Strategic Management Case Analysis and Case #3
Strategic Management Case Analysis and Case #3
- Draft – Case Analysis Scoring Guide.
- Capella Writing Center.
- Guide to Strategic Management Case Analysis and Case #3.
The draft of your course project is due.
Complete the draft using the Case Analysis course project description and your text to guide your work. When complete, submit your draft as an attachment in the assignment area.
For this project, you will analyze a business case and make recommendations based on the outcome of your analysis. The goal is to demonstrate strategic critical thinking skills when analyzing a business scenario, taking all factors into account, and recommend a strategy to move that company forward. Your analysis and recommendations should flow together, providing your readers with a clear picture of the issues at hand and leading them to the logical conclusion of your strategic recommendations. Your case analysis should be designed for an audience of working adults who are seeking to improve their understanding of your chosen topic.
In Unit 6, you will submit a complete draft of your analysis. Your final submission is due in Unit 9. Before you submit the final version of your paper, revise your draft based on the feedback you receive. In addition, as you learn new concepts within the final units of the course, you may need to revisit your draft and add additional supporting points or content, as warranted.
The case you will analyze is included in your text, specifically, “Case 30: Yahoo! Inc.: Marissa Mayer’s Challenge,” pages 30-1 to 30-12. In preparation for your case analysis, read “Guide to Strategic Management Case Analysis” in the text, which provides valuable advice on how to analyze a business case. As you develop your analysis and recommendations, use the tools provided in your text to guide you. Also, consider the information and knowledge you are acquiring and think about how you can apply this in your current professional work.
Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2015). Strategic management (14th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
- Solve problems within professional standards.
- Plan strategically for domestic and global environments.
- Employ high-performing business management techniques.
- Use appropriate financial models and principles to support decisions.
- Communicate effectively.
- Create organizational value.