Application and Interpretation of Public Health Data

Application and Interpretation of Public Health Data

Application and Interpretation of Public Health Data

Please use the attached documents to complete the assignment

Surveys are often used to gather public health information or data.  The first step in analyzing the survey data is to conduct descriptive  statistics. Descriptive statistics help provide basic information about  the sample group, such as the average age and average income. This  information can then be analyzed to effectively measure and describe a  population’s health status, behavior, and associated risk factors in  relation to these variables.


The purpose of this assignment is to  use Excel to apply descriptive statistics in order to describe the  sample who completed a health behavior survey. Use the “Health Behavior  Data Set” and the “Descriptive Statistics in Excel Worksheet” to  complete this assignment. Refer to the instructional videos in the topic  resources as a guide.

For this assignment:

  1. Use the  “Data Analysis ToolPak” add-in and Pivot Tables to complete this  assignment. Refer to the “Data Analysis ToolPak” resource in the topic  resources. Click on the link and select either Windows or Mac for  instructions. The Microsoft Excel add-in will enable you to conduct  descriptive statistics in Excel.
  2. Read the “Health Behavior Case History and Survey” document to familiarize yourself with the survey and its purpose.
  3. Open  the “Health Behavior Data Set” in the Excel. Analyze the survey data  and answer the questions in the “Descriptive Statistics in Excel  Worksheet.” Submit the “Descriptive Statistics in Excel Worksheet” to  the dropbox.
  • attachment


    Descriptive Statistics in Excel Worksheet


    Use Microsoft Excel to analyze the information in the “Health Behavior Data Set” and answer the questions below.

    How many participants are in the sample? ____________________________________________

    Descriptive Statistics for Age

    Sort by age

    a. What is the age range? __________________________________________________

    Enable the “Data Analysis ToolPak” in Excel. Use the Data Analysis Feature to find the mean and standard deviation for age.

    a. What is the mean age? ________________________________________________

    b. What is the standard deviation for age? ______________________________________

    c. Copy and Paste the Descriptive Statistics Output for age here:



    Descriptive Statistics for Annual Income

    Use the Data Analysis Feature to find the mean and standard deviation for the Annual Income.

    a. What is the mean income? ________________________________________________

    b. What is the standard deviation for income? ___________________________________

    c. Copy and Paste the Descriptive Statistics Output for age here:


    Frequencies for Smoking Variable

    Use the Pivot Table Feature to create frequency tables for the smoker variable.

    a. What percent of the sample identify as smokers? _______________________________________

    b. Copy and Paste the Pivot Table here:



    Frequencies for Sex Variable

    Use the Pivot Table Feature to create frequency tables for sex.

    a. What percent of the sample identified as male? ________________________________

    b. What percent of the sample identified as female? ______________________________

    c. Copy and Paste the Pivot Table here:



    Descriptive Statistics Summary

    Create a summary of the descriptive statistics conducted on the sample that answers the following in 250-500 words:

    a. Summarize the survey. How many questions were there? How were the data collected?

    b. Discuss the sampling strategy used. Did this strategy result in a representative sample?

    c. Describe the sample. Based on the calculated descriptive statistics and frequencies, what do we know about the sample.

    d. Discuss two additional variables that could have been included in the survey to gain a better understanding of the population.





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    Health Behavior Case History and Survey

    Case History

    You currently serve as a health promotion specialist for a local community health organization. The organization was interested in learning about general health behaviors in the community, and the relationships between these health behaviors and environmental and social determinants. Application and Interpretation of Public Health Data

    You developed a short eight-question survey to gather information and will use the survey results to inform the development of a health promotion intervention. The survey allowed you to collect primary data based on convenient sample of people visiting the local shopping grocery store. Participants were offered $5 in exchange for completing the survey.

    The “Health Behavior Dataset”, located in the Excel worksheet, includes 30 observations from this survey. Refer to the data from this survey to complete the assignment.


    ID (to be completed by researcher): _____ _____ _____


    1. How old are you? __________

    2. What is your sex?

    · Male

    · Female

    3. Are you currently employed?

    · Yes

    · No

    4. What is your highest level of education?

    · Less than High school

    · Graduated High School

    · Graduated College

    5. What is your annual income? __________

    Height and Weight

    6. How much do you weigh in pounds? __________

    7. What is your height in inches? __________

    Smoking Status

    8. Do you smoke?

    · Yes

    · No


    © 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.



  • attachment



    ID Age Sex Employed Education_Level*** Annual_Income* Weight Height Smoker
    101 45 Female Yes 2 51000 190 60 No
    102 58 Male No 2 23000 150 68 No
    103 31 Female Yes 3 35000 100 65 Yes
    104 54 Male No 1 10000 120 66 No
    105 30 Female Yes 1 28000 150 70 Yes
    106 18 Female No 2 5000 125 62 Yes
    107 39 Female Yes 3 46000 110 61 No
    108 37 Male Yes 1 36000 250 66 Yes
    109 44 Female Yes 2 51000 240 68 Yes
    110 24 Male No 2 12000 280 75 No
    111 42 Female Yes 3 78000 120 63 No
    112 50 Male Yes 1 34000 180 74 No
    113 20 Female No 1 15000 160 63 Yes
    114 35 Male Yes 3 28000 150 72 No
    115 61 Male Yes 2 28000 175 65 No
    116 59 Male No 1 24000 180 64 No
    117 36 Female Yes 2 55000 210 64 No
    118 35 Male Yes 3 62000 180 69 Yes
    119 29 Male No 2 32000 100 70 Yes
    120 32 Female No 1 7000 110 64 No
    121 26 Female No 2 17000 205 65 Yes
    122 42 Female Yes 3 64000 200 65 No
    123 52 Male No 2 5000 160 71 No
    124 49 Male No 1 14000 165 72 No
    125 21 Female No 1 20000 175 67 No
    126 48 Male Yes 3 72000 165 73 Yes
    127 40 Female Yes 3 85000 170 69 Yes
    128 53 Female No 1 15000 245 73 No
    129 46 Male Yes 3 64000 175 68 No
    130 42 Male Yes 3 27000 250 70 Yes


    Variable Key
    Age Years
    Education Level
    1 Less than High School
    2 Graduated High School
    3 Graduated College
    Annual Income US Dollars
    Weight Pounds
    Height Inches