Advancement in Nursing and Technology Response
1)Re: Topic 3 DQ 1
Nursing was originally a job dedicated for medicine men caring for the sick and steamed from a religious vocation using trial and error to treat patients overcome by evil spirits (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2). As nursing evolved many key nursing leaders came to the forefront including, Florence Nightingale who became the pioneer of nursing. Nightingale encouraged nursing to take leadership roles while improving health. By taking on a leadership role Nightingale wrote, “Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not, which was published in 1859″(Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2). Nightingale started the “Nightingale Training School for Nurses in London, England, provided primary nursing education and instruction” (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2). Public health in the United states began in the 1800s in New York by Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster with Ward becoming the first school nurse (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2). Without any formal nursing education, Clara Barton “volunteered as a nurse and founded the American Red Cross” (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2) during the American Civil War. Advancement in Nursing and Technology Response
In 1873 The Boston Training School for Nurses became the first hospital-based nursing diploma program followed by the first baccalaureate program at the University of Minnesota in 1909 but was unpopular due to the time commitment and cost. The ADN program was founded by Mildred Montag after a shortage of nurses and became popular due to the minimal time commitment, 2 years vs 4 years (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2). Since the growth in popularity of the ADN program and move toward Magnet status hospitals, the BSN prepared nurses have gained popularity and the development of online ADN to BSN programs has flourished. Most recently nurses have had the opportunity to specialize their degree with a Master’s or doctoral program. Master’s degree programs were developed in 1899 highlighting nursing in a “variety of roles, including nurse educators, nurse administrators, informatics, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, clinical nurse leaders, and nurse practitioners” (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2). In the 1970s the doctoral degree programs allowed for two pathways, research or practice; “each path is distinct with different requirements. Research-based doctorates include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD), and Doctor of Nursing Science (DNS, DNSc). Practice-based degrees include the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), which is new and just now being defined within the nursing discipline” (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2).
Once significant advancement in nursing was that of the introduction of antibiotics in the 20th century. Antibiotics allowed for diseases to become treatable and easier to control (Whitney, 2018, Chapter 2). Another change in nursing has been the change in gender roles. Medicine men were primarily untrained nurses working off trial and error whereas now females dominate the nursing career and have to sit for the NCLEX exam prior to being able to practice. One of the most relevant associations, the American Nurses Association helps aid and directs nursing care in the United States.
2)Re: Topic 3 DQ 1
Advancement in technology have created a conducive environment improving patient care outcome and more efficient (Leary & MacLaine, 2019). Nursing practice has greatly changed from training, health care settings, growing responsibilities, nursing culture, as well as patient care thus saving several lives and earned the profession the respect it deserves. Initially, nursing was considered a female dominated profession and thus was not respected because women were considered inferiors in the society. Normally, women were the family caretakers and hence nursing seemed an extension of their homestead work. Today, nursing practice has drastically evolved depicted by extensive nursing programs, more competent staffs, and high level of prestige and respect (Leary & MacLaine, 2019). The drastic changes in the profession has helped to increase efficiency in medical care, because there are better hospitals, more responsibilities, sense of family as well as patient centered care.
Florence nightingale is a key historical leader who fought tirelessly for the nursing profession. She was responsible for the revolutionizing the nursing profession and even founded nursing schools upon returning from Crimean war that took place from1853-1856 (Ahmed, & Wolf, 2018). The foundress of modern nursing made significant contributions during the Crimean war and thuis influenced the entire nursing and medical field. Patient care has become the heart of nursing and thus improvements in technology has brought tremendous changes in medical field thereby reducing mortality rates in US. Historically, nursing field has proven its capability to embrace cultural diversity. Nevertheless, both the nurses and patients has benefits from technology improvements since as it improved patients’ outcomes it has led to nurses’ recognition and hence now it is a respected field.
Leary, A., & MacLaine, K. (2019). The evolution of advanced nursing practice: past, present and future. Nursing Times, 115(10), 19-20.
Ahmed, S. W., & Wolf, K. A. (2018). Evolution to Revolution: Positioning Advanced Practice to Influence Contemporary Healthcare Arenas. DNP Education, Practice, and Policy: Mastering the DNP Essentials for Advanced Nursing Practice, 3.
Topic 3 DQ 1
The nursing practice has evolved over time. Dean states “men and religious vocations were providing nursing care to the sick.”(Dean, 2018). “During this period, men were primarily the caregivers. Women who attempted to provide care for the sick were often termed witches” (Ehrenreich & English, 1973). In the 1800s, Florence Nightingale changed the practice of nursing. She promoted good hygiene, hand washing, diet changes. Dean goes on to state that “Pharmacological interventions in the form of antibiotics were one of the main impacts for nurses of the 20th century, making infection more easily treatable and diseases easier to control.”(Dean, 2018) This contributes to nurses being able to treat patients more efficiently and survive from treatable conditions. Now in the 21st century, nurses are male and female and do not have to be part of a religious vocation, and even more antibiotics and medications are being developed to help treat patients.
There are many key leaders that have led the way to what nursing has become today. Nurses Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Jane Delano, and Mildred Montag are just a few to name. Florence Nightingale wrote about “nursing care as being centered around three main pillars: health promotion, disease prevention, and risk reduction.”(Dean, 2018). Clara Barton founded the Red Cross during the Civil War and Jane Delano founded the American Red Cross Nursing Service during WWII.(Dean, 2018). Milred Montag developed the associate degree nurse program to help with the nursing shortage.(Dean, 2018). All of these 4 nurses have paved the way for us nurses today. So many people have been helped because of the American Red Cross both in military and civilian life. With the development of the ADN program, it helped provide nurses in a quicker amount of time to help with the nursing shortage. Nightingale’s work continues to be practiced today by preventing worsening disease and promoting good health. Working in the ED, we try to educate risk reduction and disease prevention by educating patients prior to discharge. Patients come in and will be a newly diagnosed diabetic or hypertension and it is the nurses’ duty to make sure the patients understand that changing the diet, exercise and taking medications as prescribed will help prevent worsening disease. Advancement in Nursing and Technology Response
Dean, J. K. (2018). Practice and Competency Development. In Dynamics in Nursing: Art & Science of Professional Practice. Retrieved from…
Ehrenreich, B., & English, D. (1973). Witches, midwives and nurses: A history of women healers. New York, NY: Feminist Press.