ITEC 6040 WU Grocery Store Self Checkout System Essay

ITEC 6040 WU Grocery Store Self Checkout System Essay

ITEC 6040 WU Grocery Store Self Checkout System Essay

One of the most important responsibilities of a systems analyst is to identify the requirements for a project by gathering information from various stakeholders of the system. Stakeholders include the users of the system, those who are paying for the system, and those who will support the system after it is implemented. The stakeholders may have different opinions on what the system should do. For this Assignment, you apply what you’ve learned about requirements-gathering and fact-finding techniques to a common technology.


To prepare:

  • Consider the self-checkout system at a grocery store.
  • Imagine that system did not exist yet and you were the systems analyst in charge of developing it. How would you go about determining the system’s requirements.


  • Identify the roles of people you would interview to learn more about how the system should function. Why would you choose these people?
  • For the people you have identified, prepare a list of detailed questions designed to elicit at least five functional and five nonfunctional requirements. (Hint: Consider techniques such as JAD (joint application development), concept map, etc.)
  • Create a list of system requirements (five functional and five nonfunctional) for the self-checkout system.
  • Justify fact-finding and requirement development decisions, supporting your decisions with your readings, research, and professional experience (if applicable).

Your document should be 3–5 pages long (not including the list of works cited), but it is the quality of the work that is important, not the number of pages. Cite and reference all sources using APA format and style guidelines and submit in a single document.


Dear Tutor,

I have already begun writing this but I cannot finish due to certain time constraints and I was wondering if you could please help me finish. I’ll upload the work I’ve done so far. Thank you so much!



Grocery Store Self-Checkout System – Requirements Development Student Name Doctoral in Information Technology, Walden University ITEC 8040: Systems Analysis and Design Dr. Habib Khan May, 2021 Grocery Store Self-Checkout System Introduction Creating a new system to enhance the services at grocery stores directly serves the communities who will use them aside from the businesses who will benefit from the new technology. In this thought-experiment we take a look into the past and explore what grocery shopping was like before the self-checkout systems and consider how to design one. At the time, in busy stores, there could be long lines to wait to check out and people could be short on time and decide to shop from somewhere else. This presented a problem that could be solved with a better checkout system. There is some psychology