ANT101 Assignments 1 Wk2
ANT101 Assignments 1 Wk2
- ANT101
- Assignments
- Week 2 – Assignment 1
6/25/2019 – AU Undergraduate
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Week 2 – Assignment 1
Evaluating Sources
[WLO: 4] [CLO: 5]
This assignment will help you understand what sources are typically considered appropriate to use for academic research papers. This assignment will also help you develop the skills needed to evaluate sources for use in academic research. You will likely come across many different types of sources during the course of your research for your Final Research Paper, including various websites, e-books, scholarly articles, news stories, magazine articles, and so forth. Not all sources you come across are suitable to use in college-level research papers. How do you know what sources are acceptable?
First, review the ANT101 Evaluating Sources (Links to an external site.) tutorial. This tutorial covers concepts such as
- How to evaluate sources to determine appropriateness for inclusion in an academic research paper using the CRAAP (currency, reliability, authority, accuracy, purpose) method.
- The different types of sources there are, the scope of information they usually cover, and their uses.
- Efficient ways to read scholarly sources.
This tutorial is interactive and you will be required to complete short exercises throughout it. It should take 8 to12 minutes to complete. After completing the ANT101 Evaluating Sources tutorial, you will earn a certificate that will be displayed on the last slide. You will need to save a copy of the certificate by taking a screenshot or by saving or printing the certificate as a PDF and uploading it to the classroom. For help taking a screenshot you may review the web page (Links to an external site.). Waypoint cannot accept image files, such as JPEG or PNG, so if you save your screenshot in this format, please insert your image into Word and then upload it.
To submit this certificate, save the screenshot or PDF to your computer in a location you can easily find. Click the “Assignment Submission” button within the assignment instructions in the online classroom. Upload and attach the screenshot or PDF certificate file that you have saved in your computer to your assignment submission.
Writing specialists are here 24/7, every day of the year, ready to support you!
- Click HERE to instantly chat with an online tutor.
- Click HERE to submit your paper for a review. Papers are returned within 24 hours with a revision plan.
- Click HERE to email us any writing questions.
- For additional writing resources like Grammarly (Links to an external site.), click on the Writing Center tab in the left navigation pane.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Waypoint Assignment Submission
The assignments in this course will be submitted to Waypoint. Please refer to the instructions below to submit your assignment.
- Click on the Assignment Submission button below. The Waypoint “Student Dashboard” will open in a new browser window.
- Browse for your assignment.
- Click Upload.
- Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate week’s assignment tab in Waypoint.
For more detailed instructions, refer to the Waypoint Tutorial (Links to an external site.).
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