Walden University Data Analysis Assignment
Create a pivot table of Gender and Major. Then complete the Joint Probability table so you can answer the following:
a) What is the probability of randomly choosing a Female?
b) What is the probability of randomly choosing a Male AND Finance major?
c) What is the probability of randomly choosing a Female OR Leadership major?
d) Given that the student you selected is a Male, what is the probability he has no major?
e) Given that the student you selected has no major, what is the probability the student is male?
Let’s assume that the Student_Data.xls file was the entire population. We know the mean and standard deviation of student ages to be 42.3 and 8.9, respectively. Using the Normal_ Probability.xls file, compute the percentage of students that are older than 50, younger than 40, between 41 and 46, and oldest 10% are at what age? Then compare to the truth as found in the actual file.