Capella Quantitative Research Method Non-Experimental Approach

Capella Quantitative Research Method Non-Experimental Approach

Capella Quantitative Research Method Non-Experimental Approach

Based on the non-experimental quantitative study you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the following:

  • Describe the constructs and variables under investigation.
  • Describe the instrument or instruments used in the research. Include a discussion of the concepts of construct validity and reliability.
  • Identify the statistical tests used to analyze the data, and discuss the implications of the results with regard to interpretation of non-experimental data.
  • Evaluate the scientific merit of the selected design. Did a correlational design allow the researchers to answer the research question or questions? How might you have designed this study differently?
  • List the persistent link for the article. Use the Persistent Links and DOIs library guide, linked in the Resources, to learn how to locate this information in the library databases.
  • Cite all sources in APA style and provide an APA-formatted reference list at the end of your post.



Read the introduction to this unit, Quantitative Methods: Non-Experimental Approach. The introduction describes the defining characteristics of non-experimental research.

Use your Leedy and Ormrod text, Practical Research: Planning and Design, to read the following:

  • Chapter 6, “Descriptive Research,” pages 145–191.
    • This chapter covers basic non-experimental designs, as well as basic directions for conducting non-experimental research.

Use the Internet to read the following material, to learn more about the use of surveys and questionnaires. Navigate to the assigned pages by using the website’s table of contents, linked in the left navigation menu of its home page:

  • Web Center for Social Research Methods. (n.d.). The research methods knowledge base. Retrieved from
    • Further explanations about the differences in correlations and causal relationships are found on the following page:
      • Types of Relationships.
    • The last four Web pages address issues of construct validity and reliability:
      • Construct Validity.
      • Threats to Construct Validity.
      • Reliability.
      • Types of Reliability.
PSY Learners – Additional Required Reading

In addition to the other required study activities for this unit, PSY learners are also required to read the following library resource:

  • Widaman, K. F. (2000). Developmental psychology: Research methods. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology, vol. 3 (pp. 18–23). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    • This reading covers developmental research, with attention to design, measurement issues, and statistical methods.


Complete the following research for this unit:

  • Use the Capella University Libraryto locate one article from the academic literature that utilizes non-experimental quantitative methods. Make sure the article fits Leedy and Ormrod’s description of non-experimental research.
  • Record the persistent link for the article found within the library databases.
    • Note: The persistent link is different from the URL in the browser window. Use the Persistent Links and DOIs guide to learn where to locate library articles’ persistent links.
  • Read the article in preparation for discussion in this unit.
    • Note: Use the Finding Articles for Your Discussion Post library guide to learn how to locate articles within the library databases. This guide will walk you through the basic steps of accessing the library databases and creating a search strategy to find articles