Dr. Cushman Writing Memoirs Case Study Essay
Please respond the discussion below and make sure u answer the question at the end of the discussion in your response. The comments/reaction/opinion does not need to be written in academic format with citations, but a paragraph or more is required to elicit discussion. 300-400 words
Essay 1.
Dr. Cushman is an attending physician in a Los Angeles Hospital. With a high demand in a low socioeconomic city, Dr. Cushman found many difficulties treating patients who were noncompliant. Dr. Cushman found himself overwhelmed and stressed making his career even more demanding on his wellbeing. His wife encouraged him to take a writing class to relieve his stress. Dr. Cushman has been writing memories with his experiences as a physician since. Not only is writing a stress reliever, but it is a learning experience. We can go back to certain times of one’s feeling and learn from these experiences for our own future decisions. Many writers make stories to entertain readers, in Dr. Cushman’s case, to make awareness of healthcare. Dr. Cushman began writing to make awareness to the community, especially his patients, “His reflective writing may have helped him cope with the stresses of practice and enhanced resilience, and the published memoir may ultimately generate greater public awareness of his patients’ plight” (Coulehan, 2011).
Based on the story of Dr. Cushman and his journey through writing memoirs. I believe memoirs help patients understand the significance of proper healthcare. One can listen to a physicians say “eat a healthy diet”, “work out three to five times a week”, or “Take your blood pressure medications”. Reading true stories about how certain chronic illness actually effect a person, can put new perceptive in mind. Likely a patient would develop a vicarious reaction when reading or hearing these memoirs, as compared to being told statistics. Healthcare memoirs seem to open more eyes than reading a textbook. Not only do these memoirs benefit patients, they also benefit many health care providers, like Dr. Cushman. It is difficult to teach patient’s the right and wrong approach to their own healthcare. Sometimes it goes in one ear, and out the other. Putting these teachings into a story makes a more memorable approach and a positive outcome.
In contrast, there are many difficulties using memoirs to help promote healthcare. Privacy is a major impact on a writer’s memoir. Many stories are based own their own patients. Sometimes information is too much and sometimes it is just not enough. Dr. Cushman went through many difficulties finding consent to involve his patients in his memoirs. He did “de-identify” his characters. Many memoir authors alter stories based on real people, “Nonetheless, authors of memoirs often reconstruct characters, events, and conversations from memory, perhaps with little or no documentary support. Moreover, the memoirist packages his or her experience to present a coherent narrative. In the process, the author might delete, merge, or alter material in the pursuit of the truth” (Coulehan, 2011). Even if changes were made to characters, permission is still necessary if based medical stories of patients, “When collecting authentic stories, obtain consent from storytellers and tell them exactly how their stories will be used. Obtain explicit written permission to use identifiable images or personal health information. Storytellers should be told whether their stories will be used in their entirety or combined to form composite narratives” (Thompson, Kreuter, 2014).
Like every aspect of healthcare, privacy and the regulations of HIPPA is a major concern. Memoirs provide great detail to patients in an artistic way, but is it a safe approach? There are many debates on basing a memoir from a person’s suffrage. Would you give consent for a memoir be based on your health conditions? Would you acquire information from another person’s story to improve your health?
Coulehan, J. (2011, July). Ethics, Memoir, and Medicine. Retrieved March 22, 2019, from https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/ethic…
Thompson, T., Kreuter W. (2014). Using written Narratives in Public Health Practtice: A Creative Writing Perspective. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11.