Capella University Islamic Cultural Psychology PPT
Imagine that you work at a mental health clinic. To help encourage immigrants to seek psychological services, your employer has asked you to speak at a local meeting of immigrants. You are aware that new immigrants to the United States often view psychology and mental health services as purely Western concepts.
For this assignment, you will want a minimum of four resources. To prepare for this presentation, choose one of the articles below as one of the regions you wish to focus on. You may also use these resources on your assignment as a source for this assignment and as your topic population:
Middle East
- Haque, A. (2004). Psychology from Islamic perspective: Contributions of early Muslim scholars and challenges to contemporary Muslim psychologists. Journal of Religion and Health, 43(4), 357–377.
- Simonton, D. K. (2018). Intellectual genius in the Islamic golden age: Cross-civilization replications, extensions, and modifications. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12(2), 125–135.
Assignment Instructions
In your presentation, do the following:
- Describe the cultural psychology of a selected group (include key figures, central concerns, and theoretical conflicts).
- Describe the historical development of the cultural psychology you chose.
- Compare it to developments in Western psychology.
- Contrast it to developments in Western psychology.
- Explain how modern psychology offers culturally similar perspectives for a recent immigrant from that culture.
Submission Requirements
Create a PowerPoint presentation to accompany your talk. Requirements include the following:
- Length: 5–7 slides (not including title slide or references); each slide should contain 3–4 paragraphs of notes.
- Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Resources and citations: Use a minimum of three scholarly sources. A maximum of one credible but nonscholarly source is acceptable in addition to the three scholarly sources. Format according to current APA guidelines.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
- Competency 1: Apply scholarly literature in the study of history and systems to topics in psychology.
- Apply two scholarly sources to the history and systems of psychology.
- Summarize key figures, central concerns, and theoretical conflicts in the history of psychology.
- Competency 2: Analyze the major events, schools of thought, and cultural influences that have affected the development of psychology as a discipline and science.
- Describe the cultural psychology (including key figures, central concerns, and theoretical conflicts).
- Contrast the cultural influences that affected the development of two systems of psychological ideas.
- Compare the cultural influences that affected the development of two systems of psychological ideas.
- Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
- Communicate in an organized, clear manner that demonstrates purpose, use of evidence, and correct sentence structure, with tone suitable for the target audience.
- Follow current APA guidelines on in-text citations and reference lists.