Discussion Questions Industrial Organization Psychology

Discussion Questions Industrial Organization Psychology

Discussion Questions Industrial Organization Psychology


8 Discussion questions. Must be at minimum 150-word response to EACH question

Include citations and references. NO Plagiarism

An I/O psychologist is trained to be a scientist-practitioner, or someone who is able to conduct scientific research and apply principles to problems of organizations. Students are exposed to procedures for applying principles of the field, as well as to research methodology. A master’s degree can be completed in about two years, while a Ph.D. can be completed in about four to six years by a person who has a bachelor’s degree. Programs vary, but a master’s program will include coursework on research methodology and the various areas of the I/O field.


1. Class, what if any is your interest in Industrial and Organizational Psychology ?


Industrial Organizational psychologists in the United States follow the code of ethics developed by the American Psychological Association (APA). The code of ethics consists of six principles.

1. Competence( has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to do the work)

2. Integrity ( fair and honest in their dealings)

3. Professional and scientific responsibility ( high standards of professional behavior)

4. Respect for people’s rights and dignity (confidentiality and privacy)

5. Concern for other’s welfare (help others with their work)

6. Social responsibility (use their skills to benefit society)


2. Class, which principle if any best describes your personal conviction to the helping profession? Which do you consider most important for public service? Explain.



3. Class, Based on the information presented on the founders of I/O psychology, which founder’s contribution did you find to be most interesting? Why?



4. What is Industrial and Organizational Psychology ?



Research is often conducted with participants. When using participants researchers must obtain informed consent forms. These forms explain the nature of a study and what is expected of the subjects. They also inform the subjects that they can withdraw from the experiment at any time. Common research terms include;


1. Research design- the structure of research study

2. Variable- A characteristic of a person or thing that changes

3. Generalizability- of results means that the conclusions of a study can be extended to other groups of people, organizations, settings, or situations

4. Control- refers to procedures that allow researchers to rule out certain explanations for results other than the hypotheses they wish to test

5. Measurement- is the process of assigning numbers to characteristics of people or things

6. Descriptive statistics- summarize the results of the study

7. Inferential statistics- help interpret the results using a variety of statistical tests


5. Class, how important is research as it applies to I/O psychology? Develop a general research question then a specific question in the area of I/O. Create a hypothesis based on your question.


In this chapter of the textbook, the various research designs used in the field of industrial and organizational psychology are discussed. Research design refers to the structure of the study. The four designs discussed include experiments, survey designs, observational designs, and qualitative studies. Experiments are a type of research design which researchers assign subjects to conditions created by the researcher. This type of research design tends to occur in the laboratory setting. In a survey design, subjects answer questions in interviews or on questionnaires. Observational designs involve researchers observing others in a real setting. Qualitative research is a research design which uses the least amount of statistics (Spector, 2012).


Spector, P. E. (2012). Industrial and organizational psychology: Research and practice (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


6. Class, which if any research design do you have experience? Which design do you prefer and why?



Research is the foundation of both the practice and the science of I/O. Industrial Organizational Psychologists are hired to provide research skills so that questions concerning whether or not programs work can be determined scientifically. l/O psychologists conduct ongoing research and apply this research to the workplace. In this way, they continue to advance the field. Researchers must ensure the reliability and validity of experiments. Reliability is the consistency of measurement across repeated observations of a variable for the same subject. Validity has to do with the inferences that are made about what an observed score measures or represents.


7. What ethical concerns should researchers guard against as they conduct this research?



8. Explain Classical Measurement Theory