Mock Mental Status Exam

Mock Mental Status Exam

Mock Mental Status Exam

Use “Initial Interview edited” document to get background information on the mock client and use it to complete this assignment. Both papers will use the same mock client.

3 pages

Type into “Mental Status Exam Template”.



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    Initial Interview 1

    Initial Interview 4

    Initial Interview



    Initial Interview

    Identifying Information

    · Date of interview: March 31, 2018

    · Name: Antonio Goodman

    · Address: 911 Jefferson Square South Hill, VA 23235

    · Phone: 703-174-5742

    · DOB: 12/21/1987

    · Age: 30

    · Marital Status: Married

    · Occupation: Senior Probation Officer at WHO, Inc.

    · Work Phone: 703-574-4174

    · Emergency Contact: Shannon Goodman (wife) 804-901-5921


    Reason for Referral

    Mr. Goodman was referred by Liberty University for an evaluation. This evaluation is a requirement of the summer’s mission committee in order to screen for appropriateness for participation in an upcoming trip. Mr. Goodman does not foresee any issues that would limit his ability to successfully complete the summer mission.

    Current Situation and Functioning

    Mr. Goodman is a 30-year-old, married male who is currently residing with his wife and two daughters, Akira (age 6) and Erin (age 3). He was accompanied to the evaluation by her wife, Mrs. Shannon Goodman. Mr. Goodman states that he was comfortable answering all questions in front of his wife. However, Mrs. Goodman excused herself in order to use the time to answer emails. Mr. Goodman escorted his wife to the door and sat back down. Mock Mental Status Exam

    Mr. Goodman presented as well-groomed and wearing seasonally appropriate attire. He is of above average height. He spoke in a clear and coherent voice with an appropriate tone and rate. His intellectual functioning is estimated to be within a normal limit. His vocabulary was quite extensive, and he demonstrated a large amount of knowledge related to religion and criminal psychology. He discussed current political events along with his suggestions for bettering them. He was cooperative and stated that he appropriated the differing views of others.

    He describes himself as family-oriented; often drawing strength from his support system. Mr. Goodman states that his greatest strength is his compassion for others. His greatest weakness is wanting to always please everyone. He was pleasant and congenial throughout the evaluation and smiled often. He sat in a relaxed posture as he responded confidently to the various questions. Mr. Goodman utilized humor during difficult topics relating to his father’s death.

    His favorite television show is Power, a series on Starz. His leisure activities include going to the movies, volunteering at church, and gardening. Mr. Goodman describes that he manages stress by compartmentalizing the various tasks at hand and developing a plan. His thought process is goal-driven and associative. Mr. Goodman’s eye contact is attentive and appropriate during evaluation.

    Family History

    Mr. Antonio Goodman is the oldest child of Jamie and Alphonso Goodman. His

    parents were married for 34 years before his father passed away in 2012. They met in 1984 at George Mason University. His mother majored in Nursing and his father in Business Management. They both graduated in 1985 with Honors and moved to Alexandria, Virginia to begin their family. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman had three children in all; however, the oldest of the two girls passed away as a child due to pneumonia in 1986. He was born shortly after and his younger sister, Hope, followed in 1989. Mr. Goodman describes his parent’s marriage as strong and their parenting styles as supportive yet demanding. His mother is currently residing with his sister and one-month-old niece in Temple Hills, Maryland.


    Educational History

    Mr. Antonio Goodman described himself as “busy, mischievous” child. He stated that he occasionally got into trouble in school, but, was often saved due to his athletic football abilities. Mr. Goodman maintained a C average throughout his academic career. He graduated from T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. Then, was accepted to Norfolk State University in Norfolk, VA on a full football-sponsored scholarship.

    Mr. Goodman communicates having a few serious girlfriends before meeting his wife in 2009. They at a Greek social event as Mr. Goodman was a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and Mrs. Goodman was a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. In 2011, they graduated. He obtained a degree in Criminal Justice and Mrs. Goodman received a degree in Recreational Therapy. Mr. Goodman describes college as one of the best times of his life. He expresses that he received recognition from various honor society and impressed his parents by graduating with Honors just as they did.

    Employment History

    Mr. Goodman described that after his father passed, he “temporarily lost” his way. He bounced around from job to job; with most of them being inapplicable to his degree. He communicates never having a solid job during this time due to his parents enforcing the priority of academics. However, after his father passed away, his mother could no longer able to assist her financially as much. As a result, he applied for a paid internship with a law firm in Richmond, Virginia and moved along with his then-girlfriend, Shannon Erikson. Mr. Goodman expresses that he has been working for the same company since he was an intern. Now, he is employed as Senior Probation Officer for more than 15 years. Mock Mental Status Exam


    Relationship History

    In 2012, Shannon and Antonio conceived their first daughter, Akira. After four years of dating, they were married in a small courtroom in 2013. In 2015, their second daughter, Erin, was born. Mr. Goodman states that he has been coaching his girls’ soccer team for the past two years. He communicates that he has only two close friends whom his known since childhood. His support system is compromised of his mother, his sister, his wife, his daughters, and his two childhood friends.

    Development History

    Developmentally, he describes that his mother’s pregnancy was within normal range; he was born 9 pounds 5 ounces. In 2013, Mr. Goodman expresses that he found the church and discovered a new meaning to life. In early 2014, he devoted his life to Christ and been taking classes at Liberty University to major in Christian Counseling. Mr. Goodman has been currently volunteering by mentoring at-risk youth in Downtown Richmond.

    Relevant Medical History

    Mr. Goodman appeared to be in favorable health as evident by his lack of medical problems. He expressed that following the death of his father, he began eating better. Mr. Goodman stated that his father passed away in 2012, after battling with prostate cancer for many years. At that point in time, Mr. Goodman transitioned to a plant-based vegan lifestyle. He expressed that at his heaviest weight, he weighed over 360 pounds. Currently, with the help of diet and exercise, Mr. Goodman has lost 120 pounds. He denies any medical issues, but, stated that he does have a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer.

    Mr. Goodman is monitored regularly by his primary care physician, Dr. Williams at Commonwealth Family Practice. He is not prescribed any medications; however, he disclosed that he does take daily vitamins, allergy medications, and will occasionally administer Aleve for pain. Mock Mental Status Exam

    Counseling Experiences

    Mr. Goodman expresses that he and his wife visit a marriage counselor periodically to work on their communication issues. He describes is six-year as stable and rewarding; however, their marriage hasn’t always been. He stated that losing the patriarch of the family impacted him more than he thought it would. Mr. Goodman describes being prescribed Ativan 0.5mg for a short period of time by a psychiatrist to deal with his vivid nightmares. However, after working with a psychologist and engaging in talk and art therapy, he was able to learn new positive coping skills for his grief. Mr. Goodman describes that he continues to check-in with his treating psychologist twice a year, but, reports any current issues. Mr. Goodman denies any history of suicidal or homicidal ideations. He also denies any associations related to delusions and hallucinations.

    References Drummond, R. J., Sheperis, C. J., & Jones, K. D. (2016) Assessment Procedures for Counselors and Helping Professionals, CourseSmart eTextbook (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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    Running head: Mental status exam 1

    Mental status exam 8

    Mental Status Exam



    Mental Status Exam


    How was the client dressed and groomed (e.g., neat, disheveled, unkempt)?

    Behavior/Psychomotor Activity

    Did the client exhibit slow movement, restlessness, or agitation? Did the client have any unusual behaviors such as tics, mannerisms, gestures?

    Attitude Toward Examiner

    Was the client’s attitude toward the examiner cooperative, friendly, attentive, defensive, hostile, evasive, guarded, and so forth?

    Affect and Mood

    Did the client have sad, angry, depressed, or anxious mood? Was the client emotionally responsive (affect)? Was affect congruent with mood?


    How was the quantity, rate of production, and quality of the client’s speech (e.g., minimal—mostly yes and no answers; talkative; rapid/pressured speech)?

    Perceptual Disturbances

    Did the client experience hallucinations or illusions? If so, what sensory system did they involve (e.g., auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile)?


    Did the client have any disturbances in thought process, which involves the rate of thoughts and how they flow and are connected (e.g., racing thoughts, flight of ideas, tangential). Were there any disturbances in thought content, such as delusions, obsessions, preoccupations, or suicidal or homicidal thoughts?


    Was the client aware of (a) the date and time, (b) where he or she was, and

    (c) who the people around him or her were (i.e., oriented to time, place, and person)?


    How was the client’s recent memory (e.g., what did he or she have for breakfast?) and remote memory (e.g., memories from childhood)?

    Concentration and Attention

    Was the client’s concentration or attention impaired? Was the client distractible?

    Information and Intelligence

    Can the client accomplish mental tasks that would be expected of a person of his or her educational level and background?

    Judgment and Insight

    Does the client have the capacity for social judgment? Does the client have insight into the nature of his or her illness?


    How accurately was the client able to report his or her situation?

    Reference Drummond, R. J., Sherperis, C. J., & Jones, K. D. (2016). Assessment Procedures for Counselors and Helping Professionals (8th ed.)

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    Conducting a Mental Status Exam


    The Mental Status Exam is the basis for understanding the client’s presentation and beginning to conceptualize their current functioning into a diagnosis. At first, this might seem overwhelming and time consuming, but it is not difficult to do. It can generally be done in a few minutes as the vast majority of this information is obtained through your careful observations of the client during the intake interview. This is why developing your observation skills is important.





    · Presenting Appearance including sex, chronological and apparent age, ethnicity, apparent height and weight (average, stocky, healthy, petite), any physical deformities (hearing impaired, injured and bandaged right hand)

    · Basic Grooming and Hygiene, dress and whether it was appropriate attire for the weather, for a doctor’s interview, accessories like glasses or a cane

    · Gait and Motor Coordination (awkward, staggering, shuffling, rigid, trembling with intentional movement or at rest), posture (slouched, erect), work speed, any noteworthy mannerisms or gestures


    Manner and Approach


    · Interpersonal Characteristics and Approach to Evaluation (oppositional/resistant, submissive, defensive, open and friendly, candid and cooperative, showed subdued mistrust and hostility, excessive shyness)

    · Behavioral Approach (distant, indifferent, unconcerned, evasive, negative, irritable, depressive, anxious, sullen, angry, assaultive, exhibitionistic, seductive, frightened, alert, agitated, lethargic, needed minor/considerable reinforcement and soothing)

    · Speech (normal rate and volume, pressured, slow, accent, enunciation quality, loud, quiet, impoverished)

    · Eye Contact (makes, avoids, seems hesitant to make eye contact)

    · Expressive Language (no problems expressing self, circumstantial and tangential responses, anomia, difficulties finding words, misuse of words in a low-vocabulary-skills way, misuse of words in a bizarre-thinking-processes way, echolalia or perseveration, mumbling)

    · Note if English is not primary language here and comment on their command of the language

    · Receptive Language (normal, able to comprehend questions, difficulty understanding questions)

    · Recall and Memory (could explain recent and past events in their personal history, recalls three words (e.g., Cadillac, zebra, and purple) immediately after two rehearsals, and then again five minutes later (five minutes is how long it takes for information to move from short-term to long term memory). If they can’t, you can prompt them (e.g., Was the first one a kind of tree, color, or car? A car, OK was it a Camero, Continental, or Cadillac?)






    Orientation, Alertness, and Thought Processes


    · Orientation (person, place, time, presidents, your name)

    · Alertness (sleepy, alert, tired for working late, dull and uninterested, highly distractible)

    · Coherence (responses were coherent and easy to understand, simplistic and concrete, lacking in necessary detail, overly detailed and difficult to follow)

    · Concentration and Attention (based on Digit Span and attention to your questions, serial 7’s or 3’s (count backwards from 100 to 50 by 7s or 3s), naming the days of the week or months of the year in reverse order, spelling their last name, or the ABC’s backwards)

    · Thought Processes (could/could not recall the plot of a favorite movie or book logically, difficult to understand line of reasoning, showed loose associations, confabulations, flight of ideas, ideas of reference, illogical thinking, grandiosity, magical thinking, obsessions, perseveration, delusions, reports of experiences of depersonalization)

    · Hallucinations and Delusions (presence, absence, denied visual but admitted olfactory and auditory, denied but showed signs of them during testing, denied except for times associated with the use of substances, denied while taking medications). Mock Mental Status Exam

    · Judgment and Insight (based on explanations of what they did, what happened, and if they expected the outcome, good, poor, fair, strong)

    · Intellectual Ability (roughly average, above average, or below average based on answers to questions like “name last four presidents,” “who is the governor of the state,” “what is the capitol of the state,” “what direction does the sun set,” etc…)

    · Abstraction Skills These are based on proverbs and sayings (“What do people mean when they say…”), similarities (“How are a ______ and a ______ alike? Different?”), and giving both definitions for word (“What are two different meanings for ‘right,’ ‘bit,’ and ‘left’?”)


    Mood and Affect


    · Mood or how they feel most days (happy, sad, despondent, melancholic, euphoric, elevated, depressed, irritable, anxious, angry).

    · Affect or how they felt at a given moment (comments can include range of emotions like broad, restricted, blunted, flat, inappropriate, labile, consistent with the content of the conversation and facial expressions, pessimistic, optimistic) as well as inappropriate signs (began dancing in the office, verbally threatened examiner, cried while discussing a happy event and cannot explain why). Think of the weather, which varies slightly from day to day. Mock Mental Status Exam

    · Rapport (easy to establish, initially difficult but easier over time, difficult to establish, tenuous, easily upset)

    · Facial and Emotional Expressions (relaxed, tense, smiled, laughed, became insulting, yelled, happy, sad, alert, day-dreamy, angry, smiling, distrustful/suspicious, tearful when discussing such and such)

    · Suicidal and Homicidal Ideation (ideation but no plan or intent, clear/unclear plan but no intent, ideation coupled with clear plan and intent to carry it out)

    · Risk for Violence (fair, low, high, uncertain, effected by substance use)

    · Response to Failure on Test Items (unaware, frustrated, anxious, obsessed, unaffected)

    · Impulsivity (low medium, high, effected by substance use)

    · Anxiety (note level of anxiety, any behaviors that indicated anxiety, ways they handled it)

    · Defense Mechanisms observed

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    Mental Status Exam Report Sample

    Note: The brackets help to identify the specific area each paragraph addresses. You do not have to include this in your write-up (i.e., leave the bracketed material out).

    [Appearance & Behavior] Susan C. is a 5’4” single White female of average weight. At the time of the interview, she had a pasty white complexion and several scars from adolescent acne. She presented herself in a cooperative, friendly manner during the interview, was appropriately dressed for the season, and answered questions in a direct fashion. Her eye contact was appropriate. Psychomotor activity was within normal limits as she moved comfortably during the interview. No atypical physical characteristics were noted. Her speech patterns and expressive/receptive language were within normal limits. No evidence of current drug or alcohol intoxication was observed. Mock Mental Status Exam

    [Sensorium and Mental Ability] During the interview, Susan C. appeared alert and oriented x 4. While not formally assessed, she appears to have average to above average intelligence as evidenced by her vocabulary and reported GPA in college. There was no difficulty with questions assessing her recent or remote memory, or mathematical calculations. Some abstract thinking difficulty was observed in her difficulty describing what the difference was between a lie and a mistake.

    [Thought] Susan displayed a logical, sequential, coherent flow of thought. No tangential thinking, flight of ideas, or looseness of associations were noted. Thought content appeared to be within normal limits. No evidence of hallucinations, delusions, paranoid ideation, or ruminations was apparent. No compulsions or obsessions were reported.

    [Sensory Motor and Perceptual Processes] Sensory motor and perceptual processes appeared within normal limits. Susan C. was able to adequately duplicate the drawing of a clock. There was no evidence of fine motor tremor, auditory, or perceptual difficulties.

    [Affect and Mood] During the interview, Susan displayed a moderately depressed affect. While eye contact was appropriate, she seldom smiled even when an amusing incident occurred while we were in the office. Her voice tone had monotone qualities and she often sighed during the interview. She verbalized feeling depressed since her recent miscarriage (3 weeks ago). No history of manic-like symptoms was reported. She denied suicidal and homicidal ideation. There was no evidence of a risk for violence or impulsivity. [Self-regulation] Susan C. displayed adequate impulse control and judgment. These interview qualities are consistent with her history. Mock Mental Status Exam

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    COUN 521 Mental Status Exam Grading Rubric – 100 points total

    Criteria Levels of Achievement

    (70 Points)


    (92 – 100%)


    (84 – 91 %)



    Not present
    Appearance/ Psychomotor: 15 – 16 points


    This section clearly addresses and covers the client’s presenting appearance, suitability, basic grooming and hygiene, gait and motor coordination.

    14 points

    This section reasonably addresses and covers the client’s presenting appearance, suitability, basic grooming and hygiene, gait and motor coordination.

    1- 13 points

    This section minimally addresses and does not cover the client’s presenting appearance, suitability, basic grooming and hygiene, gait and motor coordination.

    0 points

    Not present

    Manner and Approach:


    17- 18 points


    This section clearly addresses and covers the client’s interpersonal characteristics and attitude towards evaluation; behavioral approach; speech; eye contact; expressive and receptive language; recall and memory.

    16 points


    This section reasonably addresses and covers the client’s interpersonal characteristics and attitude towards evaluation; behavioral approach; speech; eye contact; expressive and receptive language; recall and memory.

    1 – 15 points


    This section minimally addresses and does not cover the client’s interpersonal characteristics and attitude towards evaluation; behavioral approach; speech; eye contact; expressive and receptive language; recall and memory.

    0 points


    Not present

    Orientation, Alertness, Thought Processes: 17- 18 points


    This section minimally addresses and covers the client’s orientation; coherence; concentration and attention; thought processes; hallucinations and delusions; judgment and insight; intellectual ability; abstraction skills.

    16 points


    This section reasonably addresses and covers the client’s orientation; coherence; concentration and attention; thought processes; hallucinations and delusions; judgment and insight; intellectual ability; abstraction skills.

    1 – 15 points


    This section minimally addresses and does not cover the client’s orientation; coherence; concentration and attention; thought processes; hallucinations and delusions; judgment and insight; intellectual ability; abstraction skills.

    0 points


    Not present

    Mood and Affect:


    17 – 18 points


    This section clearly addresses and covers the client’s mood; affect; rapport; facial and emotional expressions; suicidal and homicidal ideation; risk for violence; impulsivity.

    16 points


    This section reasonably addresses and covers the client’s mood; affect; rapport; facial and emotional expressions; suicidal and homicidal ideation; risk for violence; impulsivity.

    1 – 15 points


    This section minimally addresses and does not cover the client’s mood; affect; rapport; facial and emotional expressions; suicidal and homicidal ideation; risk for violence; impulsivity.

    0 points


    Not present

    Structure (30%) Advanced Proficient  



    Not present

    Paper: Grammar and Spelling


    14 – 15 points

    Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

    Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures.

    13 points

    Spelling and grammar has some errors. Sentences are presented as well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures.

    1 – 12 points

    Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed.

    0 points

    Not present


    Length and APA Formatting

    14 – 15 points

    Paper is 2 – 3 pages in length (not including the title and reference page). Paper is formatted in APA including font, title page, margins, and section headings. Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format.


    13 points

    Paper is 1 page in length. Paper is mostly formatted in APA including font, title page, margins, and section headings.

    Where applicable, references are cited with nearly accurate APA formatting.

    1 – 12 points

    Paper is less than 1 page in length. Paper is not accurately formatted in APA including font, title page, margins, and section headings.

    Where applicable, references are minimally or not cited in current APA format.

    0 points


    Not present

    Total Advanced Proficient Developing Not present


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    COUN 521

    Mental Status Exam

    One task in the initial interview is a gathering of information about the client’s mental status. You already have gathered background information in the initial interview. Now you are going to write up the Mental Status Exam (MSE) portion of that initial interview. In the initial interview report, you mainly focused of what the client revealed to you. For the MSE, most of what you report on will be based on your observations from that initial interview (appearance, behaviors, mood, affect, thought processes, etc.). These observations provide information about the client that is not readily discernable from the initial interview data.

    For this assignment, you will continue to use yourself or the character, or “alter ego,” that you interviewed for the initial interview. Remember, the client that you selected is a relatively well-adjusted individual who has already passed the initial interview process with the referring agency. Therefore, your MSE will mainly indicate functioning that is considered within the normal limits (WNL) of adaptive functioning. Mock Mental Status Exam

    Your paper will be structured according to the headings provided in the Drummond text on page 310-11. This project must be 2–3 pages (excluding title page), double-spaced, APA formatted in a Word document, with no abstract.

    Important points regarding the Initial Interview:

    1. Because the psychological evaluation was not be performed for clinical, forensic, or legal reasons, your character did not have a life-threatening medical condition, a chronic or debilitating psychological disorder, or an extensive criminal history.

    2. Report all MSE information. The MSE is worth 100 points, so be thorough.

    Format of the Mental Status Exam:

    1. Gather the MSE information using the categories from page 310-11 of the text and the “How to conduct a Mental Status Exam” handout. Report the information using the Mental Status Exam Rubric as a guideline. Remember, you will use this information for another project. As you can see there are various ways to organize and present MSE information (e.g., the text, the handout, and the sample is up to you). However, for this assignment, make sure that you have all of the information required on the rubric. Mock Mental Status Exam

    2. Please make sure to note if the functioning is adaptive. For example, if no delusional thoughts are present, state it. If you do not specifically note this, the reader does not know if the client did not have delusions or if the counselor simply forgot to ask.

    3. Written in the third person (e.g., “Mr. Jones is a 42 years old…,” “His greatest strengths are…”).

    4. Your paper requires a title page (not included in the page count). Title the first page of your paper “Mental Status Exam”. Your report must be APA formatted.

    5. Be sure that the information is consistent with the Initial Interview. Remember that your client is a well-adjusted individual that does not present signs of severe pathology.

    Categories of Mental Status Exam from the Text

    Appearance: How was the client dressed and groomed (e.g., neat, disheveled, unkempt)?

    Behavior/Psychomotor Activity: Did the client exhibit slow movement, restlessness, or agitation? Did the client have any unusual behaviors such as tics, mannerisms, gestures?

    Attitude Toward Examiner: Was the client’s attitude toward the examiner cooperative, friendly, attentive, defensive, hostile, evasive, guarded, and so forth?

    Affect and Mood: Did the client have sad, angry, depressed, or anxious mood? Was the client emotionally responsive (affect)? Was affect congruent with mood?

    Speech: How was the quantity, rate of production, and quality of the client’s speech (e.g., minimal—mostly yes and no answers; talkative; rapid/pressured speech)?

    Perceptual Disturbances: Did the client experience hallucinations or illusions? If so, what sensory system did they involve (e.g., auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile)?

    Thought: Did the client have any disturbances in thought process, which involves the rate of thoughts and how they flow and are connected (e.g., racing thoughts, flight of ideas, tangential). Were there any disturbances in thought content, such as delusions, obsessions, preoccupations, or suicidal or homicidal thoughts?

    Orientation: Was the client aware of (a) the date and time, (b) where he or she was, and

    (c) who the people around him or her were (i.e., oriented to time, place, and person)?

    Memory: How was the client’s recent memory (e.g., what did he or she have for breakfast?) and remote memory (e.g., memories from childhood)?

    Concentration and Attention: Was the client’s concentration or attention impaired? Was the client distractible?

    Information and Intelligence: Can the client accomplish mental tasks that would be expected of a person of his or her educational level and background?

    Judgment and Insight: Does the client have the capacity for social judgment? Does the client have insight into the nature of his or her illness?

    Reliability: How accurately was the client able to report his or her situation?

    Categories of Mental Status Exam from the Handout

    Appearance: Presenting Appearance (including sex, chronological and apparent age, ethnicity, build, physical deformities, Basic Grooming and Hygiene (plus appropriateness of attire, accessories like glasses or a cane; Gait and Motor Coordination (plus posture, work speed, any noteworthy mannerisms or gestures). Mock Mental Status Exam

    Manner and ApproachInterpersonal Characteristics and Approach to Evaluation (resistant, submissive, defensive, open and friendly, candid and cooperative, showed subdued mistrust and hostility, excessive shyness); Behavioral Approach (distant, indifferent, anxious, alert, etc.) Speech (normal rate and volume, pressured, slow, etc.); Eye Contact ; (makes, avoids, etc.); Expressive Language (circumstantial and tangential responses, mumbling, etc.); Receptive Language (normal, difficulty understanding questions); Recall and Memory (could explain recent and past events in their personal history, recalls three words, etc.).

    Orientation, Alertness, and Thought Processes: Orientation (person, place, time); Alertness (sleepy, alert); Coherence (coherent and easy to understand, overly detailed and difficult to follow); Concentration and Attention (naming the days of the week in reverse order, ABC’s backwards); Thought Processes (loose associations, flight of ideas, delusions); Hallucinations and Delusions Judgment and Insight; Intellectual Ability; Abstraction Skills

    Mood and Affect: Mood (feels most days: happy, sad, anxious, angry); Affect (felt at any given moment); Rapport (easy to establish, easily upset); Facial and Emotional Expressions (relaxed, tense, smiled, laughed); Suicidal and Homicidal Ideation; Risk for Violence; Impulsivity


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