Course Project/ Research Paper Assignment

Course Project/ Research Paper Assignment

Course Project/ Research Paper Assignment

The first attachment is the paper that was turned in for the beginning process of the research paper and the topic that the rest will go off of.

the second one attachment is the way the papers needs to be outlined.




For this assignment, develop your research paper introduction to communicate your knowledge and understanding of a research topic. Using the Introduction Scoring Guide as a reference, write a paper in which you discuss the following specific points:

  1. An introduction stating the problem and describing the background of the problem.
  2. The purpose and significance of the study.
  3. A preliminary summary of the research method and design.
  4. Guiding research questions or hypotheses.
  5. The assumptions and limitations of the study.
  6. The operational definitions used in the study.
  7. The expected outcomes.

Use the APA Proposal Template to complete this assignment. This template is already designed with headings and subheadings that you must use for proposal development.

  • In your paper, include in-text citations and a reference section at the end.
  • Make sure your paper is formatted based on APA sixth edition guidelines. See the iGuide page APA Style and Format or basic rules of style and formatting at the APA Style Web site for information on these guidelines.
  • Your introduction should be 6–8 pages in length.
  • To ensure you are meeting the objectives of this assignment, review the Introduction Scoring Guide.


Literature Review

In this assignment, you will develop your literature review. Your literature review should be 6–8 pages in length. The review should include a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed scholarly articles published within the past ten years that focus on your problem or topic of choice. (Your final project requires a minimum of 10 sources.) Using the Literature Review Scoring Guide as a reference and the APA Proposal Template, write a paper in which you will discuss five specific points:

  1. Describe the line of research of which the research project is meant to contribute.
  2. Analyze critically the studies that support the research project’s research problem, research question, and the significance of the study.
  3. Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies that present a theoretical framework for the study.
  4. Identify, describe, and assess the instruments, measures, and methods of data collection and analysis supporting the research proposal’s methodology and approach.
  5. Provide a rationale for the proposed research by identifying missing elements, unanswered questions, and gaps in the existing knowledge base.

To ensure you are meeting the objectives of this assignment, please review the Literature Review Scoring Guide. In your paper, include in-text citations and a reference section at the end. Make sure your paper is formatted based on current APA guidelines. Refer to APA Style Central for guidance in using proper APA style. See the APA Style and Format section of the Writing Center for instructions on accessing and using APA Style Central.



In this assignment, you will develop your Methodology section. This section follows your Introduction and Literature Review sections. At best, it should build on the information included in these sections. Having introduced a brief outline of your study in the introduction, you will flesh that out and provide details in the Methodology section. Having identified gaps and missing elements in the existing body of current research in your literature review, you will attempt to fill those gaps and address unanswered questions related to your hypothesis with this design.

The Methodology section should be 6–8 pages in length. Using the Methodology Scoring Guide as a reference and the APA Proposal Template, write a paper in which you discuss seven specific points:

  1. Purpose of the study.
  2. Research method and study design.
  3. Research hypotheses and questions.
  4. Target population and sampling techniques.
  5. Instruments (or measures in quantitative studies).
  6. Data-collection procedures.
  7. Data-analysis procedures.

To ensure you are meeting the objectives of this assignment, please review the Research Methods Scoring Guide. In your paper, include in-text citations and a reference section at the end. Make sure your paper is formatted according to current APA guidelines. Refer to APA Style Central for guidance in using proper APA style. See the APA Style and Format section of the Writing Center for instructions on accessing and using APA Style Central.



Technology and human Interaction 1 TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN INTERACTION Morgan Jones Capella University 04/22/2018 Technology and human Interaction 2 Has technology enhanced the way we interact with one another or has it diminished our social skills with one another? From social media sites to automated operators, we have seen over the past 10 years the way we interact with each change significantly. We no longer have to leave our house to meet someone, either just unlock your phone and open up an app or log onto your laptop to a plethora of websites. Has communicating with one another become easier or does this change our communicating skills. In an article by Byrne, D. (2017), he gives example of the different technologies that have eliminated the human interaction with one another, such as order online, social media, automated checkout, and