Walden University Elizabeth Báthory Female Criminals Case Study
Walden University Elizabeth Báthory Female Criminals Case Study
Aileen Wuornos was a female serial killer. The Learning Resources focus on Wuornos’ lengthy criminal history leading up to the murders. Her history provides insight as to why she was a career criminal and ultimately, a serial killer.
For this Assignment, you will focus on a female serial killer of your choice. The Assignment requires you to answer a series of questions regarding your chosen female serial killer’s background and significant life events, tracing them through childhood and into adulthood. Taking this into account, you must also select three criminological theories that might explain her crimes.
Create a 14 slide PowerPoint presentation using the Walden University presentation template.
- Provide a chronological overview of the female serial killer’s family background and identify significant life events that occurred from birth to teenage years (3 slides).
- Provide a chronological overview of the female serial killer’s crimes and significant life events that occurred from teenage years through the serial murders she committed (5 slides).
- Select three criminological theories and describe how each theory explains her crimes (6 slides – 2 slides per theory).
Presentation Title Your Name Program Name or Degree Name, Walden University COURSE XXX: Title of Course Instructor Name Month XX, 202X Slide Title • Go to the “Home” tab at the top and click the “New Slide” or “Layout” button to access different formatting for your slides. • Choose formatting that presents your information in the most logical way. • Use consistent, grammatically parallel format for bulleted lists (for example, on this slide, each element begins with an imperative verb). • You can also consult APA’s suggestions on formatting lists. • End bullet points consistently, either with or without a period. Slide Title • Keep font of text consistent. • Be sure headings are consistent in their spacing, placement, size, etc. • Consider using the slide after the title slide to summarize your presentation’s points (like an