Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
Communication in Project Management
Think about all of the stakeholders and colleagues that must be kept up to date on the status of your project. The recipient of your communication may be upstream (higher on the organizational chart), lateral (an equal organizationally), or downstream (i.e. end user) in relation to the project. A student in a prior CGE course compared communication in project management to the five rights of medication administration…we need to give:
- The right person
- The right information
- (via) the right route
- (at) the right time
- (in) the right dose
Identify two people, at two different levels (upstream, lateral, downstream) that you need to communicate with for your project and compare/contrast your communication with them based on each of the five rights of communication.
MSN-ST Collaboration Café
Guidelines and Grading Rubric
Within the MSN Specialties Track, you will engage and dialog with classmates in a Collaboration Café discussion assignment. The Collaboration Café is an interactive assignment that encourages meaningful application of course concepts, discussion of nurse-practice issues, and student leadership to prompt continued conversations in order to facilitate achievement of course learning outcomes. In order for students to lead and facilitate discussion within the collaboration café, course instructors will take a less active role in daily posting, but will remain present to monitor the discussion for compliance and to offer clarification. Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
Due Date:
· For Collaboration Café Assignments that take place during weeks 1 – 7, the due date for the initial posting is Wednesday 11:59 pm MT; the due date for responsive postings is Sunday 11:59 pm MT of the week that corresponds with the assigned collaboration café.
· For Collaboration Café Assignments that take place during week 8, the due date for the initial posting is Wednesday 11:59 pm MT; the due date for responsive postings is Saturday 11:59 pm MT, at the end of week 8.
· Due to the interactive nature of this assignment, all Collaboration Café postings must occur within the week that they are assigned. Late submissions are not permitted for grading.
Total Points Possible: 50 points / 25 points
Assignment Overview
Like the weekly Threaded Discussion, the Collaboration Café opens on the Sunday preceding the start of a designated week, and ends on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT at the end of the designated week (weeks 1-7), and by Saturday at 11:59 pm MT at the end of week 8.
In each Collaboration Café, students are expected to post a minimum of 3 postings, to include the following:
· Initial response
· Response to at least two separate peers on separate days from the initial response
Dialogue must be substantive and collaborative in nature, addressing specific concepts and topics noted in the Collaboration Café question and prompting further discussion among peers.
Scholarly references are not required in the Collaboration Café discussions; however, if the student chooses to submit a reference, APA format must be followed. There may also be times when faculty will have you review a website or article. In cases like these, you must properly cite and reference according to APA to avoid plagiarism.
Faculty may submit any student’s post to Turnitin in order to verify originality of work. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the week. Uncivil comments toward peers or faculty, in any of the posts, will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the week. Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
The initial posting must meet the following expectations:
· Addresses the collaboration café question in a thorough, substantive manner.
· Demonstrates application of course concepts.
· Discusses implications for advanced nursing practice.
· Includes correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence, and paragraph structure.
· If sources are included, APA format for citation and referencing is correctly applied. Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
The responsive postings must meet the following expectations:
· Responds to 2 separate classmates with substantive dialogue that is collaborative in nature.
· The response postings must occur on a different day from the initial posting.
· Responsive postings ask questions, offer new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice in order to facilitate further discussion.
· Includes correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence, and paragraph structure.
· If sources are included, APA format for citation and referencing is correctly applied.
Grading Criteria
Category Points % Description Quality of Initial Posting 50pt rubric: 25 25pt rubric: 12
50% · Addresses the collaboration café question in a thorough, substantive manner. · Demonstrates application of course concepts.
· Discusses implications for advanced nursing practice.
Quality of Responsive Postings 20 10
40% · Responds to 2 separate classmates with substantive dialogue that is collaborative in nature. · Each of the 2 postings asks questions, offers new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice in order to facilitate further discussion.
Graduate-level Writing Style 5 3
10% · Postings reflect clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas. · Postings convey a tone of professionalism and respect.
· Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence, and paragraph structure is evident.
· If sources are included, correct APA format for citation and referencing is applied.
· No direct quotes are used in this assignment.
Timeliness of Participation The following participation guidelines are expected: · Initial posting in response to the Collaboration Café questions is posted by Wednesday 11:59 pm MT.
· Minimum of two responsive posts to peers are posted by Sunday 11:59 pm MT (weeks 1-7); or by Saturday 11:59 pm MT (week 8). Responsive posts must be on a separate day from the initial post.
If either of the above requirements are not met, 10 points shall be deducted / 5 points shall be deducted.
Total 50/25 100% A quality assignment will meet all of the above requirements. MSN-ST Collaboration Café September 2019
Grading Rubric
Communication Plan
[Student Name Here]Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 631: Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience
September/October 2018
Communication Plan
The project focus is on the inclusion of HRO Principles in conjunction with traditional pressure injury prevention strategies in the prevention of pressure injuries for the critical care patient population. Within this project, the stakeholders include the project sponsor (AVP of nursing), resource staff nurses know as SWAN Nurses (skin and wound assessment nurses), Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses (WOCN’s), Nursing Quality Coordinator, Nurse Managers (for all four critical care units), multidisciplinary team members, and the critical care nursing staff. Project plan and interventions will need to be communicated to all staff members (AM and PM Shifts) within four different critical care units. Traditional means of project communication include meetings, power point presentations, newsletters, minutes with summary of project highlights/next steps, and email updates. Will also be utilizing an online collaborative discussion forum site and skype ability for meeting attendance to ensure meaningful communication to the maximal number of individuals. Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
Effective communication is a critical aspect of project-based change management; poor communication has been associated with project failures (Parker, Kunde, & Zeppetella, 2017). Communication influences trust, commitment to the project, project coordination, and team member collaboration (Rimkuniene & Zinkeviciute, 2014). Team involvement and consideration for individual contributions and suggestions is important to the success of any project. In any project team meeting, it is important to establish ground rules where everyone’s input is encouraged and respected. Healthcare is challenging because team members work different shifts, many team members work only three days per week & may have difficulty coming to work when not scheduled a full shift, and unit needs may preclude a team member from joining a meeting that they intending to be a part of. Projects are increasingly complex and require integration of technology as well as flexibility to effectively communicate with all project team members that often may have differing cultural backgrounds, familiarity with technology, come from different generations, and live in various geographic locations (Parker et al., 2017).
Believe an important communication strategy for this project will be the initial team meetings with project stakeholders. Will utilize both meeting space along with ability to skype into the meeting from home (if not scheduled on a specific day). Kick off meetings can promote building of a rapport and trust as well as create an environment of open, transparent communication among team members (Downing, 2015). Additionally, a kick off meeting can help to introduce the goal of the project as well as role responsibilities (Downing, 2015). For any meeting it is important to begin with introductions, so each member is familiar with members of the project team. Especially since project members may have independent work and need share information learned/work progress with the team on an ongoing basis. The kick off meeting allows for introductions as well as discussion on project background, goal setting, definition of scope, and establishment of deliverables (Downing, 2015). Making sure that team members understand the why behind the project is important. This information is also useful in establishing project goals as well as a timeline. Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
Biweekly SWAN meetings allowing for meaningful discussion of work, barriers encounters, and feedback is essential. The use of a collaborative discussion forum site will be very helpful and allow for exchange of information, ideas, and suggestions from the critical care SWAN team over the course of a two-week timeframe (between meetings) with sharing of unit specific skin rounds audit results are important communication strategies. The SWAN team shares a monthly newsletter with divisional staff as a means for both education and communication. Additionally, the chair of the SWAN committee attends the critical care shared governance divisional coordinating council where project information, next steps, and progress will be shared with other staff leaders in shared governance.
The project manager will be responsible for sharing biweekly project status update reports with the project sponsor along with the project team and unit leadership. A formal presentation at the multidisciplinary attended Critical Care Committee will ensure that all the entire interprofessional team is both aware of the project and is engaged in interventions as appropriate. Nurse managers for the four critical care units are part of the project team and will be charged with sharing project information and progress in unit staff meetings and through weekly management updates. Nurse educators and clinical nurse specialists will be responsible for communication of educational material through HealthStream, the online education system that tracks completion compliance. Lastly, the nursing quality coordinator will be responsible for compiling HAPI incidence information from the organizational event reporting system and communicating this specific information from a unit-based perspective as well as developing charts/graphs to aid in understanding the data. This data will be displayed in each of the units on the unit’s quality board. Planning celebrations at project milestones can help also create enthusiasm and excitement about the project plan.
In conclusion, choosing the medium and manner of communication can be as important as the message itself and the timeliness of the delivery (Musynska, 2018). Effective, meaningful communication strategies are associated with successful project outcomes. It is important that communication is planned to consider the various approaches possible and preference of the audience (Musynska, 2018). In Attachment A below, please find specifics of the project plan including stakeholder/project member information, preferred communication method, timing associated with communication, and responsible party for the specific communication (report prepared by information). Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
Downing, T. W. (2015). How to successfully host and effectively participate in kick-off meetings. American Medical Writers Association Journal, 30(4), 176-177. Retrieved from https://eds-b-ebscohost-com.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=9&sid=85f9319f-fbd3-4dcd-bc0b-a69fe815c770%40pdc-v-sessmgr03
Musynska, K. (2018). A concept for measuring effectiveness of communication in project teams. Journal of Economics and Management, 33(3), 63-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.22367/jem.2018.33.04
Parker, D. W., Kunde, R., & Zeppetella, L. (2017). Exploring communication in project-based interventions. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 66(2), 146-179. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/docview/1860055492?accountid=147674
Rimkuniene, D., & Zinkeviciute, V. (2014). Social media in communication of temporary organizations: Role needs, strategic perspective. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 15(5), 899-914. http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2014.938360
Appendix A: Communication Plan for Critical Care Division – Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) Reduction Project Utilizing HRO Principles (High Reliability) in Conjunction with Traditional Pressure Injury Prevention Strategies
Project Team Member/Stakeholder
Preferred Format
Report Prepared by
Project Sponsor
· In person meetings – monthly · E-mail updates
· Ongoing on a biweekly basis · Project Manager SWAN Nursing Team (Representing skin and wound assessment team members from each critical care unit)
· Kick off meeting with campaign planning and goal setting · Biweekly meetings with meeting agenda and minutes
· Organizational collaborative site discussion forum
· Biweekly skin audits with sharing of audit results in unit huddles and on quality dashboard
· At least 4 weeks prior to project start · Ongoing biweekly following kickoff meeting
· Ongoing (technology available for input/viewing 24/7 by all project team members
· Biweekly basis (2nd and 4th Friday of each month)
· Scheduled by Project Manager · Critical Care SWAN Team chair to create and forward to team
· Site created by organizational request to information technology department – Project Manager to request
· Audit completed by SWAN team and results shared in unit huddles and posted on unit quality boards
WOCN (Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses) · Attendance at biweekly SWAN meetings · Biweekly project status update report emailed
· Monthly HAPI Incidence Report with chart
· Biweekly meeting · Biweekly email
· Monthly report received via email
· Project manager to send appointments; swan chair to email agenda and minutes · Project manager to send biweekly project status update
· Nursing quality coordinator to pull incidence information from event report system and forward to the project team. To also create unit-based chart to be emailed as well
Nursing Quality Coordinator · Notification of HAPI incidence through organizational event reporting system · Biweekly project status update report emailed
· Systems notification through event report system the morning following entry · Biweekly email
· Automatic notification set through event reporting system · Project manager
Nurse Managers (Unit Managers from the four critical care units) · Attendance at biweekly SWAN Team Meeting · Biweekly project status update report
· Notification of unit specific HAPI incidence information at the time of reporting
· Notification of results of unit auditing
· Biweekly meeting · Biweekly email
· Systems notification through event report system the morning following entry
· Biweekly basis (2nd and 4th Friday of each month)
· Appointment invite from project manager; agenda and minutes received from SWAN chair · Project Manager
· Automatic notification set through event reporting system
· Unit SWAN Nurse
Multidisciplinary Team (providers, therapists, nutrition, etc.)
· Communication of project status and unit specific data at Critical Care Committee Meeting (through power point presentation and review of minutes) · Monthly meeting (fourth Tuesday of every month) · Skype/call in ability
· Critical Care Director sends meeting invite, agenda, and minutes Critical Care Nursing Staff Project communication though multitude of methods; specifically: · Staff meetings
· Divisional Shared Governance Coordinating Council Meetings
· Weekly nurse manager update
· Monthly SWAN newsletter
· Education through online organizational program: HealthStream
· Unit Quality Board with Graphs/Charts
· Monthly
· Monthly (second Tuesday of each month)
· Weekly (sent via email on Fridays)
· Monthly
· Ongoing program (monthly educational classes assigned)
· Ongoing (updated monthly)
· Nurse Manager
· Divisional Shared Governance Chair
· Nurse Manager
· Unit SWAN Nurse
· Unit Educator or Clinical Nurse Specialist
· Nursing Quality Coordinator, Nurse Manager, and Unit Council Chair
Looking ahead to week 4 of NR631 👀
All Sections
Hi everyone! You’ve now completed three weeks of NR631 (assuming that your literature review is done), and you are ready to move forward to week 4. I’ll be grading your TD participation hopefully on Monday and then I’ll work on your literature review assignments starting on Tuesday. This is a more extensive assignment and I have assignments due in other courses so it might take me a little longer to get your lit reviews back. I’m anticipating some excellent literature review on your great CGE topics 😎. Let’s take a look at what lies ahead in week 4… Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
In week 4, the lesson title is “Communication in Project Management” and we’ll be addressing the following course outcomes:
CO #1: Apply leadership skills of project management as a nurse executive in an organizational setting to develop, implement, and evaluate successful project plans (PO 4,5)
CO #3: Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support the role of a student in a practicum setting (PO 4) (this is in reference to your time at your practicum site and you’ll see this each week)
CO #5: Apply professional values characteristic of the competent and caring nurse executive that promotes holistic care principles and an appreciation of cultural humility (PO 1,3,4)
I encourage you to keep these course outcomes in mind while you read your text, articles, and lessons, as you participate in TDs, as you participate in practicum hours, and as you complete assignments.
Your week 4 reading consists of three articles from peer reviewed journals. Two would be considered “scholarly” by Chamberlain definition as they are within five years old. The Culo article is from 2010 but it’s a very good article so I decided to keep it. Please be sure to read these articles prior to constructing your initial TD post.
This week’s lesson is about communication and building a communication plan. One point the lesson brings out is that, like most of the templates we are using, many organizations have their own formats or templates. I encourage you to reach out to the PM professionals in your organization and ask about this and compare our template to what you use in your organization. If your organization doesn’t use a communication plan, it may be something you can suggest as a value added step.
Collaboration Cafe ☕️:
The week 4 discussion is a Collaboration Cafe ☕️! As with all TDs and Collaboration Cafe’s the reduced participation guidelines are in effect for those who need them. I will be reviewing posts each day to make sure you’re headed in the right direction. A note of interest…this CC is actually based on an idea that an NR631 student shared in the old week 4 TD. I thought it was such a great thought that I used it (with her permission) to form this learning activity. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to the knowledge you’ll build!
Graded Assignment:
The graded assignment for week 4 is the communication plan. Be sure to review the assignment guidelines, grading grid, and rubric so that you understand the assignment. Be sure that your “scholarly” section is about the role of the communication plan in PM. Tell me about why it’s important to have a communication plan and any information you can uncover to better understand this tool. After doing your research on the communication plan complete the template found in course resources and attach it to your scholarly paper as an appendix. See if you can learn how to create one document this week and submit the assignment as a single product. Wk4 Assignment: Collaboration Café
I look forward to helping guide you through this fourth week of your course! Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way.
Dr. Davis