Exegetical Paper Passage and Bibliography
Exegetical Paper Passage and Bibliography
Choose 1 passage from the attached document for your Exegetical Paper. Next, research at least 7 scholarly sources related to your passage and generate a bibliography that will be incorporated in the final Exegetical Paper. Textbooks do not count toward the total number of sources. You must use current Turabian format and submit the document as a .doc or .docx file.
Grading Rubric for Exegetical Passage and Bibliography Paper
Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 70%
Advanced 92-100% Proficient 84-91% Developing 1-83% Not present Content 7 points The passage selection is clearly stated and obvious to the instructor. Seven or more scholarly and credible sources are cited in the bibliography.
6 points The passage selection is stated and made available to the instructor. A minimum of seven credible sources are cited in the bibliography.
1 to 5 points The passage selection is not clearly stated. There are less than seven sources cited in the bibliography. Two or more of the sources are not scholarly and credible.
0 points Not present
Structure 30% Advanced 92-100% Proficient 84-91% Developing 1-83% Not present Thread: Grammar and Spelling, Turabian formatting 3 points Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Bibliographic references are cited in current Turabian format.
2 points Spelling and grammar has some errors. Sentences are presented as well. Bibliographic references are cited with some Turabian formatting.
1 point Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Bibliographic references are minimally or not cited in current Turabian format.
0 points Not present
Instructor’s Comments -
NBST 610
Exegetical Paper Passages
You may choose 1 of the following passages to use for your Exegetical Paper. Do not use a passage not indicated on the list below, and once you have chosen a passage, you must use the full passage.
1. Judges 11:29-40
2. Psalm 137
3. Isaiah 6:1-13
4. Jeremiah 20:7-18
5. Luke 15:11-32
6. Luke 24:13-35
7. John 7:53-8:11
8. John 14:1-15
9. Romans 7:7-25
10. Galatians 4:21-31
11. Galatians 5:1-12
12. Ephesians 5:22-33
13. Ephesians 6:10-20
14. Colossians 1:21-29
15. Hebrews 6:1-8 (pay attention to context)
16. Hebrews 10:26-31
17. 1 John 5:13-21
18. Revelation 1:12-20
If you wish to use a passage other than the ones listed above, you must contact your instructor for permission.
NBST 610
Exegetical Paper Instructions
You must submit an Exegetical Paper on a passage of your choosing. The instructor will provide a list of possible passages from which you may choose. The paper must follow current Turabian format. The paper must be 2,500–4,250 words (Note: Your title page, table of contents, and bibliography are not included as part of your total word count). You must include at least 7 scholarly sources (Note: Your textbooks do not count toward this total). Proper citation and use of sources is expected. You will also be graded on style and content.
You will find instructions for a basic exegetical paper in Appendix 2 of the textbook Grasping God’s Word. Submit a .doc or .docx file of your paper by uploading it to Blackboard. Submit your paper as an attachment rather than pasting it into the comments box.
See the Exegetical Paper Grading Rubric for details on how the paper will be evaluated.
Submit your paper by Sunday of Module/Week 7.