Ecological Models in Environmental Health Applying Social Cognitive Theory to Environmental Health

Ecological Models in Environmental Health Applying Social Cognitive Theory to Environmental Health

Ecological Models in Environmental Health Applying Social Cognitive Theory to Environmental Health

The Ecological Model in health education focuses attention on the individual as well as the social environmental factors as the targets for any interventions. This model shows how influences on all different levels interrelate, and add to a health problem. Health is influenced on multiple levels.

For this Discussion, consider the problem of global water scarcity, and explore how different levels of influence may contribute to the problem and interact with each other.


With these thoughts in mind:

Post a description of the environmental problem of water scarcity. Then, based on the core principles of the Ecological Model, explain how the multiple levels of influence contribute to the problem and interact with each other. Finally, describe a basic environmental health intervention and explain how it might be applied at each level of influence.

Be sure to support your postings and responses to your colleagues’ postings with specific references to the Learning Resources and the current literature.

Please see attached documents as a learning resource.

Thank you



Health Education Implementing a social-ecological model of health in Wales Heather Rothwell, Michael Shepherd, Simon Murphy, Stephen Burgess, Nick Townsend, Claire Pimm, Article information: Downloaded by Walden University At 06:55 25 July 2018 (PT) To cite this document: Heather Rothwell, Michael Shepherd, Simon Murphy, Stephen Burgess, Nick Townsend, Claire Pimm, (2010) “Implementing a social‐ecological model of health in Wales”, Health Education, Vol. 110 Issue: 6, pp.471-489, Permanent link to this document: Downloaded on: 25 July 2018, At: 06:55 (PT) References: this document contains references to 53 other documents. To copy this document: The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 1747 times since 2010*