Theoretical Basis of Community/Public Health Nursing

Theoretical Basis of Community/Public Health Nursing

Theoretical Basis of Community/Public Health Nursing


100 words

Chapter 14 Theoretical Basis of Community/Public Health Nursing Public health nursing is a community-oriented, population-focused nursing specialty that is based on interpersonal relationships. The unit of care is the community or population rather than the individual, and the goal is to promote healthy communities. The community health nurse has been assigned to count and interview homeless people sleeping in the local park to help in identifying programs to provide food, clothing, shelter, health care, and job training for the population. The community health nurse has to consider the eight principles of public health nursing in community health nursing practice when completing the assignment

1. There are essential characteristics of nursing service when a community is the client. Describe community-oriented, population-focused care, and relationship-based care. What type of care is been completed by the community health nurse who has been assigned to count and interview homeless people sleeping in the local park to help in identifying programs to provide food, clothing, shelter, health care, and job training for the population?

2. The goals of public health nursing, to promote and protect the health of communities, are facilitated by adhering to eight principles identified by the American Nurses Association (2007) for public health nursing practice. The community health nurse has to consider the eight principles of public health nursing in community health nursing practice when completing the assignment with homeless individuals. What are the eight principles?

3. There are numerous models of nursing practice that can be utilized in community health nursing practice. Theories and models of community/public health nursing practice aid the nurse in understanding the rationale behind community-oriented care. What are five of these models of nursing practice with a brief summary of the model?