SEC 345 Grand Canyon University Reading Practice Lesson Plan Template

SEC 345 Grand Canyon University Reading Practice Lesson Plan Template

SEC 345 Grand Canyon University Reading Practice Lesson Plan Template

Unit plans form the scope of learning students will experience in your classroom. Each lesson plan found in a unit must build upon one another and make connections between lessons. This is especially true when incorporating literacy in a meaningful manner.

Use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create the second content area lesson for the three-day unit. Focus on utilizing literature-based materials and cooperative learning in this lesson. Make sure that your learning objectives align to the content area and ELA standards identified for the unit.



  • In the “Resources, Materials, and Equipment” section: Literature-based materials should be listed and described to support literacy development in your content area.
  • In the “Multiple Means of Representation” and “Multiple Means of Engagement” sections: Cooperative learning strategies should be listed and described.

Below the lesson plan, write a 250-500 word rationale justifying selection of literature and cooperative learning strategies and how these instructional decisions support literacy development in your content area.

CREATE LESSON PLAN FOR GRADE 5TH preferable on ESOL/ELL second language if possible.




GCU College of Education LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Section 1: Lesson Preparation Teacher Candidate Name: Grade Level: Date: Unit/Subject: Instructional Plan Title: Lesson Summary and Focus: In 2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content and skills you are teaching. Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. This should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of the lesson. National/State Learning Standards: Review national and state standards to become familiar with