Capella University Bible Messages Translation Comparison Paper
One of the objections often raised against the Bible is the many translations and the differences. After completing the reading in Blomberg, read Matt 13:10-17 in at least three translations. Try to include either the NIV or the RSV, but not both. What would you say is the major difference in the translations? Analyze how the differences impact the interpretation of the passage, or whether the differences make any difference. If there is no significant difference in the interpretation, what is the value of the multiple translations? If the translations do make a difference, how do we explain why such differences exist? The essay must cite at least two research level sources other than the textbook. See the instructions for the paper in the module regarding assignment instructions.
Paper requirements:
The papers are position papers so they must establish a thesis and argue a point. As with anything
else, please engage your professor often as you work that out.
Each essay should be supported by research from at least three sources. The sources may consist
of the textbook and any other material included in the course. The student may independently
locate other sources. All sources must be of research quality. The student may engage the professor
at any time as to whether sources are acceptable. Study Bible notes, devotional material, church
publications and unpublished websites would not normally qualify.
Mechanics and Technicals
The essays must be written in standard Turabian format and must follow standard rules of grammar
and spelling. The paper must be accompanied by a standard cover sheet. Do not include an outline
or an abstract. Citations should be footnotes, fully written, but not included in the word count. No
end notes or parenthetical references should be used. Footnotes should cite sources only. They
should not be informational. As long as the footnotes are fully presented, no bibliography is
Essays should have an introduction of 50 words or so, including a clearly recognizable thesis
statement. The introduction should briefly set forth the issue to be addressed and the method for
the argument. A brief conclusion of about the same length should appear at the end, in which the
student summarizes the points and argument in the essay. No new arguments should be included
in the conclusion.
The essays should be written with 1 inch margins all around and should be double spaced. The
fonts must be 12 point, Times New Romans. No exceptions. Use italics and bold only when
grammatically required. Do not use them to mark a quote or for emphasis.