NURS 6221 WU Diversity and Inclusion on Organizational Culture Discussion
NURS 6221 WU Diversity and Inclusion on Organizational Culture Discussion
- Identify two healthcare organizations to compare. These may be two healthcare settings in which you have worked or are otherwise familiar with, such as through experiences of people you know well, or reliable resources, including Learning Resources in both weeks of this module.
- Compare the terms “diversity” and “inclusion,” how each is defined, and the influence of each on the culture of a healthcare organization.
- For each organization, research to identify the dimensions of diversity and degree of inclusion (e.g., race, ethnicity, language, gender, age, religious beliefs, disabilities, as well as others described in the resources you use). Consider evidence you would use in assessing each organization and in comparing your views of each. Specifically, what would you look for to assess the level of diversity and concerns regarding inclusion? How would you go about obtaining this information? For example, on an organization’s website, look for mission statements on diversity and inclusion; employee forums addressing equity issues; and task forces on improving diversity and inclusion, or meeting related goals.
- Based on your research, reflect on the culture of each organization as it relates to issues of diversity and inclusion. Speculate on how diversity and inclusion issues affect, positively and negatively, such areas as:
- Organizational performance
- Staff morale
- Patient care
- Business case for diversity and inclusion
- Compare your evidence and insights on each organization for conclusions on the influence of diversity and inclusion within healthcare organizations.
- Reflect on leadership roles in healthcare organizations, including nurse executives, in supporting and promoting greater diversity and inclusion in healthcare settings.
Using the Template document provided, create a PowerPoint presentation that compares the two organizations you researched and highlights your conclusions on the impact of diversity and inclusion in each organization. Prepare 10–12 slides, plus Title and Reference slides, to include the following:
- Define “diversity” and “inclusion” as applied to your presentation that will compare two healthcare organizations.Describe the two healthcare organizations you are comparing, including type and degree of diversity and inclusion, as well as organization type, size, location, and other distinguishing factors. Include supporting sources.
- Analyze the culture of the two healthcare organizations and how each is influenced by diversity and inclusion.
- Compare the cultures of the two healthcare organizations based on the role of diversity and inclusion in each, and strengths and weaknesses that relate to or derive from the degree of diversity and inclusion.
- Summarize your conclusions on the impact of diversity and inclusion on organizational culture in healthcare settings based on your comparison.
- Apply leadership strategies for a nurse executive to promote greater diversity, retain diverse staff members, and build cohesive teams and work groups.
[Presentation Title Goes Here] [Your Name Here] Walden University [Heading Goes Here] • Go to the Home tab at the top and click on the New Slide or Layout button to access different formatting for your slides. • Choose formatting that presents your information in the most logical way. • Use a consistent, grammatically parallel format for bulleted lists. (For example, on this slide, each element begins with an imperative verb.) [Heading Goes Here] • Keep the text font consistent. • Be sure headings are consistent in their spacing, placement, size, etc. • Consider using the slide after the title slide to summarize your presentation’s points (like an abstract for a paper). [Heading Goes Here] Your slides can also contain entire paragraphs, like this one does. Citation rules apply to presentations just as they do to papers—when using or