Discussion 1: Shared Practice: Preparing for Success
“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.”
Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher
Beginning a graduate program may not be a journey of 1,000 miles, but it is no small task. You have made the decision to pursue your Master’s degree after careful consideration. You may be rearranging several activities and commitments in your life to achieve this goal. Like any new endeavor, you probably are filled with a sense of excitement and purpose, mixed with anxiety and nervousness. After all, this may be your first graduate program. You may not be sure how much time it will take to complete assignments or how you will get to know your Instructor and colleagues. You may not be aware of the resources Walden has to support you on your journey. Most of these resources can be located in Student Handbook https://catalog.waldenu.edu/index.php.
If you have a specific question or need, your instructor or Student Support is a great place to start. You may also find helpful information posted in the Class Café by your instructor. (Note: The Class Café is intended for non-specific course information. Information can be added by both students and the instructor. In proceeding classes, the Café is also utilized for class introductions and continued professional and academic networking.)
Shared Practice Discussion: Introduction and Networking
In selecting Walden University, you have chosen to pursue your education at an institution committed to its mission of Positive Social Change. As you think about your introduction, consider why you are pursuing your degree and how you want to use your journey to improve your ability to be an agent for positive change. Share with your colleagues how see your role as a change agent now and in the future. What types of change do you aspire to make?
After you have spent a little time thinking about your own journey, take a few minutes to hear from Walden faculty, who share their experiences and why leadership is key to creating positive change. These faculty have collectively seen how this course can transform students, and they offer tips about how to get the most out of your Dynamic Leadership journey.
MMSL – 6000
Dynamic Leadership
Write your introduction, which should contain: Nothing less than 2 paragraphs.
- Your name and where you are from (You can make up anything)
- Information pertaining to your professional career (Seeking Ms. In Leadership) (Make up anything)
- Any personal information that you are comfortable sharing – family, pets, hobbies, favorite things, etc. (You can make things up)
- Why you have decided to attain a Master’s degree in MS in Leadership (You can make up anything)
- One strength that you will rely on to help you manage your time and complete your degree successfully here at Walden University. Be sure to consider the advice that resonated with you form the faculty videos.
- Your thoughts about how you could or will use your education to further your ability to lead positive change. Be sure to include advice in the faculty videos that influenced how you will approach this course. Share an insight you gained about how dynamic leadership will be important to your journey to become an agent for positive social change.
(IMPORTANT:) as you prepare you post, you have to review the handouts: “Fourteen Quick Tips for Success in Your Online Classroom” and “Walden Faculty Are Here to Meet Your Needs as Students.” They are located in the Learning Support Docs link of your online classroom.)
Make sure to include APA format scholarly resources