RSCH8110 Walden University Evaluating the Use of Literature Discussion

RSCH8110 Walden University Evaluating the Use of Literature Discussion

RSCH8110 Walden University Evaluating the Use of Literature Discussion

Discussion: Evaluating Use of Literature and Problem Statement

Researchers use scholarly literature for various purposes in their work, such as, but not limited to, establishing the need for and importance of their study or describing a theory. The problem statement is typically tied to the literature, and for this reason, these two components of research are presented together this week; this connection among research components will be a recurring theme throughout this course.


For this Discussion, you will evaluate the use of literature and problem statements in assigned journal articles in your discipline to understand what it means for a research study to be justified, grounded, and original. You will use the Use of Literature Checklist, the Problem Statement Checklist, and the Litmus Test as guides for your post.

With these thoughts in mind, refer to the Journal Articles document for your assigned articles for this Discussion. If your last name starts with A through L, use Article A. If your last name starts with M through Z, use Article B. Follow the prompt below for your program.

Post a critique of the research study in which you:

  • Evaluate the authors’ use of literature using the Use of Literature Checklist as a guide
  • Evaluate the research problem using the Problem Statement Checklist as a guide
  • Explain what it means for a research study to be justified and grounded in the literature; then, explain what it means for a problem to be original using the Litmus Test as a guide




Research Theory, Design, and Methods Walden University Journal Articles Locate your program below for the assigned journal articles to use for the Discussion assignments in Weeks 3, 4, 5, and 7. Please follow the instructions in the week’s unit and find these articles in the Walden Library. If your program is not listed, your Instructor will post an announcement with your assigned journal articles. You will focus on one article in each of these weeks for your Main Question Post; however, you are expected to read and familiarize yourself with all of the articles listed to effectively participate in the discussion. Consult the particular week’s Discussion area for instructions on completing the assignment. For quick access, press CTRL + left-click on your program’s link below. Criminal Justice Education Health Sciences Human Services