BUS8075 Capella Analyzing Consumer Interaction Adidas Corporation

BUS8075 Capella Analyzing Consumer Interaction Adidas Corporation

BUS8075 Capella Analyzing Consumer Interaction Adidas Corporation

The following information below includes the required readings, articles and journals and the assignment with all of the writing requirements. The company chosen is up to you for this assignment as long as the company is not an obvious one that is used and replicated often such as Apple, GM,  etc.



In your Digital Marketing text, read the following:

Chapter 7, “Define and Establish,” pages 125–146.

Chapter 8, “Convey and Promote,” pages 147–168.

Also, use the Capella library to read the following articles:

Chanthinok, K., Ussahawanitichakit, P., & Jhundra-indra, P. (2015). Social media marketing strategy and marketing outcomes: A conceptual frameworkAllied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Studies (AMS), 20(2), 35–52.

Fulgoni, G. M. (2015). How brands using social media ignite marketing and drive growthJournal of Advertising Research, 55(3), 232–236.

Klaus, P. (2013). New insights from practiceInternational Journal of Market Research, 55(6), 829–850.

Orzan, G., Platon, O.-E., Stefănescu, C. D., & Orzan, M. (2016). Conceptual model regarding the influence of social media marketing communication on brand trust, brand affect and brand loyaltyEconomic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research, 50(1), 141–156.



The following competencies align with indicated learning outcomes and each criteria for the assignment aligns to a competency.

Competency 1: Formulate a comprehensive strategic marketing plan.

oCreate a marketing plan.

Competency 2: Analyze the process for developing a global marketing strategy.

oBuild and sustain long-term customer relationships.

oAssess how to identify markets.

Competency 3: Elaborate the relevance of the marketing mix in a digitally driven global economy.

oCreate a marketing plan.

oBuild and sustain long-term customer relationships.

oAssess how to identify markets.


Consumer feedback often drives change in a business’ marketing plan. Social media has increased the opportunities for consumer feedback to be made and for businesses to be more aware of the consumer reactions to their products or services.


For this assignment, find and attach to your submission a screenshot or visual of a company’s social media message with the consumer feedback. As a reminder, the visual information should be attached as a figure as per APA standards.

In your submission, do the following:

1.Analyze how the consumer’s feedback may impact the company’s brand.

2.Discuss what information can be gained from the consumer feedback (e.g. emotions, appeal, dissatisfaction, demographics).

3.Make a recommendation on how this information can be analyzed to improve the marketing campaign.


Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Written communication:Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

Resources and citations:Format according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.

Length of paper:1800 words; double-spaced pages; do not include the title page or the reference page in your word count.

References:A minimum of two scholarly references other than the assigned readings.

Font and font size:Times New Roman, 12 point.