Capella University Environmental Scanning Techniques Discussions Response
Read both post offer feedback on how these learners can apply the tools and techniques for scanning the environment to their current or future work settings. Capella University Environmental Scanning Techniques Discussions Response
1.Marx stresses the importance of scanning the environment because the leader in touch with what is going on in the organization externally and helps with internal scanning. Scanning the environment helps them keep in touch with what is going on in the organization and connect with the people of the organization. Scanning the environment, helps the leader to understand what’s going on in the organization and helps them get in front of any problems that could arise. In the external scan, it includes looking at the organization and all it’s moving parts. The external scan includes looking at trends, keeping up with technology and keeping with things that are changing that pertains to the work that the organization does. One of the tools that I choose is the interviewing and polling. Interviewing and polling can help identify what the trend is and put a pulse on what is going on and what will happen in the future. If I was the leader in an organization and I wanted to know how the people in the organization felt about the organization and the work they were doing, I would administer a survey. Before administering the survey to staff, I would let them know why I am asking them to participate in the survey and how it will help me to make better decisions for them. I would explain that it is their opportunity to be honest and truthful without the worry of retaliation. Once the results are tallied, that helps me with the external scan of the environment, and I would make changes or change nothing according to the results.
2.Environmental scanning is the acquisition and use of information about events, trends, and relationships that assist in planning the management of future courses of action of an organization (Chun, W., 1999). This process includes internal scanning of organizational strategies that produce connections with other agents, as well as external scanning of macro systems such as political, economic, and social interactions amongst the community and society as a whole(Manx, G. 2006).
Environmental scanning is important in its provision of information and ideas to opportunities, cautions, and problems that assist in the avoidance of pitfalls and expansion of perspectives and context (Manx, G., 2006). Research suggests that environmental scanning is linked with improved organizational performance (Chun, W., 1999). There are several tools and techniques used in environmental scan. One of these tools that could be useful in my current work setting is the analysis of social, technological, economic, environmental, and political factors, and values (STEEPV).
As a juvenile counselor, the STEEPV analysis can be useful in the identification of trends and issues and their interconnectedness. With the creation of diverse focus groups and the review of literature and professional trades, there can be a formulation of ideas and issues to which actions and interventions can be implemented. According to Manx, STEEPV analysis helps in the identification of forces affecting the entire community (2006). Because the community is an influential component of deviant behaviors in adolescents, it is important to expand our context to include the whole of society and learn from its influence (Manx 2006). As a leader in the helping field, using the characteristics of environmental scanning can aid in identifying community patterns, building relationships community wide, identifying various resources, and establish channels for linking those resources (Tang, T., 2016).
Read both post offer feedback on their plan of how they, as leaders, will spot trends in their current or future work with youth.
1) 2. Majorities will become minorities, creating ongoing challenges for social cohesion.
The U.S. Census Bureau projects the nation will become much more diverse by midcentury, with minorities forecast to become the majority population by 2042 (Craig, Rucker, & Richeson, 2018). Growth, both individual and corporate, will be largely multicultural in the future, and many growing markets are underserved. Understanding is only the first step, however. To be able to have an impact with diverse populations it is important to have an understanding of their needs but to have a deeper impact, you must connect with them. In trying to attract minority groups many times it means returning to more traditional methods of contact such as, personal, face-to-face relationships which are critical in establishing connection (Craig, Rucker, & Richeson, 2018) .
13. Understanding will grow that sustained poverty is expensive, debilitating, and unsettling.
Adolescent poverty is associated with increased antisocial and decreased prosocial behaviors (Machell, Disabato, & Kashdan, 2016). The number of youth living in poverty has steadily been increasing sense 2000. Approximately twenty percent of youth under the age of eighteen in the United States in 2013 lived in poverty. Youth raised in poverty are at increased risk for numerous negative outcomes, including academic difficulties and high school dropout, behavioral and emotional problems, and a greater likelihood of living in poverty as adults (Machell, Disabato, & Kashdan, 2016). These youth also exhibit a lower over-all well-being, life satisfaction, and happiness. Many adolescents who live in poverty begin to feel hopeless about their prospects when thinking about the future.
16. Greater numbers of people will seek personal meaning in their lives in response to an intense, high-tech, always-on, fast-moving society.
Current research on youth purpose focuses on purpose in life as a stable and generalized intention to accomplish something that is at once meaningful to the self and of consequence to the world beyond the self (Machell, Disabato, & Kashdan, 2016). Youth who feel they have a purpose in life helps to foster a future-oriented framework to organize and focus their goals. A central theme to purpose in life is the drive to make a difference and contribute to the world. A global sense of purpose can motivate the efforts of everyday living and give meaning to daily activities by connecting them to an overarching life goal (Machell, Disabato, & Kashdan, 2016).
In order to be able to spot trends as a leader in my current work with youth it will be important to listen to their needs really trying to hear from all cultures around me. I have worked for organizations that try and put in place plans for various populations being served and they fall short because no one stopped to listen to what the group actually needed. Connect as was mentioned above is paramount especially when working with youth without that compliance and motivation to excel will not be there. In this day and age technology has taken the place of youth developing skills to have face to face dialogue with people. Modeling this with youth would give them the skills to be able to have a greater chance of success as they go out into the world.
2) In light of the current protest, the most obvious trend that Manx has listed is “Majorities will become minorities, creating ongoing challenges for social cohesion” (pp. 48, 2006).The U.S. Census Bureau projects that racial minority groups will make up a majority of the US national population in 2042 (Craig, M. A., & Richeson, J. A. 2014). This trend alerts us not only to the demographic changes regarding race, but also to other differences such as gender, education, age, sexual preferences, and generational gaps (Crul, M. 2016). In situations where there is no longer a clear majority group, the idea of assimilation or integration becomes hollow requiring new theoretical perspectives and interventions. In addition, changes to the majority population can be seen as a threat to the racial status of the current majority group causing more negative racial attitudes and emotions. It can also be implied by this trend that there will be a conservative shift of traditional ideologies (Craig, M. A., & Richeson, J. A. 2014). It is important for a leader to notice this trend and find opportunities for discussion and encouragement of diversity.
Another trend mentioned by Manx, would be that associated with technology increasing the speed of communication and the space of advancement or decline (2006). Whereas technology is useful in providing networking opportunities and access to information, it can also negatively impact relational quality and strength (Mesch, G. S. 2012). Conflict with youth may arise from generational undermining of technological use and advanced maturation of adolescents. The ability to meet technology demands will be dependent on social background, social skills, and personality characteristics that have the potential to change the hierarchy of authority between adolescents and adults (Mesch, G. S. 2012). A leader in the helping field would need to get ahead of this trend by continuing their knowledge and use of technology and being flexible with their expectations of what’s appropriate as it relates to child maturation and autonomy.
Lastly, Manx identified that “greater numbers of people will seek personal meaning in their lives in response to an intense, high tech, always on, fast moving society” (pp. 49, 2006). Research suggest that much of the challenges adolescents face in their efforts to secure a sense of identity is in an effort to discover significance and meaning in life (Cheon, J. W., & Canda, E. R. 2010).According to Cheon, J & Canda, adolescents would more likely become interested in secular spiritual activities unrelated to authority (2010).This makes it important for leaders to increase their awareness of young peoples spirituality and its relevance to interventions.