Reflection Essay Project Discussion
Each response (outcome) should be at least 500 words. Your responses should concisely demonstrate synthesis of knowledge gained in the program and the relevant application of knowledge into your nursing practice. You are further required to cite relevant and specific evidence from your coursework to demonstrate your achievement of these programmatic outcomes and corresponding competencies (May use attached matrix for reference).
Outcome 1:
A doctoral nursing practice (DNP) must integrate and apply appropriate nursing and science-based theories to evaluate and analyze health and health care phenomena and develop and implement innovative practice approaches.
In what ways have you integrated and applied nursing and science-based theories in your coursework and practice during your DNP course of study? How will you apply what you have learned to your Direct Practice Improvement/Quality improvement (DPI) project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.
Outcome 2:
A DNP must provide the leadership to develop and implement health care and organizational policy based on regulatory and other external and internal factors and drive effective change within organizations.
In what ways have you demonstrated leadership in the development and implementation of policy or policy change and contributed to quality improvement during your DNP studies? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.
Outcome 3:
A DNP must be able use information systems to mine, analyze, and apply data for the purpose of improving information systems as well as patient and organizational outcomes.
In what ways have you successfully applied data analysis to the improvement of information systems, patient care, and organizational outcomes during your course of study? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.
Outcome 4:
A DNP must be able to articulate and implement strategy and to advocate for the ethical and equitable deployment of care delivery models for improvement of individual, aggregate, and population health management.
In what ways have you articulated, deployed, or advocated for such strategies in your coursework and practice immersion hours? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.
Outcome 5:
A DNP must be able to evaluate practice outcomes and use research, national benchmarks, and other relevant findings from evidence-based practice to design, direct, utilize, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies that lead to improved patient-centered care.
In what ways have you evaluated practice outcomes and participated in quality improvement initiatives in your coursework and practice immersion hours? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.
Based on an evaluation of your learning to date, assess your readiness for undertaking your DPI project. How has what you learned in your coursework and practice immersion hours and application of learning in your practice informed your approach to your project? What do you need to revise in your 10 Strategic Points document (attached) and/or your Draft Prospectus to successfully implement your project? Reflect on your progress to this point and outline the steps necessary to successfully complete your DPI Project Proposal for the Institutional Review Board.