Capella AFI Framework Business Analytics Presentation
Capella AFI Framework Business Analytics Presentation
OVERVIEW: Create an 8-12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses.
Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2006). Strategy & society: The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review, 84(12), 78–92.
- Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2011). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review, 89(1/2), 62–77.
- Rothaermel, F. (2017). Strategic management concepts (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Available from the bookstore.
- Chapter 11, “Organization Design: Structure, Culture, and Control.”
- Chapter 12, “Corporate Governance and Business Ethics.”
Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 slides that synthesize the work you did on Assessments 2 and 3 and incorporate feedback from your instructor. Use the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Be sure your presentation includes:
- A summary of the AFI framework.
- Results from your internal analysis (VRIO or Value Chain).
- Results from your external analysis (PESTEL and Five Forces).
- A SWOT matrix for the company.
- Recommendations:
- Do the current strategies need to be changed?
- What strategies will move the organization forward?
- How do your recommendations align with organizational structure and governance?
- Do your recommendations reflect ethical responsibility?
Deliverable Format
- PowerPoint presentation.
- 8–12 slides (in addition to the title and references slides).
- Include additional details on each slide in the speaker’s notes section.
- Additional requirements.
- Title slide.
- References slide.
- APA formatted references from at least five sources.
- Be sure you consider the audience.
Strategy Implementation Scoring Guide 1 of 1… Strategy Implementation Scoring Guide CRITERIA NONPERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Summarizes the Summarizes the strategic strategic framework framework for a company for a company. and includes examples or supporting evidence. Summarize the strategic framework for a company. Does not summarize the strategic framework for a company. Identifies the elements of a strategic framework. Summarize the findings of an internal environmental analysis. Does not summarize the findings of an internal environmental analysis. Identifies the elements of Summarizes the an internal environmental findings of an analysis. internal environmental analysis. Summarizes the findings of an internal environmental analysis and includes