Capella University Quality Measurement & Management Organizations Questions

Capella University Quality Measurement & Management Organizations Questions

Capella University Quality Measurement & Management Organizations Questions

For this discussion you will read the chapters in the reading material in textbooks and visit internet website materials belowe and textbook material readings. Use your Measuring Health Care: Using Quality Data for Operational, Financial, and Clinical Improvement by Yosef D. Dlugacz. And Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations by Roberta Carroll, and the Internet to read and review the following:

-In Measuring Health Care, Chapters 1–2, “Overview: What Measures Measure” and “Fundamentals of Data,” pages 1–40. Carefully consider what quality measurement means to health care. Think about the many sources of quality data and how this data may be used to analyze and improve health care.


-In Measuring Health Care, choose one of the following for the Unit 1 Case Studies in Measuring Quality discussion:

-The Institute of Medicine’s 2000 Executive Summary of To Err is Human(Click Executive Summary on the right of the page.) Review this document to understand the foundations that all health care quality efforts are built on. This executive summary is part of a large work published by the Institute of Medicine. Reflect upon how this document helped change the way we view quality management in health care organizations.

-Review these Web sites for the latest information on health care quality management:

eHealth Initiative.

Journal of Medical Internet Research.

The Institute of Medicine’s 2009 The Learning Healthcare System Workshop Summary

***Read the interview of Jim Chase, Executive Director of MN Community Measurement. He is a former Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner who runs a novel and exciting quality project. Be thinking about the concepts he brings up and how to integrate them into this unit’s discussion. “ I will upload the transcript of the interview.”

1. Quality Management Organizations- Carefully investigate the organization that you were assigned. You may consult the organization’s Web site and your textbook. Post a 250 to 300 word substantive post on the role of that organization in monitoring and promoting quality efforts in health careMake sure to create this post using your own words. Do not copy and paste information from the Web site or readings. You will investigate national organization that is focused on quality management or quality assurance.

Your assigned organization is the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).


2.Case Studies in Measuring Quality -Chapter One of Dlugacz (2006) provides foundational discussion to what quality measures actually measure. Chapter two provides several case studies demonstrating the value of quantifying and measuring quality. Provide a 250 to 300 word analysis of your chosen case. Discuss what precipitated data collection for your case, what data was collected, and how that data applied to change or improve business practices. Is there anything different from what you would do in the face of a similar case? Pick only one of the following:

Case Example: Cardiac Mortality (p. 24)

-Case Example: Intensive Care Unit (p. 26).

-Case Example: Falls (p. 30).