Theory Paper Graduate Level
Theory Paper Graduate Level
COU 510 Theory Worksheet
Overview: You will be submitting this worksheet at the end of Week Two. You should have notes within each column and plan on adding to it throughout the course. This worksheet does not need to go into great detail, but it should have brief notes within the last three columns. (The first four columns may have just a word or phrase.) You can add to the chart throughout the course. By the end of Week One, you should have the following theories filled in to keep you on track.
· Ecological Systems Theory
· Psychoanalytic Theory
· Behaviorism Theory
You will receive feedback on this worksheet and continue to add to it as you learn more about how these developmental theories apply to different aspects of the lifespan. This is also an excellent tool to use as you study for your licensing exam.
Theory | Identifying Characteristics | Associated Theorists | Continuity or Discontinuity | Nature or Nurture | What are the ethical, legal, and cultural concerns? | Describe how this theory applies to different aspects of the lifespan. | How can this theory be applied in the counseling field? |
Ecological Systems Theory | Different environments that surround a child i.e. microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem
Urie Bronfenbrenner | Continuity | nurture | It examines the effects of the relations between a child and its immediate environment (Ryan, 2001). Also examines the role of culture in the development of a child. The theory states how the society should handle individuals during the different stages of development. | The theory examines the different environments and how they influence the development of a child (Ryan, 2001). This states how an individual develops different characteristics throughout their lifespan. | Counselors can utilize this theory to examine the behavioral development of an individual. They can use this theory to base their advice on different behavioral aspects. |
Psychoanalytic Theory | Personality traits i.e. ID, Ego and Super Ego. | Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson | Discontinuity | nurture | Enables understanding of human character (Klein, 1976).
Enables control of human relations.
This theory explains the development of human character as they grow (Klein, 1976). | It can be useful to identify the influence of the experiences of individuals in their behavior. |
Behaviorism Theory | Behavior and learning.
Also associated with responses to stimulus. |
John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B.F. Skinner | discontinuity | Nurture | Enhancing the learning of behavior, teaches moral behavior and cultural practices (Ormrod & Davis, 2004). Provides legal knowledge to individuals. | Explains how various stimulus influences responses and repetition of the same process leads to the development of behavior (Ormrod & Davis, 2004). | Enables examination of the cause of certain behaviors.
Can also be used to correct bad habits developed by individuals through avoiding the stimulus. |
Klein, G. S. (1976). Psychoanalytic theory: An exploration of essentials. Intl Universities Pr Inc.
Ormrod, J. E., & Davis, K. M. (2004). Human learning. London: Merrill.
Ryan, D. P. J. (2001). Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. Retrieved January, 9, 2012.
COU 510 Week Two Theory Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric
Overview:This assignmentwillallowyou toorganize your thoughts about the following theories: ecological systems, psychoanalytic, andbehaviorism. Each theory gives aunique lens toviewandcomprehenddevelopmentacross the lifespan. Havingastrong foundational knowledgeindevelopmental theories is essential forcounselors, as it provides the basic framework forunderstandingage-appropriate andnormative development.
Prompt: You will be submitting the TheoryWorksheet at the endofWeekTwo. You shouldhave noteswithin each columnandplanonadding to it throughout the course. Thisworksheetdoesnotneed to go intogreat detail, but it should have a brief summarywithin the last columnsoyoucanadd to the chart throughout the course. By the endof thisweek you shouldhave the following theories filled in tokeepyouon track.
! Ecological Systems Theory ! PsychoanalyticTheory ! BehaviorismTheory
You will receivefeedbackon thisworksheetandcontinue toadd to it as you learnmore abouthow these developmental theories apply todifferentaspects of the lifespan. This is alsoanexcellent tool touse as you study foryour licensingexam.
Specifically the followingcritical elementsmustbe addressed: I. Identify characteristicsof each theory. II. Describe howeach theory applies todifferentaspects of the lifespan. III. Explainhow this theory canbe applied in the counseling field.
Rubric Guidelines forSubmission:Yourassignmentmustbe submittedas a 2- to 4-page document thatutilizes the TheoryWorksheetwithdoublespacing, 12-point TimesNewRoman font, one-inchmargins, and sources cited inAPA format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Not Evident (0%) Value Characteristics Identifies characteristics of each theory Does not identify characteristics of each theory 30
Lifespan Describes how each theory applies to different aspects of the lifespan
Does not describehow each theory applies to different aspects of the lifespan
Application Explains howthis theory can be applied to the counseling field
Does not explain howthis theory can be applied to the counseling field
Articulation of Response Submission is freeof errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understandingof ideas
Total 100%