Psychology Journal Discussion Assignment
Psychology Journal Discussion Assignment
This journal activity is an opportunity for you to reflect on last week’s group assignment.
In this journal, address the following:
- Explain how initial opinions changed, regarding ethical concerns, after the group discussion in Week Four.
- Describe any state laws that influenced a personal plan of action.
- Address any disagreements that were discussed in the Week Four group discussion or alternate approaches or plans that will work.
- Describe any personal agreements from the Week Four group discussion, as well as the importance of finding agreement in the field of counseling.
- Explain how the group’s approach aligned to a personal counseling philosophy.
- Analyze the laws in one state that may conflict with a personal philosophy and ethical code.
COU 500 Ethical Case Study Analysis Draft Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: Ethical codes are a set of established standards developed by professional organizations. These codes are meant to guide the professional behavior of a discipline. For counselors, the abili%y %o make soun. e%/ical .ecisions in %/e clien%’s bes% in%eres% is paramoun% an. can be c/allenging. Of%en8 no clear answers exis% wi%/ regar. %o .ilemmas. Ra%/er8 %/e counselor’s response is a reflec%ion of bes% e%/ical fi% an. prac%ice. Base. on principles such as autonomy, justice, fidelity, nonmaleficence, and beneficence, the ethical codes that counselors espouse play a pivotal role to the therapeutic process. Psychology Journal Discussion Assignment
For the case study analysis portion of the final project, you will have the opportunity to explore how and why ethics are important to the counseling profession. After reviewing a case that has ethical implications, you will describe the key elements of the case that must be addressed and identify how ethical codes apply. Using this information, you will formulate and justify a plan of action based on the application of an ethical decision-making model and historical precedents. Further, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the process of ethical decision making as it relates to the profession of counseling.
Case Study: You are assigned a new client at your agency. Johnny is a 35-year-old middle-class Caucasian man who has been mandated to attend counseling. Upon intake, Johnny states that he is angry about being made to attend counseling. Four months before that, he and his wife had an altercation in which law enforcement was called. He was subsequently arrested for domestic violence, and the Department of Children and Family Services intervened because his two children (a five-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl) were present at the time of the fight. He has been ordered to successfully complete substance-abuse counseling because he was under the influence. When prompted about his anger, Johnny tells you that he is angry that he had to leave his home and attend treatment. He states that his wife had equal blame. Further, he states that he never wanted children in the first place and feels trapped because of them. Now he feels as though his freedom has been taken away because he lost his job, his house, and his ability to enjoy a few drinks because he will lose the children he never wanted. Over the next month, Johnny is compliant with attending counseling, but he seems resistant and guarded during his sessions.
Over the weekend, you go to a local restaurant with your friends and notice your client drinking in the bar area of the restaurant. You proceed with your plans and do not acknowledge him. Over the next hour or so, you watch him become increasingly intoxicated. What do you do?
Prompt: Compose a draft of the case study analysis portion of the final project. For this draft, you will analyze a case study by conceptualizing the case and applying a decision-making model that is appropriate for the situation. You will also have the opportunity to justify the decisions you are making and reflect on the process of making them. Your draft should address the all the critical elements of the assignment so that you may receive feedback prior to your final submission in Week Eight. Psychology Journal Discussion Assignment
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Case Conceptualization a. Describe the key components of the case study that are essential in conceptualizing the case. b. Identify the ethical codes that are relevant to working with this specific case in a professional counseling capacity.
II. Decision Making a. Choose an ethical decision-making model that is appropriate for conceptualizing this case. b. Using historical precedence, explain why you chose this decision-making model to conceptualize the case. c. Apply the components of your chosen decision-making model to the case to determine the ethical and legal considerations that need to be
III. Reflection Based on your personal philosophy of counseling, discuss how this case influences the practice of professional counseling in our society.
Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of the case study analysis should be 3 to 5 pages in length and should use double spacing, one-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Case
Conceptualization: Key Components
Describes the key components of the case study that are essential in conceptualizing the case
Describes the key components of the case study that are essential in conceptualizing the case, but description contains inaccuracies or gaps in logic
Does not describe the key components of the case study that are essential in conceptualizing the case
Case Conceptualization:
Ethical Codes
Identifies the ethical codes that are relevant to working with the specific case in a professional counseling capacity
Identifies ethical codes, but codes are not relevant to the specific case or inappropriate to use in a professional counseling capacity
Does not identify ethical codes 12.51
Decision Making: Model
Chooses an ethical decision-making model that is appropriate for conceptualizing the specific case
Chooses an ethical decision-making model for conceptualizing the case, but model is not appropriate for specific case
Does not choose an ethical decision-making model for conceptualizing the case
Decision Making: Historical Precedence
Explains why the decision-making model was chosen, using historical precedence
Explains why the decision-making model was chosen, using historical precedence, but explanation is cursory or lacks cogent connections to the historical precedence
Does not explain why the decision-making model was chosen
Decision Making: Considerations
Determines ethical and legal considerations through application of the chosen decision-making model to the case
Determines ethical and legal considerations through application of the chosen decision- making model to the case, but application is incomplete or determination is illogical
Does not determine ethical and legal considerations through application of the chosen decision-making model to the case
Reflection Discusses how the case influences the practice of professional counseling in society, based on personal philosophy of counseling
Discusses how the case influences the practice of professional counseling in society, but discussion is cursory or lacks connection to personal philosophy of counseling
Does not discuss how the case influences the practice of professional counseling in society
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%
COU 500 Week Five Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: This journal activity is private between you and the instructor. It is an opportunity for you to reflect on last week’s group assignment, in which you worked together to resolve an ethical dilemma.
Prompt: In this journal, address the following:
! Explain how initial opinions changed, regarding ethical concerns, after the group discussion in Week Four. ! Describe any state laws that influenced a personal plan of action. ! Address any disagreements that were discussed in the Week Four group discussion or alternate approaches or plans that will work. ! Describe any personal agreements from the Week Four group discussion, as well as the importance of finding agreement in the field of counseling. ! Explain how ,he group’s approach aligned to a personal counseling philosophy. ! Analyze the laws in one state that may conflict with a personal philosophy and ethical code. Psychology Journal Discussion Assignment
Guidelines for Submission: Your journal entry should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Opinions Changed Mee,s “Proficient” criteria and
includes explanations that demonstrate a competent understanding of ethical concerns in the counseling field
Explains how initial opinions changed, regarding ethical concerns, after the group discussion in Week Four
Explains how initial opinions changed, regarding ethical concerns, after the group discussion in Week Four, but explanation is incomplete or inaccurate
Does not explain how initial opinions changed, regarding ethical concerns, after the group discussion in Week Four
Personal Plan of Action
Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes critical analysis of how the laws might impact the practice of counseling
Describes any state laws that influenced a personal plan of action
Describes any state laws that influenced a personal plan of action, but description is incomplete or inaccurate
Does not describe any state laws that influenced a personal plan of action
Disagreements Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes explanations that demonstrate a competent understanding of alternate approaches to resolve disagreements
Addresses any disagreements that were discussed in the Week Four group discussion or alternate approaches or plans that will work
Addresses any disagreements that were discussed in the Week Four group discussion or alternate approaches or plans that will work, but response is incomplete or inaccurate
Does not address any disagreements that were discussed in the Week Four group discussion or alternate approaches or plans that will work
Agreements Mee,s “Proficient” criteria and includes rich descriptions
Describes any personal agreements from the Week Four group discussion, as well as the importance of finding agreement in the field of counseling
Describes any personal agreements from the Week Four group discussion, as well as the importance of finding agreement in the field of counseling, but description is incomplete or inaccurate
Does not describe any personal agreements from the Week Four group discussion, as well as the importance of finding agreement in the field of counseling
Approach Mee,s “Proficient” criteria and includes explanations that demonstrate a competent understanding of a personal counseling philosophy
Explains how ,he group’s approach aligned to a personal counseling philosophy
Explains how ,he group’s approach aligned to a personal counseling philosophy, but explanation is incomplete or inaccurate
Does not explain how the group’s approach aligne6 ,o a personal counseling philosophy
Laws Mee,s “Proficient” criteria, and analysis demonstrates a full understanding of potential conflicts between laws, philosophy, and ethics
Analyzes the laws in one state that may conflict with a personal philosophy and ethical code
Analyzes the laws in one state that may conflict with a personal philosophy and ethical code, but analysis is incomplete or inaccurate
Does not analyze the laws in one state that may conflict with a personal philosophy and ethical code
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to grammar, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- understand format
Submission has no major errors related to grammar, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to grammar, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to grammar, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%