Unit 8 Discussion Reflection
Unit 8 Discussion Reflection
Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:
- Integrate nursing and related sciences into the delivery of advanced nursing care to diverse populations. (AACNI.1)
- Incorporate current and emerging genetic/genomic evidence in providing advanced nursing care to individuals, families, and communities while accounting for patient values and clinical judgment. (AACN I.2)
- Compare normal anatomy and physiology to alterations in function and regulation of body organs and systems in response to stressors. (AACN I.1)
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.
- For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
- Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.
Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions.
All references and citations should in APA format.
Course Syllabus
Course Title: Advanced Pathophysiology
Course Code: NU621
Credit hours: 3
Prerequisites: NU 500 – Theoretical Foundations for Nursing and NU 560 – Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice
Course Description:
The course examines scientific concepts of pathophysiology essential to
diagnostic reasoning and clinical management of common disease states. The
dilemma of cost and need for laboratory and radiographic evidence to support
diagnosis is examined.
Program: Graduate Nursing
Program Outcomes:
1. Integrate scientific evidence from nursing and biopsychosocial disciplines, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences when designing and implementing outcome measures in diverse settings and through the lifespan.
2. Demonstrate leadership skills that emphasize ethical and critical decision- making, fiscal responsibility, inter-professional relationships that promote safe, quality care within a systems framework.
3. Apply methods, tools, performance measures, and evidence-based standards when evaluating quality indicators within an organizational system.
4. Synthesize theories, models and research findings inherent to nursing practice, education, and management to guide an organization or healthcare system towards achieving successful outcomes.
5. Apply client/patient care technologies and informatics to coordinate and ensure safe quality care and promote effective communication among members of the interprofessional healthcare team.
6. Analyze ethical, legal and sociocultural factors to influence policy development and healthcare delivery systems that promote the health of individuals and populations.
7. Articulate a leadership role within interprofessional teams through effective communication, collaboration and consultation with other professionals to manage, coordinate care and provide safe, quality family- centered and population based care.
8. Incorporate organizational and culturally sensitive client and population centered concepts in the planning, delivery, management and evaluation of direct and indirect evidence-based health promotion care and services to specified individuals, families and populations.
9. Implement scholarly activities in selected individuals, populations, and systems.
FNP Program Outcomes:
1. Critical Thinking: Demonstrate critical thinking and holistic caring as an advanced practice nurse.
2. Scientific Literature Analysis: Analyze scientific literature for application to selected diagnosis and treatment plans.
3. Ethical Principles: Synthesize ethical principles into the management and evaluation of healthcare delivery concerns in culturally diverse care settings
4. Competencies: Articulate a personal philosophy and framework acknowledging professional and accrediting agency competencies relating to the role and scope of practice of the family nurse practitioner.
5. Role of FNP: Implement the role of the family nurse practitioner in selected clinical settings.
Course Learning Objectives:
1. Integrate nursing and related sciences into the delivery of advanced nursing
care to diverse populations.
2. Incorporate current and emerging genetic/genomic evidence in providing
advanced nursing care to individuals, families, and communities while
accounting for patient values and clinical judgment.
3. Compare normal anatomy and physiology to alterations in function and
regulation of body organs and systems in response to stressors.
Topics & Learning Activities
Unit Topics & Activities Learning Objective Supported
Points Possible
1 THE CARDIOVASCULAR AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS Topic(s): HTN, CHF, CAD, AOD, MI, Ischemia Reading: Chapter 32: Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems Chapter 33: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function Chapter 34: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function in Children Discussion: Myocardial Infarction Assignments & Assessments: Unit 1 Quiz
1, 2, 3,
40 60
2 THE PULMONARY SYSTEM Topic(s): Pulmonary injury, pulmonary diseases, ARDS, OPD, pneumonia, TB, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary HTN, Cor pulmonale, cancer Reading: Chapter 35: Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System Chapter 36: Alterations of Pulmonary Function Discussion: COPD Assignments & Assessments: Unit 2 Quiz
1, 2, 3
40 60
3 THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Topic(s): Thyroid Disorders, Diabetes Reading: Chapter 21: Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation Chapter 22: Alterations of Hormonal Regulation Chapter 23: Obesity and Disorders of Nutrition Discussion: Hyperthyroidism Assignments & Assessments: Unit 3 Quiz Endocrine Case Study
1, 2, 3
40 60
4 THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Topic(s): Acute and chronic gastritis, duodenal, gastric, and stress ulcers, ulcerative colitis, Chron’s disease, hepatitis, IBS, appendicitis, over and under nutrition, liver dysfunction, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis with cholecystitis. Reading: Chapter 41: Structure and Function of the Digestive System Chapter 42: Alterations of Digestive Function Discussion: Digestive Function Assignments & Assessments: Unit 4 Quiz
1, 2, 3
40 60
5 THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Topic(s): Osteoporosis, arthritis, gout, osteomyelitis Reading: Chapter 44: Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System Chapter 45: Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function Discussion: Back Pain Assignments & Assessments: Unit 5 Quiz
1, 2, 3
40 60
6 THE NEUROLOGIC SYSTEM Topic(s): Disorders of the spine, stroke syndromes, headaches Reading: Chapter 16: Pain, Temperature Regulation, Sleep, and Sensory Function Chapter 17: Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Motor Function Discussions: Neurologic Disorders Assignments & Assessments: Unit 6 Quiz Neuro Case Study
1, 2, 3
40 60
7 THE RENAL AND UROLOGIC SYSTEMS Topic(s): UTI, Cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome Reading: Chapter 38: Structure and Function of the Renal and Urologic Systems Chapter 39: Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function Discussion: Renal Disease Assignments & Assessments: Unit 7 Quiz
1, 2, 3
40 60
Topic(s) Reflection Discussion: Reflect on Course Objectives Unit 8 Quiz
40 60
*Pass rates may vary by program requirement- Refer to the University Catalog
A 90.00% – 100.00%
B 80.00% – 89.99%
F 0.00% – 79.99%
Grade Summary Points
Weight out of 1000
Method of Scoring Points
Discussion(s) (8) 320 32% Rubric
Quizzes (8) 480 48% Points
Case Studies (2) 200 20% Points
Total 1000 100%
*University policies, such as attendance philosophy, notification of absences, extenuating circumstances, accommodation requests, academic dishonesty, late policy, grading and grading symbols, and student conduct are included in the University catalog. Students should reference the catalog for the complete listing of policies.
*Note: In some cases, program and/or course specific information may be appended to the syllabus as an addendum. In these instances, students must consider the syllabus to be inclusive of any appended information, and as such, students must adhere to all course requirements as described in the document in its entirety.