The University of Alabama at Birmingham DNP and Nursing Question

The University of Alabama at Birmingham DNP and Nursing Question

The University of Alabama at Birmingham DNP and Nursing Question

1 page paper on:

  • What knowledge, skills do you expect to acquire in this course: DNP Role and Essentials/ Interprofessional Teams
  • Based on syllabus review, assignment overview, and discussion in week 1(Summarizing 6 peer review article in an annotated bibliography format), do you expect to learn what you expected?
  • Do you have recommendations on how to achieve or acquire your expectations?

Attached is the course syllabus for your use/reference


Part Two

Short writing assignment-(IALR).

A) 8-10 insights(I) from the work of the week (Above)

B) share two ways you could apply (A)the information you read or learned during the week,

C) list two of the least (L) clear concepts or topics of the week and lastly,

D) Share one helpful resource (R) you found this week in all the reading you did either for this class, another class or during your work and state why the resource is helpful.