Walden University Hand Hygiene Performance Problem Statement Paper

Walden University Hand Hygiene Performance Problem Statement Paper

Walden University Hand Hygiene Performance Problem Statement Paper

For this Discussion, you will evaluate the use of literature and problem statements in this journal article in your discipline to understand what it means for a research study to be justified, grounded, and original. You will use the Use of Literature Checklist, the Problem Statement Checklist, and the Litmus Test as guides for your post. (500 words or more)


This is the article:

Stedman-Smith, M., DuBois, C. L., & Grey, S. F. (2015). Hand hygiene performance and beliefs among public university employees. Journal of Health Psychology20(10), 1263–1274. doi: 10.1177/1359105313510338

Post a critique of the research study in which you:

  • Evaluate the authors’ use of literature using the Use of Literature Checklist as a guide
  • Evaluate the research problem using the Problem Statement Checklist as a guide
  • Explain what it means for a research study to be justified and grounded in the literature; then, explain what it means for a problem to be original using the Litmus Test as a guide

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

Below I are the downloads to Use of Literature Checklist, the Problem Statement Checklist, and the Litmus Test as guides for your post.



Research Theory, Design, and Methods Walden University Use of Literature Checklist Use the following criteria to evaluate an author’s use of literature. • Look for indications of the following ways the author used literature: • Introduce a problem • Introduce a theory • Provide direction to the research questions and/or hypotheses • Compare results with existing literature or predictions • Did the author mention the problem addressed by the study? • Is the purpose of the study stated? • Are key variables in the study defined? • Is information about the sample, population, or participants provided? • Are the key results of the study summarized? • Does the author provide a critique of the literature? • Are sources cited to support points? • Are the citations to recent literature (within the past 5 years with the exception of