Picot Research Project Assignment
Picot Research Project Assignment
Part 1 uses your PICOT question- Please use the Evidence-Based Practice Guideline-Searchable Clinical Questions Form to complete this part of the assignment. You can find the form under the Course Resources Tab.
1.) You need to have a strong PICO(T) question in order for the search to make sense. If you are struggling with this please don’t hesitate to email me and send me your question with the PICO(T) breakdown so I can help you with this. Send it early in the week so you have enough time to get my response and do the search. I will comment on everyone’s PICOT in the discussion and make recommendations. Submit early!
2.) When searching you want to make sure you take good notes and write them in the comments side.
3.) The goal is to get between 10 and 15 articles. If you are not within this number keep searching until you have demonstrated it is not likely to reach this goal. Please provide as a rationale when you are not achieving the goal number of articles in your PICOT assignment.
4.) Not only will you be searching individual key terms (your PICO terms) and then combining them, but you will use search limits as well to narrow your search.
You have an example in the Rubric for this assignment. I strongly suggest you look at it and make sure you read the Rubric. This is how I will score your submitted assignment. This part of the assignment is a total of 100 points.
Please contact me early on in the week for any issues.
Part 2 of your assignment is the Annotated Bibliography (100 points)
1. From the articles you found during your database searches, choose 4 scholarly peer reviewed articles that would help provide an answer or provide insight to your clinical research question and write them in an annotated bibliography format. There is an example provided for you under the Course Resource Tab.
2. The paper must be in APA 6th ed format. You will submit the paper into the Dropbox for a Turn it in Review.
EBP Searchable Clinical Questions
with Annotated Bibliography
Guidelines with Scoring Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to: a) formulate a PICO (T)-formatted clinical question, b) identify key terms for conducting a review of the literature, c) search for relevant evidence in scholarly databases, and provide a summary of research articles to support an answer to the clinical question. Picot Research Project Assignment
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
(CO#3) Apply research principles to interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO 9)
(CO#4) Analyze data from relevant sources, including technology, to inform the delivery of care. (PO 4)
(CO#5) Analyze the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing. (PO 1)
Total Points Possible: 200
1. Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question using the PICO (T) format.
1. Identify key terms that you will use to search the literature, based on the PICO (T) elements
1. .
1. Search for information on your formulated clinical question in each of these three databases: PubMed, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and The Joanna Briggs Institute database.
1. Present the results of the searches in the tables provided in the “Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form” found in Course Resources. Place this completed form in the Dropbox.
1. From the articles you found during your database searches, choose four (4) scholarly peer reviewed articles that would help provide an answer or provide insight to your clinical research question and write them in an annotated bibliography format. Include which database you found the 4 articles that you choose for your annotated bibliography. Submit this APA 6th ed format paper into the Dropbox for a Turnitin Review.
1. Submit the Searchable Clinical Questions Form and your annotated bibliography paper to the Dropbox by the due date. The annotated bibliography is the only part of this assignment that you need to have the Turnitin similarity report less than 25%.
Preparing the paper
1. In Course Resources, you will find the ‘Week 5 Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form’. This is the form that you can use to document your search process and results. Below, you will find an example of how to complete the tables as you are doing each search
2. The notes section is to be completed in detail as each step of the search process is performed.
3. An optimal range of 10-15 scholarly articles is to be achieved for each database search. If this is not possible, a detailed explanation is to be included in the notes section. Do not stop too soon or you may miss some valuable article to help answer your clinical question. You want to be able to identify ten scholarly peer reviewed articles that would help answer or provide insight to your clinical research question so you can summarize them in an annotated bibliography written in APA 6th ed format. The annotated bibliography will be a separate Word document in APA 6th ed format.
Example: PubMed
Clinical Question: In patients with muscle spasms, is relaxation as good as anti-spasmodic medication in reducing the incidence of muscle spasms?*
The PICO (T) elements are:
P = patients with muscle spasms
I = anti-spasmodic medication
C= relaxation
O = reducing incidence of muscle spasms
T = not applicable in this case
Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes 1 Patients with muscle spasms 8750 I searched on the P, “patients with muscle spasms” by typing it in the search field and clicking “Search” 2 antispasmodic 46690 I searched on the I, “antispasmodic” by typing it into the search field and clicking “Search.” 3 relaxation 119010 I clicked “Clear” and typed “relaxation” in the search field. CINAHL suggested “relaxation techniques” so I chose to search on this. 4 Relaxation techniques 35602 I added techniques to the search field and clicked “Search”. 5 muscle spasms 23937 I clicked “Clear” and typed “muscle spasms” in the search field and clicked “Search.” 6 Antispasmodic Relaxation techniques 936 I clicked on “advanced search” and combined Search #2 and Search #4 using the Boolean operator “AND”. I clicked “Search.”. 7 Antispasmodic Relaxation techniques 7120 I clicked on advanced search and used the Boolean Term “or”. I chose Full text and 5 years then clicked search. 8 Relaxation techniques Muscle spasms 285 I clicked on advanced search and combined relaxation techniques and muscle spasms. 9 Antispasmodic Relaxation techniques Muscle spasms 17 Still using the Advanced Search, I used all three terms with Boolean term “And” between antispasmodic and relaxation techniques and muscle spasms. Clicked search. 10 Antispasmodic Relaxation techniques Muscle spasms 5 I clicked on advanced search, added Boolean term “and” plus indicated English only, full-text, and time frame 2011-2016.(5 years) Clicked “Search”. This was not in the range of 10-15 scholarly articles so decided to look at each of these articles to see if any of them would help answer my clinical research question. I then chose three of these articles for my annotated bibliography. *This table reports the history of an actual search of this clinical question in PubMed
Chamberlain College of Nursing NR500 Foundational Concepts and Application
9/15/16 sw 1 Grading Rubric
NR500 week 5 Rev 9/15/16 sw 4 -
Chamberlain College of Nursing NR500 Foundational Concepts and Applications
Evidence-Based Practice Assignment – Searchable Clinical Questions Form
Student Name:
Directions: Please read the Evidence-Based Practice Guideline-Searchable Clinical Questions Form Guidelines and Rubric located in Course Resources, for instructions on how to complete this form. You may add more rows to each table to fit your search. Picot Research Project Assignment
1. Clinical Question:
Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question, using the PICO (T) format. Please type the question here:
2. Identify the PICO (T) Terms:
3. Search: PubMed/MEDLINE
Go to MEDLINE at http://www.pubmed.gov and conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below:
Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes 4. Search: EBSCO/CINAHL
Go to the Chamberlain Library at http://www.chamberlain.edu/library and enter EBSCO. Conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below:
Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes 5. Search: The Joanna Briggs Institute
Go to The Joanna Briggs Institute via the CCN Library. Conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below:
Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes Evidence-Based Practice_Clinical_Questions_Form.docx revised 2106 -1-21 sw 2 -
Annotated Bibliography: Title of your paper
Student Name
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR XXX Title of Course
Annotated Bibliography: Title of your paper
Billingsley, S. K., Collins, A. M. & Miller, M. (2007). Healthy student, healthy nurse: A stress
management workshop. Nurse Educator, 32(2), 49-51.
This article, presented by advanced degreed nurse educators, discusses a successful stress reduction program implemented for nursing students to diminish personal and academic levels of stress associated with nursing education using combination of quantitative and qualitative design approaches. Use of evidence based peer reviewed articles established that there was a need for both health promotion and self-care strategies education to (a) define stress related to the educational process, (b) determine coping strategies such as nutritional choices and exercise and (c) create a personalized stress management plan. The program results reported meeting these objectives through participant responses on questionnaires and additional written comments. Although this is not a full research study the responses from the students to the program led to the recommendation to use this program with nursing students in other schools. As presented this program appears objective, the authors are credentialed faculty and deals specifically with nursing student stress which is the selected topic. This program may be one that could be considered within the college of nursing as an optional offering for nursing students who self-identify a need for stress reduction.
McCaffrey, R., Thomas, D. J., & Kinzelman, A. O. (2009). The effects of lavender and
rosemary essential oils on test-taking anxiety among graduate nursing students. Holistic Nursing Practice, 23(2), 88-93. doi:10.1097/HNP.0b013e3181a110aa
Using peer reviewed articles and recent research the advanced practice nurse authors
developed a quasi-experimental quantitative research design study to determine the ability of two essential oils to decrease test-taking anxiety in graduate nursing students as measured by an established tool, with strong reliability and validity that identifies levels of perceived stress. Methods were clearly outlined with data analysis demonstrating a statistically significant difference between before and after test anxiety with use of sachets for inhalation of lavender and rosemary oil. Even with the expression of limitations of the study, the authors recommend use of these oils for reduction of graduate nursing student test-taking anxiety. This study meets expected rigor for research, the authors are credentialed faculty and the content deals directly with the selected topic. This authors of this study indicate that due to the low cost and ease of use of this stress relief option that it should be considered by the group as one of the options to offer for the class presentation. Picot Research Project Assignment