BIO 111 Ashford University Cell Respiration Questions
1)Based on Figure 2, describe how electron flow is used to generate the potential energy found in the proton (H+) gradient in the electron transport chain?
2)As described above, DNP acts to make the inner mitochondrial membrane “leaky” to protons (H+). Explain how this results in a decrease in ATP production in the mitochondria.
3)pH is a relative measure of the concentration of protons (H+) to hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution.
a. Fill in the table below detailing where the pH is High, Equal or Low in the regions within the mitochondria indicated. Assume that oxygen and pyruvate are abundant.
Location | pH
(High, Equal, Low) |
Inner membrane space | |
Matrix |
b.Explain the reasoning behind your answers in part A.
Inner membrane space pH:
Matrix pH:
4)Assume that an individual has just taken a large dose of DNP and that the drug has taken effect.
a.Fill in the table below indicating the expected pH (High, Equal or Low) in the Inner membrane space and the Matrix.
Location | pH
(High, Equal, Low) |
Inner membrane space | |
Matrix |
b.Explain the reasoning behind your answers in part a.
Inner membrane space pH:
Matrix pH:
5)To confirm your predictions from questions 3,4, you design a scientific study on isolated human cell cultures (cells taken out of an individual and grown in a controlled environment) in a laboratory to determine the changes in pH for both the Inner Membrane Space and the Matrix of the mitochondria, before and after exposure to DNP. Normal (basal) pH levels in the Inner Membrane Space and the Matrix are 6.88 and 7.78, respectively.
In the plot below, draw two lines that indicate the expected pH before and after the addition of DNP to your cultured cells. Clearly indicate which line corresponds to the pH in the Inner Membrane Space and which line corresponds to the Matrix.