GCU Formative and Summative Assessments at Kindergarten Level Discussion

GCU Formative and Summative Assessments at Kindergarten Level Discussion

GCU Formative and Summative Assessments at Kindergarten Level Discussion

Assessments, whether formative or summative, are essential prior to, during, and after teaching a lesson. Assessments should be designed to align with objectives and demonstrate skills or mastery of the measurable objectives for a lesson.

For this assignment, you will create assessments for the lesson you developed in Topic 2. Add these to the Multiple Means of Expression section of the “COE Lesson Plan Template.” (attached)



Create an engaging, developmentally appropriate pre-assessment based on the lesson that would assess prior knowledge and skill level (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) necessary to implement your lesson. This assessment will be implemented in Clinical Field Experience B.

Formative Assessment

Questioning is one form of formative assessment. Create three questions that can be integrated into the lesson you created that would help to check for understanding, determine immediate modifications needed during instruction, and provide specific feedback to the students.

Summative Assessment

Create an assessment you could use to measure student learning of the objectives of your lesson.

Write a 250-500 word analysis on how to use both formative and summative assessment data to determine how to modify instruction or identify the next steps in the learning process. Why is it important to differentiate both your formative and summative assessments for students with various abilities? What student background information would you need to know in order to differentiate the assessments?

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.



GCU College of Education LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Section 1: Lesson Preparation Teacher Candidate Name: Ann Marie Branham Grade Level: Kindergarten Date: March 26, 2021 Unit/Subject: Literature Instructional Plan Title: Kindergarten picture book story development Lesson Summary and Focus: The lesson for the date comprises the understanding of the picture book and how to develop a story from those pictures. The purpose of this activity is to enhance the creative skills of students. They will be asked to create their own individual stories from pictures and share them with the class. Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: National/State Learning Standards: The peaceful and motivating classroom environment will help students focus on their thoughts and jumble up those thoughts to show us how they think. Students will use or grab their skills by