charles Yuen, Bartosz Hadyniak/istockphoto, Perry Correll/Shutterstock, brytta/istockphoto, Hemera Technologies/Jupiterimages; Happy dog: Erik Lam/Shutterstock; Centaur: Liquidlibrary/Jupiterimages; Girl: Timothy Large/Shutterstock; Circus juggler: RubberBall/Superstock. Chapter 13: pp. xiii, 456–457 and 501, 503: Aerial beach scene: Brand X Pictures; Football: Todd Taulman/ Shutterstock; Blog links: Lada Adamic and Natalie Glance; Wrench: Punchstock/Corbis; Gaming console: Microsoft Corporation; Tattooed arm: David Katzenstein/Photolibrary; Dancing couple: Photodisc/Jupiterimages. Chapter 14: pp. xiii, 504–505 and 541: Upset woman: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Jupiterimages; Eyes: Blend Images/Alamy, Photodisc/ Getty Images; Tarantula: Martin Harvey/Jupiterimages; Snake: Hemera Technologies/ Jupiterimages; Blindfolded woman leading man: Erik Isakson/age footstock; Depressed man: Image Source/Getty Images. Chapter 15: pp. xiv, 544–545 and 578, 580: Crocus fl ow- ers through snow: Myotis/Shutterstock; Couple on bicycle: RubberBall/SuperStock; Healthy woman: RubberBall/Nicole Hill/Jupiterimages; People in rainforest: Randy Faris/Corbis. PSY6 Assignment Discussion Paper

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    For Sara Neevel with gratitude for your meticulous support, and for your friendship

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    vi PREFACE

    DAVID MYERS received his psychology Ph.D. from the Univer- sity of Iowa. He has spent his career at Hope College in Michigan, where he has taught dozens of introductory psychology sections. Hope College students have invited him to be their commencement speaker and voted him “outstanding professor.”

    His research and writings have been recognized by the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize, by a 2010 Honored Scientist award from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, by a 2010 Award for Service on Behalf of Personality and Social Psychology, and by three honorary doctorates. PSY6 Assignment Discussion Paper

    Myers’ scientific articles have, with support from National Science Foun- dation grants, appeared in three dozen scientific periodicals, including Science, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and the American Psycholo- gist. In addition to his scholarly writing and his textbooks for introduc- tory and social psychology, he also digests psychological science for the general public. His writings have appeared in four dozen magazines, from Today’s Education to Scientific American. He also has authored five general audience books, including The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils.

    David Myers has chaired his city’s Human Relations Commission, helped found a thriving assistance center for families in poverty, and spoken to hundreds of college and community groups. Drawing on his experience, he also has written three dozen articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss, and he is advocating a transformation in American assis- tive listening technology (see For his leadership, he received an American Academy of Audiology Presidential Award in 2011, and the Hearing Loss Association of America Walter T. Ridder Award in 2012.

    He bikes to work year-round and plays regular pick-up basketball. David and Carol Myers have raised two sons and a daughter, and have one granddaughter. PSY6 Assignment Discussion Paper



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    PREFACE vii


    Preface . . . xv

    Time Management: Or, How to Be a Great Student and Still Have a Life . . . xxxiv

    CHAPTER 1 Thinking Critically With Psychological Science . . . 1

    CHAPTER 2 The Biology of Behavior . . . 35

    CHAPTER 3 Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind . . . 77

    CHAPTER 4 Developing Through the Life Span . . . 117

    CHAPTER 5 Gender and Sexuality . . . 163

    CHAPTER 6 Sensation and Perception . . . 191

    CHAPTER 7 Learning . . . 237

    CHAPTER 8 Memory . . . 271

    CHAPTER 9 Thinking, Language, and Intelligence . . . 305

    CHAPTER 10 Motivation and Emotion . . . 351

    CHAPTER 11 Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing . . . 389

    CHAPTER 12 Personality . . . 423

    CHAPTER 13 Social Psychology . . . 457

    CHAPTER 14 Psychological Disorders . . . 505

    CHAPTER 15 Therapy . . . 545

    APPENDIX A Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life . . . A-1

    APPENDIX B Psychology at Work . . . B-1

    APPENDIX C Subfi elds of Psychology . . . C-1

    APPENDIX D Complete Chapter Reviews . . . D-1

    APPENDIX E Answers to Experience the Testing Effect Questions . . . E-1

    Glossary . . . G-1

    References . . . R-1

    Name Index . . . NI-1

    Subject Index . . . SI-1 vii

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    Preface . . . xv

    Time Management: Or, How to Be a Great Student and Still Have a Life . . . xxxiv

    Thinking Critically With Psychological Science . . . 1

    CHAPTER1 What Is Psychology? . . . 2

    Psychology’s Roots . . . 2

    Contemporary Psychology . . . 5 Psychology’s Biggest Question . . . 5

    Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis . . . 6

    Psychology’s Subfi elds . . . 8

    The Need for Psychological Science . . . 10 What About Intuition and Common Sense? . . . 10

    The Scientifi c Attitude: Curious, Skeptical, and Humble . . . 13

    Critical Thinking . . . 15

    How Do Psychologists Ask and Answer Questions? . . . 15

    The Scientifi c Method . . . 15

    Description . . . 17

    Correlation . . . 20

    Experimentation . . . 22

    Frequently Asked Questions About Psychology . . . 25

    Improve Your Retention—and Your Grades . . . 29

    The Biology of Behavior . . . 35

    CHAPTER2 Biology and Behavior . . . 36

    Neural Communication . . . 36 Neurons . . . 36

    The Neural Impulse . . . 37

    How Neurons Communicate . . . 38

    How Neurotransmitters Infl uence Us . . . 40

    The Nervous System . . . 41 The Peripheral Nervous System . . . 42

    The Central Nervous System . . . 44

    The Endocrine System . . . 45

    The Brain . . . 46 Older Brain Structures . . . 47

    CLOSE UP: The Tools of Discovery—Having Our Head Examined . . . . 48

    The Cerebral Cortex . . . 53

    Our Divided Brain . . . 59

    Right-Left Differences in the Intact Brain . . . 61

    Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences . . . 62

    Genes: Our Codes for Life . . . 62

    Twins and Adoption Studies . . . 63

    Gene-Environment Interaction . . . 67

    Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding Human Nature . . . 68

    Natural Selection and Adaptation . . . 69

    Evolutionary Success Helps Explain Similarities . . . 70