HIV and AIDS Disease Health Communication Campaign Final Project
80% of the project is completed (attached files), and need to be placed in assigned format, in addition to additional information not completed and reading feedback for the attachments (program planning and press release). The Assignment: (10–13 pages not including the cover page, table of contents, or reference pages)
For the Final Project, you focus on a health topic that you think should be addressed in your community. You will complete a series of assignments throughout the quarter that will inform the development of your Final Project. Your final project will consist of a final submission that will include revisions to previously submitted weekly assignments and a Health Communication Campaign.
- Cover page
- Table of contents
- One-page proposal that states:
- The rationale for your topic choice
- Goal for your health communication campaign
- Objectives for your health communication campaign
- Target population (This information was part of the Week 1 Discussion) (ATTACHED)
- Health Communication Campaign that contains the following sections:
- Literature Review of Effective Health Communication Campaigns (submitted in Week 4) (3–4 pages) (ATTACHED)
- Description of your health communication campaign (Who, What, Where, When, How) (2–3 pages) (ATTACHED)
- Utilization of Planning and Behavioral Models: This may include using such tools as fear appeals, social marketing, health behavioral models etc. (submitted in Week 9) (1–2 pages) (ATTACHED)
- Timeline: Create a timeline from planning through evaluation. Provide detail on how you will phase this health communication campaign in, including its duration. (1 page)
- Evaluation plan: Explain how you will measure the success of your health communication campaign. Make sure that this plan is matched to your stated goal and objectives. (1 page)
- Self-Reflection: Explain what you have learned throughout the course and these assignments. Explain how this course has prepared you to be a health educator. (1 Page)
- Reference pages: Please use APA formatting.
Part II: Health Communication Campaign Brochure (ATTACHED)
Submit the updated Health Communication Campaign Brochure you originally submitted in Week 5. The brochure should include any recommendations or feedback provided by the Instructor and any additional elements to improve the content.
Part III: Health Communication Campaign Storyboard (ATTACHED)
Submit the updated Health Communication Campaign Storyboard you originally submitted in Week 6. The storyboard should include any recommendations or feedback provided by the Instructor and any additional elements to improve the content.
Part IV: Press Release (ATTACHED)
Submit the updated Press Release you originally submitted in Week 9. The press release should include any recommendations or feedback provided by the Instructor and any additional elements to improve the content.
RE: Discussion – Week 1
Health communication is a process aimed to promote health through spreading health messages via the mass media, events or interpersonal channels Friedman (Allison et al. page 43). The purpose of inclusive health communication campaigns comprises of; persuade, motivate, or inform a change in behavior, with the target usually being relatively large and well defined. The campaigns typically takes place at a given duration. The services provided to society generally are non-commercial.
Mass media interventions provide cheaper methods reachable to larger targets. In this case, this individual campaign targets the youth in the battle against the HIV/AIDS epidemic Huang, (Li-Ling et al. 14). The potential sources of reliable sources of health information include various internet searches pages such as the google scholar or online articles by reputable and known authors as well as online articles with citations.
The primary message of this campaign is to make the target audience aware of various preventive methods against HIV/AIDS, which includes abstinence from unprotected sexual acts with infected people.
Effective communication in health campaign is very vital since it helps the general public with knowledge and tools appropriate to respond to any health crises, for instance, flu outbreaks, malaria and HIV/AIDS (Huang, Li-Ling, et al. Pg. 14.1). Some useful features include; accuracy, availability, evidence-based, reach to a larger target, balance, and cultural competence.
Friedman, Allison L., et al. “Health commnication and social marketing campaigns for sexually transmitted disease prevention and control: What is the evidence of their effectiveness?.” Sexually transmitted diseases 43.2S (2016): S83-S101.
Huang, Li-Ling, et al. “Impact of the real cost campaign on adolescents’ recall, attitudes, and risk perceptions about tobacco use: A national study.” International journal of environmental research and public health 14.1 (2017): 42.
- Feedback to Learner on Program Planning1.doc (ATTACHED document)
Tamillia,Good job describing the program planning model you are going to use in your HIV health campaign. You briefly explained why you thought this model would be effective and why it is appropriate for long-term communication. Consider using additional references in this section to add depth to your analysis. Try to explain what would actually be done in the program throughout each phase. You also needed to address behavioral constructs. Thank you for submitting your assignments on time. Please be sure to end with a conclusion.
- Feedback to Learner for Press Release.docx (ATTACHED)
Tamillia,Thank you for creating your press release for HIV. However, there was a lot of missing information. What will the campaign entail? Who is this for- what age group? When will this occur? Will this be an actual event and where will it be? Be sure the who, what, when, where, and how are all addressed.