Thank you for submitting deliverable #3 on therapeutic communication. Please see the feedback from this assessment below as it correlates to the rubric.


Row 1-4/4 Appropriately chose two intra-professional communication examples from the list of survey quotes. Examples were evaluated completely and consequences fully described. Accurate alternative strategy is provided and strongly supported with appropriate evidence. This demonstrates mastery of this item in the rubric.


Row 2- 4/4 Appropriately chose two inter-professional communication examples from the list of survey quotes. Examples were evaluated completely and consequences fully described. Accurate alternative strategy provided and strongly supported with appropriate evidence. This demonstrates mastery of this item in the rubric.


Row 3- 2/4 Communication is professional, but not well-constructed or succinct and lacks clarity due to missing details. Some spelling and grammar errors, which occasionally detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend the material. The instructions for this deliverable called for an informational Newsletter to employees about professional and therapeutic communication, it should not read like an essay.


Row 4- 4/4 Sources used are credible, support the purpose of the assignment, and contain insignificant to no APA errors.This demonstrates mastery of this item in the rubric.