Capella Adolescent Psychosocial Development: Theoretical Framework
Adolescent Psychosocial Development
There are several factors that impact adolescent psychosocial development including family and peer relationships, media (such as, You Tube, social networking sites, cell phone usage and texting, and television), and the biological as well as cognitive changes that occur during puberty.
Using Power Point, Prezi, or an alternative file format include the following in a 10–15 slide presentation. Each slide will need to include explanatory notes.
- Describe adolescent psychosocial tasks using a theoretical framework.
- Develop a presentation on the psychosocial issues faced by adolescents, using at least one developmental theory as a basis.
- Identify factors (including physical and cognitive) that influence psychosocial development.
- Include an overview of adolescent psychosocial development tasks and milestones that are shaped by biological, cognitive, and environmental factors.
- Incorporate the roles of culture, family dynamics, peer influences, and media into your presentation.
- Describe an adolescent mental health issue and treatment approaches.
- Focus on at least one mental health issue (as an example) that can emerge during adolescence, as well as effective treatment approaches for this issue.
The length of the body of your presentation should be 10–15 slides (not including the title page and references) that contain bullet points or brief phrases as well as images (such as pictures and clip art) on select slides. While optional, you may also insert short video clips. You are required to include expanded details that elaborate on the slides using the notes section. Please remember to use course readings and other scholarly sources to support your work. A minimum of three sources published within the past five years is required.
The following guide can be used to organize your presentation:
- Slide 1: Title Page (APA style).
- Slide 2: Presentation Overview/Outline.
- Slides 3–4: Theoretical Framework.
- Slides 5–6: Psychosocial Developmental Tasks.
- Slides 7–13: Factors That Influence Psychosocial Development.
- Biology.
- Cognition.
- Environment (school, community, media).
- Relationships (family and peer).
- Culture.
- Slides 14–15: Example of One Mental Health Issue and Treatment Approaches.
- Slide 16: Conclusion.
- Slide 17: References.
- Communication: Apply critical thinking and communication skills concerning adolescent psychology in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful.
- Use your higher order thinking skills that go beyond simply summarizing issues.
- Your writing should contain no grammatical or spelling errors.
- Resources: Apply course readings, and peer-reviewed and scholarly resources to support your positions regarding adolescent development. Include at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly resources, which are no more than five years old.
- APA Guidelines: Use current edition APA style and formatting.
- Cite course materials and supplemental journal articles using APA style in-text references and a reference list.
- Consult study resources to help you in writing and formatting your paper.
- Length: 10–15 slide presentation, excluding the title and reference pages.
- Size and Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Prior to submission, read the Adolescent Psychosocial Development Scoring Guide to make sure you have met all the expectations of this assignment.
Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.
- Adolescent Psychosocial Development Scoring Guide.
- APA Style and Format.
- Additional Guidelines for Formatting Papers [DOCX].
- RefWorks.
- Smarthinking.
- Writing Feedback Tool.
- Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX].
- Capella University Library: PowerPoint Presentations.
- Basic Tasks for Creating a PowerPoint Presentation.
- PowerPoint Online Quick Start.
- What Are Peer-Reviewed Articles and How Do I Find Them.
- Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of Women.
- Find Scholarly & Peer-Reviewed Sources.