GCU Creating A Mentoring Plan to Improve Teaching Practices Project
GCU Creating A Mentoring Plan to Improve Teaching Practices Project
For this assignment, spend time discussing and planning with your mentor teacher on the Mentoring Plan to Improve Teaching Practice to create a mentoring plan for the mentee teacher you observed in the Topic 3 clinical field experience. As you create the plan, collaborate with your mentor teacher to ensure you are communicating in a way that builds trust and rapport.
The plan should include the following:
- Goal for the mentee to improve their instructional practice.
- Skills, knowledge, or behaviors of the mentee that will benefit from further development.
- Action steps for the mentee to reach the goal, including milestone deadlines.
- List of support resources recommended for the mentee.
- Identify possible obstacles the mentee may encounter.
- Establish criteria for success; how the mentee knows they have successfully reached their goal.
- A tool to provide feedback on the mentoring process to ensure the mentee has the necessary skills and knowledge to grow.
At the end of your mentoring plan, reflect, in 250-500 words, on how you will practically and effectively encourage the mentee to change or improve their practice. Additionally, provide strategies you will use to motivate the mentee and promote self-efficacy.
Course Code EDU-537 Class Code EDU-537-O500 Criteria Content Percentage 100.0% Goal, Skills, Knowledge, and Behaviors 10.0% Action Steps 10.0% Support Resources 10.0% Obstacles 10.0% Criteria for Success 10.0% Evaluation Tool 10.0% Reflection: Encourage and Motivate Mentee 20.0% Organization 10.0% Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) 5.0% Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 5.0% Total Weightage 100% Assignment Title Clinical Field Experience C: Creating a Mentoring Plan to Improve Teaching Practices No Submission (0.00%) Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Not addressed. Total Points 60.0 Insufficient (69.00%) Goal to