Leadership Analysis Paper Discussion
Leadership Analysis Paper Discussion
Based in the attached questionnaire I completed (“Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in Peter G. Northouse – Introduction to Leadership_ Concepts and Practice-Sage Publications, Inc (2017), Chapter 1), please complete a 3 pages (not counting the cover page or references list) Leadership Analysis Paper including the following:
- Comprehension: Share the findings of the questionnaire.
- Application: Of the six dimensions in the questionnaire (trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, and process), which one is the most similar to your own perspective? Which one is least like your own perspective?
- Analysis/Synthesis: What do the scores you received on the questionnaire suggest about your perspective on leadership?
- Evaluation: What do your scores imply about your view of nurses as leaders versus managers? How are the results of this questionnaire beneficial to you as a leader?
*Please use 5 references, including these two required books. References must be within 3 years.
- Huber, D. L. (2018). Leadership and nursing care management (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier Publishers, Inc.
- Chapter 1: Leadership and Management Principles
- Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
Introduction to Leadership
Fourth Edition
To Madison and Isla
Introduction to Leadership
Concepts and Practice
Fourth Edition
Peter G. Northouse Western Michigan University
SAGE Publications, Inc.
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Brief Contents
1. Preface 2. About the Author 3. 1. Understanding Leadership 4. 2. Recognizing Your Traits 5. 3. Engaging Strengths 6. 4. Understanding Philosophy and Styles 7. 5. Attending to Tasks and Relationships 8. 6. Developing Leadership Skills 9. 7. Creating a Vision
10. 8. Establishing a Constructive Climate 11. 9. Embracing Diversity and Inclusion 12. 10. Listening to Out-Group Members 13. 11. Managing Conflict 14. 12. Addressing Ethics in Leadership 15. 13. Overcoming Obstacles 16. Glossary 17. Index
Detailed Contents
Preface About the Author 1. Understanding Leadership
Introduction Leadership Explained
“Leadership Is a Trait” “Leadership Is an Ability” “Leadership Is a Skill” “Leadership Is a Behavior” “Leadership Is a Relationship” “Leadership Is an Influence Process”
Global Leadership Attributes The Dark Side of Leadership Leadership Snapshot: Indra Nooyi Summary Application
1.1 Case Study 1.2 Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire 1.3 Observational Exercise 1.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 2. Recognizing Your Traits
Introduction Leadership Traits Explained
Intelligence Confidence Charisma Determination Sociability Integrity
Leadership Snapshot: Nelson Mandela Leadership Traits in Practice
George Washington (1732–1799) Winston Churchill (1874–1965) Mother Teresa (1910–1997) Bill Gates (1955–) Oprah Winfrey (1954–)
Summary Application
2.1 Case Study 2.2 Leadership Traits Questionnaire 2.3 Observational Exercise 2.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 3. Engaging Strengths
Introduction Strengths-Based Leadership Explained
Historical Background Identifying and Measuring Strengths
Strengths-Based Leadership in Practice Discovering Your Strengths Developing Your Strengths Addressing Your Weaknesses
Leadership Snapshot: Steve Jobs Recognizing and Engaging the Strengths of Others Fostering a Positive Strengths-Based Environment
Summary Application
3.1 Case Study 3.2 Leadership Strengths Questionnaire 3.3 Observational Exercise 3.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 4. Understanding Philosophy and Styles
Introduction Leadership Philosophy Explained
Theory X Theory Y
Leadership Styles Explained Authoritarian Leadership Style Democratic Leadership Style Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
Leadership Snapshot: Victoria Ransom Leadership Styles in Practice Summary Application
4.1 Case Study 4.2 Leadership Styles Questionnaire 4.3 Observational Exercise 4.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
5. Attending to Tasks and Relationships Introduction Task and Relationship Styles Explained
Task Style Relationship Style
Leadership Snapshot: Mick Wilz Task and Relationship Styles in Practice
Task Leadership Relationship Leadership
Summary Application
5.1 Case Study 5.2 Task and Relationship Questionnaire 5.3 Observational Exercise 5.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 6. Developing Leadership Skills
Introduction Administrative Skills Explained
Administrative Skills in Practice Interpersonal Skills Explained
Interpersonal Skills in Practice Leadership Snapshot: Coquese Washington Conceptual Skills Explained
Conceptual Skills in Practice Summary Application
6.1 Case Study 6.2 Leadership Skills Questionnaire 6.3 Observational Exercise 6.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 7. Creating a Vision
Introduction Vision Explained
A Picture A Change Values
Leadership Snapshot: Rosalie Giffoniello A Map A Challenge
Vision in Practice
Articulating a Vision Implementing a Vision
Summary Application
7.1 Case Study 7.2 Leadership Vision Questionnaire 7.3 Observational Exercise 7.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 8. Establishing a Constructive Climate
Introduction Constructive Climate Explained Climate in Practice
Providing Structure Clarifying Norms Building Cohesiveness Promoting Standards of Excellence
Leadership Snapshot: Meg Whitman Summary Application
8.1 Case Study 8.2 Organizational Climate Questionnaire 8.3 Observational Exercise 8.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 9. Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
Introduction Diversity and Inclusion Explained
Definitions Brief Historical Perspective
Inclusion Framework Leadership Snapshot: Ursula Burns Diversity and Inclusion in Practice
Model of Inclusive Practices Leader Practices That Advance Diversity and Inclusion Barriers to Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
Summary Application
9.1 Case Study 9.2 Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire 9.3 Observational Exercise 9.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 10. Listening to Out-Group Members
Introduction Out-Group Members Explained
How Out-Groups Form The Impact of Out-Group Members
Out-Group Members in Practice Strategy 1: Listen to Out-Group Members Strategy 2: Show Empathy to Out-Group Members Strategy 3: Recognize the Unique Contributions of Out-Group Members Strategy 4: Help Out-Group Members Feel Included Strategy 5: Create a Special Relationship With Out-Group Members Strategy 6: Give Out-Group Members a Voice and Empower Them to Act
Leadership Snapshot: Abraham Lincoln Summary Application
10.1 Case Study 10.2 Building Community Questionnaire 10.3 Observational Exercise 10.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 11. Managing Conflict
Introduction Conflict Explained
Communication and Conflict Conflict on the Content Level
Leadership Snapshot: Humaira Bachal Conflict on the Relational Level
Managing Conflict in Practice Fisher and Ury Approach to Conflict Communication Strategies for Conflict Resolution Kilmann and Thomas Styles of Approaching Conflict
Summary Application
11.1 Case Study 11.2 Conflict Style Questionnaire 11.3 Observational Exercise 11.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 12. Addressing Ethics in Leadership
Introduction Leadership Ethics Explained Leadership Ethics in Practice
1. The Character of the Leader 2. The Actions of the Leader
Leadership Snapshot: Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates 3. The Goals of the Leader 4. The Honesty of the Leader 5. The Power of the Leader 6. The Values of the Leader
Culture and Leadership Ethics Summary Application
12.1 Case Study 12.2 Sample Items From the Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire 12.3 Observational Exercise 12.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References 13. Overcoming Obstacles
Introduction Obstacles Explained Overcoming Obstacles in Practice
Obstacle 1: Unclear Goals Obstacle 2: Unclear Directions Obstacle 3: Low Motivation
Leadership Snapshot: Bill Courtney Obstacle 4: Complex Tasks Obstacle 5: Simple Tasks Obstacle 6: Low Involvement Obstacle 7: Lack of a Challenge. Leadership Analysis Paper Discussion
Summary Application
13.1 Case Study 13.2 Path–Goal Styles Questionnaire 13.3 Observational Exercise 13.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet
References Glossary Index
Leadership is a salient topic today. Given the volatility of global events and our national political climate, it is even more important now than it was when the third edition of this book was published. The public remains fascinated by who leaders are and what leaders do. People want to know what accounts for good leadership and how to become good leaders. Despite this strong interest in leadership, there are very few books that clearly describe the complexities of practicing leadership. I have written Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice to fill this void.
Each chapter describes a fundamental principle of leadership and how it relates in practice to becoming an effective leader. These fundamentals are illustrated through examples, profiles of effective leaders, and case studies. The text comprises 13 chapters: Chapter 1, “Understanding Leadership,” analyzes how different definitions of leadership have an impact on the practice of leadership. Chapter 2, “Recognizing Your Traits,” examines leadership traits found to be important in social science research and explores the leadership traits of a select group of historical and contemporary leaders. Chapter 3, “Engaging Strengths,” discusses the emerging field of strengths-based leadership, looking at how several assessment tools can help one to recognize his or her own strengths and those of others and then put those strengths to work as an effective leader. Chapter 4, “Understanding Philosophy and Styles,” explores how a person’s view of people, work, and human nature forms a personal philosophy of leadership and how this relates to three commonly observed styles of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. Chapter 5, “Attending to Tasks and Relationships,” describes how leaders can integrate and optimize task and relationship behaviors in their leadership role. Chapter 6, “Developing Leadership Skills,” considers three types of leadership skills: administrative, interpersonal, and conceptual. Chapter 7, “Creating a Vision,” explores the characteristics of a vision and how a vision is expressed and implemented. Chapter 8, “Establishing a Constructive Climate,” focuses on how important it is for leaders who are running groups or organizations to provide structure, clarify norms, build cohesiveness, and promote standards of excellence. Chapter 9, “Embracing Diversity and Inclusion,” discusses the importance of inclusive leadership and the barriers that can be encountered when trying to embrace diversity and inclusion. Chapter 10, “Listening to Out-Group Members,” explores the nature of out-groups, their impact, and ways leaders should respond to out- group members. Chapter 11, “Managing Conflict,” addresses the question of how we can manage conflict and produce positive change. Chapter 12, “Addressing Ethics in Leadership,” explores six factors that are related directly to ethical leadership: character, actions, goals, honesty, power, and values. Finally, Chapter 13, “Overcoming Obstacles,” addresses seven obstacles that subordinates may face and how a leader can help to overcome these. Leadership Analysis Paper Discussion
Leadership and
Nursing Care Management
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Leadership and
Nursing Care Management
Fourth Edition
Diane L. Huber, PhD, RN, FAAN, NEA-BC Professor College of Nursing and College of Public Health The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa
3251 Riverport Lane Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043
LeadeRsHip and nuRsing CaRe ManageMent isBn: 978-1-4160-5984-4
Copyright © 2010, 2006, 2000, 1996 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
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neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for any loss or injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of the material contained in this book. it is the responsibility of the treating practitioner, relying on independent expertise and knowledge of the patient, to determine the best treatment and method of application for the patient. Leadership Analysis Paper Discussion
the publisher
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Leadership and nursing care management / [edited by] diane L. Huber. – 4th ed. p.; cm. includes bibliographical references and index. isBn 978-1-4160-5984-4 (pbk.: alk. paper) 1. nursing services— administration. 2. Leadership. 3. nurse administrators. i. Huber, diane. [dnLM: 1. nursing services–organization & administration. 2. Leadership. 3. nursing, supervisory. WY 105 L4327 2010] Rt89.H83 2010 362.17’3068–dc22 2009016322
Managing Editor: nancy O’Brien Senior Acquisitions Editor: Kristin geen Associate Developmental Editor: angela perdue Developmental Editor: Jamie Horn Editorial Assistant: Jennifer palada Publishing Services Manager: deborah L. Vogel Senior Project Manager: Jodi M. Willard Book Designer: Charles seibel
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Lecia A. Albright, BS, CPHQ, FNAHQ Principal and Owner LARA Consulting, LLC Spotsylvania, Virginia
G. Rumay Alexander, EdD, MSN, BSN Associate Clinical Professor Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs School of Nursing University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Mary K. Anthony, PhD, RN, CS Associate Dean for Research Associate Professor Kent State University Kent, Ohio
Bonnie Weaver Battey, PhD, RN Nursing Education Consultant Antioch, California
Sharon A. Eck Birmingham, DNSc, MA, BSN, RN
Chief Nursing Executive AtStaff, Inc.; Adjunct Faculty University of North Carolina, School of Nursing Durham, North Carolina
Karen W. Budd, PhD, RN Director, Graduate Programs College of Nursing Kent State University Kent, Ohio
Thomas R. Clancy, PhD, MBA, RN Clinical Professor School of Nursing University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sean P. Clarke, RN, PhD, FAAN RBC Chair in Cardiovascular Nursing Research Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing,
University of Toronto, and University Health Network
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Robert W. Cooper, PhD Employers Mutual Distinguished Professor of
Insurance, College of Business and Public Administration
Drake University Des Moines, Iowa
Karen S. Cox, RN, PhD, FAAN Executive Vice President/Co-Chief Operating
Officer The Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City, Missouri
Kathleen B. Cox, PhD, RN Assistant Professor University of Virginia School of Nursing Charlottesville, Virginia
Kathy Craig, MS, RN, CCM Craig Research Continuum, LLC Founder and President Davidsonville, Maryland, and Kingston,
Ontario, Canada
vi Contributors
Laura Cullen, MA, RN, FAAN Evidence-Based Practice Coordinator Research Quality and Outcomes Manager Nursing Services and Patient Care University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa
Cindy Jean Dawson, RN, MSN, CORLN Nurse Manager Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Clinic Oral Surgery Clinic University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa
Amy London Deutschendorf, MS, RN, APRN, BC Senior Director, Clinical Resource Management The Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland
Karen N. Drenkard, RN, PhD, CNAA, BC Senior Vice President/Chief Nurse Executive Inova Health System Falls Church, Virginia
Therese A. Fitzpatrick, RN, PhD Clinical Instructor University of Illinois at Chicago, College
of Nursing Chicago, Illinois; Executive Vice President and Healthcare
Practice Leader The Optimé Group Evanston, Illinois
Betsy Frank, RN, PhD, ANEF Professor Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana
Maryanne Garon, DNSc, MSN, RN Associate Professor and Graduate Program
Coordinator Department of Nursing California State University Fullerton, California
Gregory O. Ginn, BA, MEd, MBA, PhD, CPA Associate Professor of Health Care Administration
and Policy University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nevada
L. Jean Henry, PhD Assistant Professor Health Science, Kinesiology, Recreation,
and Dance University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas
Katherine R. Jones, PhD, RN, FAAN Sarah Cole Hirsh Professor Associate Dean for Evidence-Based Practice Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio
Susan R. Lacey, RN, PhD, FAAN Director, Bi-State Nursing Workforce Innovation
Center Director of Nursing Workforce & Systems Analysis Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics Kansas City, Missouri
Jo Manion, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN Founder and Consultant Manion and Associates Oviedo, Florida
Maureen T. Marthaler, RN, MS Associate Professor Purdue University—Calumet Hammond, Indiana
Amelia Sanchez McCutcheon, RN, PhD Chief Nurse Officer and Executive Lead,
Professional Practice Vancouver Coastal Health Authority Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Contributors vii
Matthew D. McHugh, PhD, JD, MPH, CRNP, RN Assistant Professor of Nursing Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Raquel Meyer, RN, PhD(c) Canadian Institutes of Health Research Doctoral
Fellow Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jacqueline Moss, PhD, RN Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Clinical
Simulation and Technology University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of
Nursing Birmingham, Alabama
Mary Ellen Murray, PhD, RN Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Associate Professor University of Wisconsin—Madison, School of
Nursing Madison, Wisconsin
Lynne S. Nemeth, PhD, RN, MS Associate Professor College of Nursing Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina
Heidi Nobiling, RN, MA, MBA, NEA-BC Senior Assistant Director University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa
Clinical Nurse Specialist Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital; Core Adjunct Faculty National University San Diego, California
Beth Pickard, BSN President and CEO AtStaff, Inc. Durham, North Carolina
Belinda E. Puetz, PhD, RN Principal, Puetz Consulting Services, Inc.; Editor-in-Chief, Journal for Nurses in Staff
Development Cantonment, Florida
Richard W. Redman, PhD, RN Professor Director, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programs University of Michigan School of Nursing Ann Arbor, Michigan
Gene S. Rigotti, RN, MSN, CCNA, BCC Director, Professional Practice Inova Health System Falls Church, Virginia
Claudia DiSabatino Smith, RN, PhD(c), NE-BC Director, Nursing Research St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital Houston, Texas
Judith Lloyd Storfjell, PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Professor and Associate Dean Executive Director, Institute for Healthcare
Innovation University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing Chicago, Illinois
Kathleen Williams, RN, BSN, CORLN Assistant Nurse Manager, Department of Nursing University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa
Dana Woods, MBA, BA Director of Marketing and Strategy Integration American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Aliso Viejo, California
viii Contributors
Linda L. Workman, RN, PhD VP Center of Professional Excellence Patient Services, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center; Associate Professor University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Cincinnati, Ohio
EvolvE REsouRcEs
Case Studies, Study Questions, Instructor’s Manual, and PowerPoint Lecture Slides
Jean Nagelkerk, PhD, FNP-BC Vice Provost for Health Grand Valley State University Grand Rapids, Michigan
TEsT Bank
Susan Turner, RN, BSN, MSN, FNP Lead Instructor, RN Program Gavilan College Gilroy, California
Jeanne Campbell Brock, MSN, RNC, WHNP Curriculum Coordinator Indiana University/Methodist Family Medicine
Residency Indianapolis, Indiana
Gloria Fowler, MN, RN, CNAA Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of
Student Affairs University of South Carolina College of Nursing Columbia, South Carolina
Jaynelle F. Stichler, DNSc, RN, FACHE Associate Professor School of Nursing Chair—Nursing Leadership in Health Systems San Diego State University San Diego, California. Leadership Analysis Paper Discussion
● Case Studies Case scenarios with accompanying questions and answer guidelines
apply chapter content to real-life nursing practice.
● Glossary A comprehensive alphabetical listing gives readers access to a compi-
lation of all key terms within the text. ● Research Notes Additional summaries of current research studies complement the recent
literature studies in the text.
● Short-Answer Study Questions Essay questions promote critical thinking related to important concepts.
● Study Questions Matching and true-or-false questions reinforce the key content
covered in the text.
● WebLinks Links to hundreds of websites supplement the textbook content.
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